Tetszett a cikk?

Korda Film Studio Kft. has been set up by Cyprus-registered Zanova Investments Ltd. as majority owner and Euroinvest Central European Investment Rt., a company owned by real estate tycoon Sándor Demján, as minority owner.

Demján announced last year that he will build a huge film studio, with financial and professional help from Hungarian-American film producer Andy Vajna, in Etyek, Demján’s home village west of Budapest. Company Court registry data now shows that the company managing the project has been established already.

Korda Film Studio Kft. was registered with HUF 265 million in equity and its mailing address is the same as Demján’s residence. The company’s operating address is the outskirts of Etyek, and its registered activities include real estate management, property lease, film production and consulting. One of Korda Film Studio Kft.’s two managing directors is László Krisán, head of Ka-Vosz Rt., owned by the National Association of Entrepreneurs, while the other is István Sokorai, managing director of TriGránit Expo Kft.

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