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hvg.hu English version

PM Appoints Monetary Council Members

Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány named four new members to the monetary council of the National Bank of Hungary (MNB
... amendment to the Central Bank Act in December 2004 that allows the PM to add members to the main decision
Of the four new members, two, Tamás Bánfi and Csaba Csáki, are department heads of Corvinus University. The
..., when the mandate of current members Henrik Auth and Péter Adamecz will end. From then on, the council will
... the MNB President and the vice-president responsible for monetary policy. Four of the ordinary

MTI Gazdaság

Ötezermilliárd dolláros adósságtömeg jelenik meg a világpiacon

tartalmazza - mondták csütörtökön a Standard and Poor's szakértői, miután a nemzetközi hitelminősítő közzétette idei globális szuverén
szuverén adósminősítésekért felelős vezérigazgatója - az MTI kérdésére, hogy az S and P számít-e a magyar eurócsatlakozás csúszására
... a csúszások", és a Standard and Poor's nem számol azzal, hogy a következő években jelentős lefelé irányuló nyomás nehezedne a magyar
... and Poor's csütörtökön Londonban kiadott 2005-ös globális szuverén adósi előrejelzése szerint a világ vállalatai és kormányai az idén

hvg.hu English version

Film Studio Company Established

Korda Film Studio Kft. has been set up by Cyprus-registered Zanova Investments Ltd. as majority owner and Euroinvest Central European
established already. Korda Film Studio Kft. was registered with HUF 265 million in equity and its mailing address is the
... company’s operating address is the outskirts of Etyek, and its registered activities include real estate management
... Demján announced last year that he will build a huge film studio, with financial and professional help from Hungarian-American film

hvg.hu English version

Hospitals Choose Corporate Status

The Budapest Mayor’s Office approved requests from two hospitals to transform into public benefit companies (Kht.), a status giving them
Following the example of Budapest-based Schöpf-Merei Hospital, which turned into a Kht. in December 2004, now Budai Pediatric Hospital
... Budai Pediatric Hospital, which operates 105 beds. The Budapest Municipality preserves its 100% ownership of the new Kht
... hospital companies will be entitled to use the land and the buildings only for the purposes

hvg.hu English version

Hungexpo Privatization Nears End

Three bids have been submitted for the privatization of a majority stake in Hungexpo Rt., a state-owned trade fair and
Budapest and Pécs. The group includes V.H.V. Kft., owned by György Vas, the owner of Mágnáskert Étterem
... 35,000 hectares of land near Ferihegy Airport, and Hungexpo’s employee share ownership organization. The involvement of
... Out of six contenders, three consortia gave bids for Hungexpo by the Jan. 11 deadline, suggesting that the government

hvg.hu English version

Gov’t Hikes Electricity Prices

Electricity prices will increase between 4.3% and 12% as of Feb. 15, according to a government decision that aims to support
price scheme that introduces special tariffs for the poor and hikes prices for corporate customers and
... socially friendly tariffs and is not expected to burden the tight central budget. The resulting pricing
..., mostly commercial users and institutions, will face a 12% increase of electricity prices – or close to three times the

hvg.hu English version

State Pays For Bad Housing Loans

The Hungarian state will bail out debtors who have not paid their installments for at least six months on their housing loans taken
Thus the government applies a state guarantee granted in 1992, and will pay OTP Bank Rt. for the bad loans
... receive compensation for the due capital, interest and other fees. In 2005, the state will pay for bad loans
... property they live in and their total family income does not exceed HUF 37,000 per head a month. Once the state takes over

hvg.hu English version

Opposition Party In Large Makeover

Largest opposition party Fidesz has been losing ground since the unsuccessful referendum in December 2004. However, the
... as the governing parties suggest. While Fidesz leader Viktor Orbán is seen weakening, allegedly he is working hard in the
By the turn of 2004 and 2005 governing party MSZP has come close to Fidesz in popularity figures, however
... group, leaving MPs and their aides hurt. The trouble reached a quick end when the party’s presidium announced
... deputy Parliamentary group leader Antal Rogán to be campaign chief heading the party’s preparations for the 2006 elections

MTI Gazdaság

Még mindig olcsó a budapesti irodabérleti piac

Jó minőségű irodák jó áron, növekvő kínálat, stabil árak – a Cushman, Wakefield Healey and Baker nemzetközi ingatlantanácsadó cég
írja a Business Space Across the World című kiadványban megjelent összehasonlító tanulmány. A tanácsadó cég budapesti irodapiaccal
... euróval Moszkva a hatodik. A Business Space Accross the World 2005-ös kiadványa az irodabérlet összköltsége szempontjából legdrágább

hvg.hu English version

Chinese Imports Destroy Local Clothing Industry

Producers of branded goods for exports are the only local clothing manufacturers that can expect to survive the boom of
in the future to demand protective measures,” said Gábor Várkonyi, a department head at the Economy and
... Salamander-group and now is owned by Austria’s Lorenz AG, exports all of the shoes it makes. Shoe Fashion Group posted HUF
... be relocated to the Far East, and a few Hungarian companies also plan to replace their domestic suppliers with Chinese

hvg.hu English version

Hungary Mulls Road Tolls For Foreigners

Well ahead of the tourist season, the Finance Ministry plans to introduce road tolls for cars with foreign license plates
other details have not been clarified yet. Officials of the Economy and Transport Ministry said they do not know details
... “The costs of maintaining roads are paid by Hungarian taxpayers, while the number of foreign vehicles using
... [owners of] these vehicles start contributing to the expenses,” Finance Ministry Spokesman Ferenc Pichler said. The

hvg.hu English version

Minister Keeps Party Job

On February 14, the beginning of the sessions at Parliament, István Hiller will resign from his post as Culture Minister
announced that 2005 will be devoted to preparation for the elections, and the MSZP headquarters starts to
... Hiller announced his move at the MSZP’s kick-off assembly for 2005, saying that he will be a full-time president focusing all his
... helping the MSZP win elections in 2006. He added that the current government has highest chances to be re-elected of all

hvg.hu English version

Interview With Finance Minister Tibor Draskovics

Tibor Draskovics (49) is not satisfied with the performance of his ministry. However, he believes spending can be curbed
sees that revenues are a way under the level expected earlier, and there’s no explanation for that? Until the
... VAT reclaims, and only paid the due sum after the National Tax Office (APEH) established that all
... proved. “However, the EU VAT system gives us information on transactions with a three-month delay, and until then we

hvg.hu non-base

EU Tells Hungary To Curb Deficit

The Hungarian government should return to the deficit-cutting program it submitted to the EU last May, said
Finance Ministers last July gave Hungary until Nov. 5, 2004 to make the necessary corrections for plans in 2004 and 2005
... a considerable time, its support from the EU’s Cohesion Funds can be suspended. Besides Hungary, the EU warned
... The Finance Ministers’ warning reaffirmed the European Committee’s (EC) country report of Dec. 22, 2004, which predicted

hvg.hu English version

Minister Expects Record FDI

Economy and Transport Minister János Kóka estimates the amount of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Hungary to reach EUR
... forecast will be matched by statistic figures, 2004 will be the second most successful year – after 1995 – in Hungary’s history of
Medgyessy-led government after some large automotive companies opted for the Czech Republic and Slovakia instead of
..., every investment project exceeding EUR 50 million and of “special national importance” in the manufacturing sector
... Bosch, Electrolux of Sweden, U.S.-based ExxonMobil and Japanese Denso – which invested a total of EUR 382 million in Hungary. Despite

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