Not a life-and-death issue
The mayor on the weekends violence
Budapest rejects the aggressive Arpad Flag-toting extermists who call ever more openly for hate against the widest possible range of groups. "In this situation, if I must, I too will be Jewish, Roma or gay," said Gabor Demszky in a statement on Monday. His Free Democrat party is calling for a five-party statement, while Fidesz and the Christian Democrats condemn the government. Meanwhile, the Hungarian Democratic Forum (MDF) are rejecting "Arpad Flag hooliganism".
After hitting rock bottom
CA president John Swainson took to the podium in a Las Vegas conference hall to the sound of upbeat rock music. He had reason to be happy. After hitting rock bottom in 2004, he has managed to return one of the world's largest software companies to market dominance.
The Cattani Group
Iren Karman herself suggested that the violent physical attack she suffered was linked to the film she made about the Cattani Group.'s sources have their doubts. Karman's main source for her film about the criminal gang set up in 1991 was the ex-policeman Ferenc Labancz, so the journalist herself is unlikely to have been party to information damaging to the mafia circle.
Parties does not need to advertise
Viktor Orban is using advertising to fight the silly season. After guerrilla marketing - a strange Hungarian approach, no less - we are now witnessing the anti-political advertising campaign, whereby our politician campaigns under the banner of an anti-campaigning jihad. His idea, that he wanted to see enshrined as a white paper, was not proposed to be accepted, but in order to provoke a rejection.
Record highs
The Budapest Stock Exchange set several new records at the beginning of the week. The BUX rose to new highs as Mol shares were sold by the Rahmikulov family to the Austrian oil company OMV.
On the playgrounds of God and the Devil
Regardless of attempts by protestant German and Catholic Polish bishops to reconcile, regardless of Brandt's kneeling in Warsaw, of Germany's support for Poland's membership of NATO and the EU, there is still no reconciliation, and no Europeanisation. Today, we are further from reconciliation than 20 years ago. And there is no Polish-Russian, German-Czech, Romanian-Hungarian or Slovak-Hungarian reconciliation either, let alone Serb-Croat or Serb-Albanian reconciliation. Endless rounds of new wounds.
On screen
It was ignored by the Party and the country's leaders, but the TV news started exactly 50 years ago in Hungary, at the dawn of the Kadar era.
Bolshevik-dogs and the democratic bacon
If we are to believe the old adage that "Bolshevik dogs don't turn into democratic bacon," then we're depriving democracy of so much bacon that it would die of hunger. But people who profess to believe it aren't serious, because they would not be happy without their ex-Bolshevik dogs. Opposing the honour awarded to Gyula Horn because of his past is a very weak argument. You can't deny everybody an honour for serving a democratic republic just because they also excelled in their service to a dictatorship.
Together at the top
"We were never a political family, but we watched the television news every evening at 7.30 , and then we discussed what we'd seen. That's how I grew up," says the 28-year-old new government spokeswoman.
Bridges of sighs
They're not about to collapse under our feet, but some of the Budapest's bridges over the Danube are in a pretty miserable state. There are still more to come: new crossings are to open both this year and the next.