Tetszett a cikk?

OTP Bank Rt. Chairman and CEO Sándor Csányi is believed to have acquired a 75% stake in Multireklám Outdoor Media Agency Rt., a major player on the Hungarian advertising market.

Multireklám Rt. was founded in November 2004 as a result of the merger of outdoor advertising firm Multireklám Kft., indoor advertising company Indoor Media Kft., integrated advertising and marketing company M-Csoport Holding Kft. and telemarketing company Bell Telemarketing Kft.

The group is now believed to have a new 75%-owner, Bonitás 2002 Investment and Consulting Kft., which was founded by Csányi in March 2002. Company Court registration of the ownership change is under way, HVG has learnt. Most recent registry data show that Multireklám Rt.’s owners are János Sopronyi (founder and owner of M-Csoport, Bell and Multireklám Kft.) and two offshore companies, Luxembourg-based Lintralux Investment S.A. and U.S.-registered Chantillas Investment Group LLC.

Chairman of Multireklám Rt.’s three-member supervisory board is Gábor Horváth, a close aide of Csányi. Horváth is member of the supervisory board of OTP Bank and sits on the board of MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Rt. of which Csányi is deputy-chairman.


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