Tetszett a cikk?

In the worse case, the government will have to repay HUF336bn to National Motorway Rt., but it is trying to withhold some HUF100bn of this.

There's little hope of using the budget plan to work out how much the government plans to spend on the transport programme next year. The budget only says that the government will honour the Hungarian Development Bank's outstanding HUF238.1bn debt to National Motorway Rt. The list of investment projects contains no reference to motorways. The Finance Minister dismissed a suggestion made in the autumn that the National Motorway Management Company (AAK) should borrow ?3bn. He was prepared to consider only a "small foreign-currency bond issue" or borrowing from the European Investment Bank.

But even these ideas have changed in the past few days. It would seem that the cabinet intends to force AAK to issue bonds to finance next year's motorway building programmes. But the sums in question would be smaller - only ?1.5-2bn, corresponding to a greatly reduced role for AAK. The government is open about having given up trying to get motorway construction costs off the budget by passing them on to AAK.

The government's awkwardness is fully understandable. Eurostat shot down the government's clever accounting trick at the end of September.

The new task is to make sure that motorways continue being built whilst somehow putting the enterprise on a sound financial footing.

This means that the government must find another way of repaying HUF330bn in loans that it forced the state motorway companies to take out. English version


Following the Polish Left's spectacular defeat, and now that our elections are fast approaching - where there's a good chance of a right-wing government taking the place of our current left-wing party - people are once again pointing to the parallels. It began in 1993, when a post-communist party defeated the party of the regime change. English version


It will be left to the next parliament to modify the agents' law it voted for in May, after the Constitutional Court ruled parts of it unconstitutional. Despite this, there will be plenty of talk of former agents in the coming election campaign. English version


Hungary's government recently increased its budget deficit targets for 2006 and beyond, after the EU required to... English version

Shoddy workmanship

"Building a home is an art," says one of the leading property investors. And it would seem to be a popular art form, given that there have never been so many new homes to choose from on the market. An estimated 10-11,000 apartments are on sale in Budapest. But with growing supply, ever more buyers are complaining of poor quality.

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