Brit tudósok: újfajta videojáték egy férfi wc-ben

Brit tudósok: újfajta videojáték egy férfi wc-ben

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Angliában megint domborítottak a tudósok: újfajta videojátékot találtak ki a tisztább férfi wc-k érdekében.

Angliában megint domborítottak a tudósok: újfajta videojátékot találtak ki a tisztább férfi wc-k érdekében. A lényeg, hogy amerre céloz az illető, arra fordul egy sielő a képernyőn. Ha tökéletes a célzás, akkor egyenesen lefelé siklik - és nem megy mellé semmi.



The idea appeared in Amsterdam's Schiphol airport - painted on the inside of the men's urinals are little bluebottles.

The airport designers found that simply giving men something to 'aim' at meant that there was less mess on the floor for the cleaners to deal with.

Now a British company has gone one step further: and created a urinal equipped with a video screen, so 'aiming' left and right steers a snowboarder down a slope.

More expert marksmen can also answer quiz questions.

The system has taken four years to develop - and, thankfully, won't need Britain's publicans to take a sledgehammer to their existing porcelain.

The system works by a clip-on LED screen at the top of the urinal, and a motion sensor aimed down into the 'business' area of the urinal.

Because it doesn't use liquid sensors or cameras, the makers hope that disagreeable cleaning tasks will be kept to a minimum.

What effect this will have on the hygiene of the facilities remains to be seen - although makers Captive Media are confident that it will persuade men to aim broadly in the 'right' direction.

Above the urinal is a 12-inch LED screen, which displays the game - with a quick advert first, as hard-up pub owners aren't going to install the things for fun.

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