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MTI English version

"The Presidents speech reflected his moral programme"

The President's Sunday evening speech reflected his moral programme, according to Ferenc Weber, his head of press relations. He was
... accusations from several government politicians who said the speech was just "oil on the
"The speech reflected his moral programme," he said, defining the office of president of the republic as
... Laszlo Solyom's speech had reflected firm moral and constitutional principles. The content of the speech was appropriate
... promises, then democracy is threatened by a loss of credibility." The President had been obliged to speak on Sunday evening because

hvg.hu English version


Sunday's local elections have overturned all previous assumptions, according to Marketingcentrum's head of research. Bela Marian told HVG.hu that
... events of recent weeks have driven left-wing voters away from the polls. With his speech on Sunday evening, furthermore
The events of the last two weeks following the leaking of Gyurcsany's speech to Socialist MPs in Oszod and
... evaporated since the beginning of September. Bela Marian said: "Our poll at the beginning of September showed that public
... different from that in the rest of the country, and also that party affiliation has a lesser role to play throughout

hvg.hu English version

Gyurcsany tables a confidence vote

Ferenc Gyurcsany has tabled a vote of confidence against himself while simultaneously congratulating the opposition on its local
.... Gyurcsany has had Parliament recalled on Friday. The leader of the opposition labelled the move a deceitful
Gyurcsany said politics had to be taken back from the streets and put back inside the walls of Parliament.
... local elections were an expression of voter opinion. Voters had expressed a critical opinion of the government's policies. He
... the party's victory. Viktor Orban, the president of Fidesz, said the confidence vote was a "deceitful, cheap

hvg.hu English version

Solyoms press conference

It is for Parliament to choose a prime minister, said Laszlo Solyom, the president of the republic on Sunday. He added that
He said: "Now Parliament has the right to act. The government is responsible to Parliament. Parliament chooses
... Parliament to regain the necessary trust of society. The parliamentary majority holds the key to solving
... been seen since 17 September, he said: "It would be to the detriment of the country if things continued to move forward in

hvg.hu English version

On the scene

Tamas Molnar, one of the leaders of the Kossuth ter demonstrations, told hvg.hu that Orban would not deliver a speech on
.... Earlier, there had been rumours that Viktor Orban would head to the square this
The Group for a New Hungary (the group of demonstrators led by the architect Imre Makovecz) would not be able
..., since everyone would head to the National Committee's stage. The remainder of the evening would be filled
... Usztics. There had been rumours that the Group for a New Hungary had invited Viktor Orban to give a speech on Kossuth ter at nine

hvg.hu English version

"An expression of will"

The Socialist Party has suffered a historic defeat in the local elections, according to Viktor Orban, who claimed
The president of the opposition Fidesz party said at a post-election press conference: "The elections were an
... lies. Hungarians like truth, peace and straight talking, he said, and this was reflected in the way they had voted. Orban called on
..., the prime minister, and his government not to "stand in the way of the will of the people," and

HVG English version

"I have no talent for political hysteria"

are the words of the 89-year-old novelist Magda Szabo, who has just been made an honorary citizen of Budapest. She
We are sitting in a small village in Pest county. You recently moved away from Budapest, the city of which you have just been made an
... citizen. Were you escaping? © Marton Szilvia I very much enjoyed living in Budapest. It was the gate that opened up first
... world for me. My jobs also tied me to the city. The theatres, the Academy, Parliament were all nearby. But as

MTI Világ

Condi Rice nem akar amerikai elnök lenni

Condoleezza Rice amerikai külügyminiszter kizárta, hogy az elnöki posztot megpályázza 2008-ben a Republikánus Párt színeiben. A State Departement
tartja magát, és alig várja, hogy megbízatása lejártával visszatérhessen a Stanfordi Egyetemre, és "valami mással foglalkozhasson". A

hvg.hu English version

From Takacs to Csurka

Following a flurry of rival petitions on Monday, the spontaneous political groupings that represent the Kossuth ter
... sustain the illusion of unity. Nonetheless, fractures are beginning to show, not just between the rival groups, but
... Budahazy, currently sought by the police, has condemned Andras Takacs, one of the demonstration's leaders. And if you
The leaders of the two main groups behind the Kossuth ter demonstrations, the Hungarian National
... Committee (FNB), insist the two organisations are at one with each other, and that there no differences of opinion between them. Andras
... Jozsef Halasz claim only their groups have the right to speak for the Kossuth ter protesters. Perhaps – but over

hvg.hu English version

Party or personality?

