Closer to the source

1 perc

2006.07.04. 10:03

With a potential 6.000 billion forint on the way to Hungary, Fidesz worries about the allocation of EU funds.

Fidesz wants the government to change the distribution of European Union’s funds and restore the regulatory role of the parliament as written in the constitution for improved transparency and clarity, said Nógrádi Zoltán, party spokesperson and Pelczné Gáll Ildikó, associate party leader, in their Friday press conference.

According to the two politicians, the current government as well as the parliament’s National Development Agency has failed to monitor the monetary resources, raising the question of whether or not to trust the government to allocate and spend the EU funds.

The opposition demands the restoration of the parliament’s regulatory role established in the constitution to control the EU funds. It further demands that the MSZP distance its close economic interest groups from the distribution of the funds. Nógrádi was referring to the governing parties’ refusal to endorse the National Development Agency’s ability to regulate.

The Fidesz representatives added that the opposition demands the governing party establish a transparent and clear mechanism for fund distribution, which abides by the terms of the European Union membership. Nógrádi noted that in the upcoming period, the EU could direct 6.000 billion forint to Hungary. However, he hinted at the danger of the ever present political corruption as indicated in a recent evaluation by anti-corruption organization Transparency International.