Gov’t Protects Jewish Buildings

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Outgoing Culture Minister István Hiller decided last week on the protection of 51 buildings, all of them situated in Budapest’s former Jewish ghetto area in District 7.

Hiller, who has resigned from his culture minister position to focus on his duties as President of majority coalition force Hungarian Socialist Party (MSZP), acted fast on the protection, because the area will soon be rehabilitated in a giant real estate project called “Madách passage.” The project will create a walkway area ranging from Madách tér to the Nagykörút, and many buildings will be demolished in the process.

The decree passed by Hiller will give the buildings in question the strongest possible protection by declaring them historic monuments. Most of the 51 buildings are housing estates built in the 19th century, while several buildings are part of Budapest’s Jewish heritage, including the Temple of Heroes, built in 1930, the Jewish Museum, a ritual bath in Kazinczy utca and the headquarters of Hungarian Jewish Association MAZSIHISZ in Síp utca. Also included in the list are the former Hungária Bath, which has been partly demolished leaving only its secessionist facade standing, and a modern building of 1962 in Dob utca.