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Az olasz belügyminiszter Európa új arcaként mosolyog a Time címlapján.

Vészjósló borítóval jelent meg a Time, a bevándorlás-ellenes populistával, Matteo Salvinivel, Olaszország belügyminiszterével, miniszterelnök-helyettessel.

A felirat:

Európa új arca

Salvini pénteken arról beszélt, néhány hónap és közösen kormányozzák majd Orbánnal Európát. A menekülteket pedig rabszolgákhoz hasonlította.

Korábban Orbán is volt már Time-címlapon, diktátorok, Putyin, Duterte és Erdogan társaságában.

A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon

The Italian election in March delivered a humbling defeat to the country’s traditional parties and put @matteosalviniofficial in the position of kingmaker—he chose to ally his far-right party, the League, with the first-place finisher, anti-establishment #FiveStarMovement. The #populist coalition represents a new era in this country’s famously fractious politics. #Salvini grabbed the powerful job of Interior Minister, and is now responsible for Italy’s policing, national security and immigration policies. He is not Italy’s head of government—that job is held by the Five Star Movement’s Giuseppe Conte—but he doesn’t need to be. The parade of foreign dignitaries lining up to meet Salvini leaves little doubt about who calls the shots. Salvini is now seen as the closest thing Italy has to a chief executive. The right-wing leader’s ambitions extend far beyond his country, however—and that’s what is sending jitters through #Europe. Many see him as the leader most capable of piecing together a large group of populist, #nationalist parties in Europe, one that crosses national boundaries in the name of nationalism. In rare, far-ranging interview with TIME in Rome on Sept. 4, Salvini laid out a plan that would not just shake the E.U. to its foundations but also might remake it from the inside out. “Changing Europe is a big goal,” he says. “But I think it is at our fingertips.” Read the full International cover story on Photograph by @marco.p.valli—@cesura_

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