Tetszett a cikk?

"Depressziós vagyok". "Skizofrén vagyok" - a bélyegek segítségével a nem látható betegségeinkről is beszélhetünk a közösségi oldalainkon.

Egy új, közösségi kampány keretein belül felfedhetjük mentális- és más, nem látható betegségeinket, hogy véget vethessünk a megbélyegzésnek.
A bélyeggyűjtemény egyszerű, online jelvényeket tartalmaz és a 28 éves Kat Selwyn Layton készítette őket.
Az #EndTheStigma bélyegek funkciója, hogy az emberek ezeket az oldalukat is könnyebben megmutathassák, egyszerűbben beszélhessenek betegségükről, vagy az azzal járó tapasztalataikról. A kampány egyik kulcsmondata a "Nem vagy egyedül".
A mentális egészségügyi-mozgalom jó visszajelzéseket kapott, és növekedést tervez.

Inspired by my friend @kayleymills I wanted to share a bit of my mental health journey and my #endthestigma pics. For so long, family, friends and society had me feeling like the way I existed was wrong, and something to be ashamed of, something I shouldn't talk about. And for a long time, I let them. Not anymore. I have depression and have for almost 15 years. I struggle with anxiety, general and social. I self harmed for 5 years, and still consider myself in recovery for that. A lot of factors contributed to this my whole life but what did the most damage I think was the denial. The ignoring, the fake smiling, the self shaming that I had learned along the way that only prolonged my suffering and had me thinking that I was fixing my issues by pretending not to have any. It was only once I surrounded myself with loving, understanding and supportive people that I began to see and face my unabridged self. Do I always love what I see? No, and I don't think anyone does, but I do not hate what I see. I will not hate what I see. I can dislike my disorders without punishing myself for having them. You are not alone, even when you feel you are. You are not alone if you don't want to be. Reach out, ask for help, confide in those you trust, and know that even though you have things you struggle with, it just means you require a little extra, and in no way negates your worth. We're extra y'all! It's not our fault ������ I love you all and you're all bright shiny balls of energy and cuteness and even when you light feels a little dimmer than normal, I still see it. Keep shining babies. ✨#selflove #mentalhealth #hsp #thecrybabyclub #support #feminism #selfcare

The Crybaby Club (@thecrybabyclubofficial) által közzétett fénykép,

#endthestigma #youarenotalone #mentalillnessawareness #mentalillness #dissociation #dissociativedisorder #selflove #respectyourself

Helena ������������ (@helenavuokko) által közzétett fénykép,


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