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Francesco Russo megelégelte, hogy vannak női meg férfi cipők. Ezentúl 35-től egészen 45-ös lábméretig gyárt magas sarkú lábbeliket.

Victoria Beckham kedvenc cipőtervezője, a korábban a Diornak és az Yves Saint Laurentnek is tervező Francesco Russo új kollekciót készített, amelynek különlegessége, hogy a cipőit végre megfosztja a nemi sztereotípiáktól.

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A-Gender. Now available #francescorusso #8ruedevalois From size 35 to 45 Model: Oslo Grace Photographed by Johan Sandberg Gender has nothing to do with shared norms or imposed stereotypes. Gender is an individually constructed notion that follows personal rules. Acknowledging this simple, self-evident truth I have decided to launch  an A-Gender line: a selection of what would be traditionally labelled as men’s and women’s styles available in sizes from 35 to 45. The line up features two of Russo’s iconic hi-heel styles, a pair of seamless lace-ups and Chelsea boots, a pair of tasseled loafers. Shade hand finished calf is the virtuoso trait that characterises the concise offer, meant to grow over the years. A-Gender will be launched in store for immediate availability on September 25. In envisioning the A-Gender line, I simply registered a matter of fact, and acted accordingly. Provocation is not even an option. The project stems from the awareness of the world we live in as humans. @oslograce @studiojohansandberg

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Az A-Gender névre keresztelt kollekcióban többféle lábbeli is megtalálható a 35-östől a 45-ös méretig, így a nők is bátran tudnak eredetileg férfiaknak szánt cipőket a lábukra húzni, és a férfiak is találnak a méretükben elegáns bokacsizmákat vagy magas sarkúkat, ha abban érzik jól magukat.

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A-Gender. Now available #francescorusso #8ruedevalois From size 35 to 45 Model: Oslo Grace @oslograce Photographed by Johan Sandberg @studiojohansandberg Gender has nothing to do with shared norms or imposed stereotypes. Gender is an individually constructed notion that follows personal rules. Acknowledging this simple, self-evident truth I have decided to launch  an A-Gender line: a selection of what would be traditionally labelled as men’s and women’s styles available in sizes from 35 to 45. The line up features two of Russo’s iconic hi-heel styles, a pair of seamless lace-ups and Chelsea boots, a pair of tasseled loafers. Shade hand finished calf is the virtuoso trait that characterizes the concise offer, meant to grow over the years. A-Gender will be launched in store for immediate availability on September 24. In envisioning the A-Gender line, I simply registered a matter of fact, and acted accordingly. Provocation is not even an option. The project stems from the awareness of the world we live in as humans.

A post shared by Francesco Russo (@francescorusso_official) on

Az olasz tervező az Instagramján az új cipőit az egyik legfelkapottabb androgün modellel, Oslo Grace-szel reklámozza.

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A-Gender. Now available #francescorusso #8ruedevalois From size 35 to 45 Model: Oslo Grace @oslograce Photographed by Johan Sandberg @studiojohansandberg Gender has nothing to do with shared norms or imposed stereotypes. Gender is an individually constructed notion that follows personal rules. Acknowledging this simple, self-evident truth I have decided to launch  an A-Gender line: a selection of what would be traditionally labelled as men’s and women’s styles available in sizes from 35 to 45. The line up features two of Russo’s iconic hi-heel styles, a pair of seamless lace-ups and Chelsea boots, a pair of tasseled loafers. Shade hand finished calf is the virtuoso trait that characterizes the concise offer, meant to grow over the years. A-Gender will be launched in store for immediate availability on September 24. In envisioning the A-Gender line, I simply registered a matter of fact, and acted accordingly. Provocation is not even an option. The project stems from the awareness of the world we live in as humans.

A post shared by Francesco Russo (@francescorusso_official) on


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