Tetszett a cikk?

Some 50 protestors have moved from Kossuth ter to protest in front of the Hungarian Television building. The protestors returned to Kossuth ter for reinforcement, and then returned to break down the building's front door. Police vans arrived at 11.30pm. The police have announced that they were launching an investigation into the attackers and would prevent anybody entering the television headquarters.

At 11.30pm, Gyorgy Balo announced in a live broadcast that protestors had broken down the building's fornt door. has learned that police were only able to repel the attackers by using tear gas. Protestors threw stones at the building and tore down an EU flag, which they later replaced. Protestors sung the Szekely anthum and then began singing "Gay Socialists" and "Down with the government." Just about every known football chant was sung on the square, and striking numbers of hoodies were to be seen in the front rows.

The demonstrators originally wanted to read a petition on public television, but security guards prevented this. Later, protestors announced they would return with 10,000 people and occupy the building, Hir TV announced.

Several thousand people are waiting in front of the Hungarian Television building, which is being defended by several dozen policeman. The crowd is advancing and retreating continuously, occasionally entering the building before being forced back out by policemen.

Arpad Szabadfi of Budapest police promised that protestors would not gain entry into public television's headquarters on Szabadsag ter. The police were prepared to use all measures to prevent this, he said.
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