Tetszett a cikk?

Nemcsak gyönyörűnek, hanem törékenynek is mutatják a világunkat azok a fotók, amelyek a londoni Természettudományi Múzeum által létrehozott és lebonyolított Wildlife Photographer of the Year pályázatra érkeztek. A legjobbak közül válogattunk.

Amit Eshel / Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Fernando Constantino Martínez Belmar / Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Carmel Bechler / Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Rachel Bigsby / Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Luca Melcarne / Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Bertie Gregory / Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Lennart Verheuvel / Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Mike Korostelev / Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Knut Sverre Horn / Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Juan Jesús Gonzalez Ahumada / Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Agorastos Papatsanis / Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Sriram Mural / Wildlife Photographer of the Year