It is impossible to forecast accurately the outcome of the local elections. Nor is it clear how Gyurcsany's leaked speech
... affect public opinion. But certain trends do emerge from a Median poll conducted for HVG over the past few
already strong by international standards, grew stronger between 2002 and 2006, as is well shown by people's expectations for the
... elections. The proportion of people who regard a mayor's party allegiance as a major influence on their decision has risen from 20 per
... cent. Voters for the coalition parties are more convinced by the argument that „the current mayor should

hvg.hu English version

Regrettable events

It was police passivity that allowed a series of demonstrations held in response to a private speech given by Ferenc Gyurcsany to
... of world attention. On a leaked recording of the speech, the Prime Minister acknowledged that the governing
... political survival in the previous parliamentary cycle and that the government had lied in order to win the
several thousand to storm the headquarters of Hungarian State Television (MTV). For hours, a symbolic water cannon was all police had
... a gathering crowd on Szabadsag ter that was busy setting fire to cars and hurling paving slabs at the MTV building. By 1am
... curious passer-by who wanted to walk inside. A riot control van that fell into the hands of the crowd became a symbol of

English version

Gyurcsany: Lies Speech

An audio tape has been broadcast of a private party speech given in May by Hungary's prime minister in which he admits his party lied to
© AP If I am honest with you, I can say that we are full of doubts. That torment and anguish are behind the self-assurance. I
... exactly that all that we are doing will not be perfect... We did what we could in the past month. We did whatever was possible to do
... the preceding months, making sure that papers on what we were preparing for would not surface in the last weeks of


Szili cáfolja a kiszivárogtatást

Sajnálom, hogy olyannal hozták a nevem összefüggésbe, ami nem igaz - jelentette ki Szili Katalin házelnök a The Sunday Telegraph-ban, a

MTI Itthon

The Times: újjáéledhet a magyar szélsőjobb

Csurka István és barátai megpróbálják kihasználni a jelenlegi magyarországi "hatalmi vákuumot" - áll a The Times szombati
bánnak az antiszemitizmus azon fajtájának hangoztatásával, amely zárt összejöveteleiken "túlhabzik".     A The Times - amelynek cikkét
... felvásárlására irányuló titkos kísérlet részeként" - áll a The Times írásában.     A lap idézi Haraszti Miklós "volt ellenzékit", aki
... vezette Fidesz engedte ki először a palackból.      A The Times idéz Haraszti Miklósnak a magyar jobboldalról írt elemzéséből, amely

hvg.hu English version

The Great Hungarian Reality Show

We are living through the worst crisis in the history of the Third Republic. Events have clearly caught
... government and in opposition, just as in October 1956, the commemoration of which has just become an even bigger problem for
This series of demonstrations, which mercifully has not claimed any lives, was unleashed by the 'secret speech' Ferenc Gyurcsany gave
... leaders and MPs on 26 May. The speech was vulgar, astonishingly cynical, and brutally honest. Two points stand out: that in
... cycle "we did nothing," but that in the six months preceding the elections "we lied, morning, evening and night."

hvg.hu English version


The reporter who covered the Szabadsag ter demonstrations for rolling news channel HirTV was not allowed into Parliament
... Hungarian TV (MTV), had the same TV station's crew escorted out of his channel's press conference. The Free Democrats are
Click on the picture for gallery! © AP The HirTV reporter who reported on the siege of MTV's
... on Tuesday. Police escorted a crew from the rolling news channel out of MTV's open press conference. Zoltan Rudi, president of MTV
... did yesterday was shameful." Katalin Szili, the president of Parliament, was visiting the MTV building. HirTV's crew

hvg.hu English version

Text message: There will be violence

Information gatherers from the company that provides security to a number of high-risk public institutions including Hungarian TV (MTV
... among last night's crowds. Security company In-Kal's investigators warned the TV headquarters' security service in good time of
..., hvg.hu has learned. Thanks to the company, police were aware of the protesters' intentions before the siege
Click on the picture for the gallery! © AP In-Kal security's information gatherers sent text messages to
... service, warning staff that the hooligans were planning a siege. "We headed to Nador utca, and we're now at the TV HQ
... minutes," read a text message sent to a senior security officer. hvg.hu understands In-Kal's staff had informed authorities about the

MTI Világ

FT: a Fidesz sem volt jobb a választási kampányban

A legnagyobb brit konzervatív napilap, a The Daily Telegraph „Egy őszinte magyar” című szerkesztőségi elemzésében azt írta
egyenes módon beszéljenek, amikor a korábban ellazsált reformokkal kell szembenézni - áll a The Daily Telegraph szerdai elemzésében. A

hvg.hu English version

Record of Gyurcsanys speech

A hijacker storms into the cockpit and threatens the crew with a gun. He screams that if they don't follow his orders
... shoot us, who will fly the aeroplane," asks the captain. "I don't think that far ahead," the pirate
A recording of Ferenc Gyurcsany's speech to the Socialist parliamentary group was leaked yesterday, and this was more or less
.... He admitted what that part of the public that can think already knew. He admitted that both sides in this year's parliamentary
... outright lies to further their short-term political goals. The prime minister and his coalition knew that it would be impossible to

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Vance: Ukrajnának tárgyalóasztalhoz kell ülnie az amerikai katonai segélyezés újraindításáért

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