Tetszett a cikk?

That there was heavy competition to buy Budapest airport is no surprise. European air traffic liberalisation has led to increased rivalry, and airport operators have benefited from the appearance of budget airlines on the scene.

ACI Europe, an industry association that brings together some 400 airports in 45 European countries recently published a report saying that there were two kinds of airport. Those with inadequate traffic, and those with inadequate capacity. The former had to be mondernised, the latter expanded. In this spirit, European airport operators are planning to invest at least $60bn by 2025. This level of investment is often too much for state owners, which has led to huge growth in private investment in the field, spurred on by privatisations in bother western and eastern Europe.

The second largest airport operator by passenger traffic is the French company Aéroports de Paris (ADP). Last spring, the French government incorporated the company as a 100 per cent state-owned limited company as a first step towards floating it. A first offering is expected in the first half of 2006. The privatisation will follow the British model, as will a planned restructuring of the company. Around the world, airport operators are earning growing sums from letting retail units and other types of property in the airports – an attractive source of revenue, in a world where landing fees are tightly regulated.

Among the eastern European airports, Warsaw remains in state hands, while Prague airport, along with its recently opened new terminal, is to be floated next year. The Czech government is looking not for a strategic partner, but an institutional investor who could finance the airport's expansion.

The Slovak government has received four bids for the sale of a 66 per cent stake in the airports at Bratislava and Kosice. A decision is expected shortly. Flughafen Wien is regarded as the frontrunner, though some suspect the company wants to get its hands on Bratislava airport to prevent it from emerging as a competitor. The privatisation of Varna and Brugas airports in Bulgaria has already resulted in legal action. Copenhagen Airports won the tender, but the contract was annulled by a Bulgarian court, which said the Danish company had insufficient experience. The government had to hold discussions with the two other contenders, Fraport of Germany and Vinci of France, the court ruled. English version

NATO radar

The message is clear: the political decision was clear and timely, the fruit of dialogue and tolerance, it was a wise compromise, a victory for the environmentalists, a success for the civil sector, a success also for Hungarian constitutional democracy, and proof of our commitment to NATO. The only problem with this summation is that none of it is true. English version

Longer novels, less time spent on reading?

"People who write great novels are the ones who can afford to," remarked the literary historian Mátyás Domokos sarcastically. Péter Nádas can afford to write a long novel, because his three volume work Parallel Stories was published in November. English version

István Zvolenszky

For months, Paks nuclear power station has been placing full-page adverts in local and national papers testifying to the generator's safety, to its bright future prospects, to its promise of carbon-free energy, and even about the cheapness of their power. English version

Median poll

The pollsters Medián scored a coup in our civil war-struck political environment. They managed to unite government and opposition parties in Hódmezovásárhely against them.

HVG English version

Is there a crisis?

Hungary is not yet in economic crisis, but it is in trouble, according to László Antal, one of Hungary's leading macroeconomists. The 63-year-old economist has no confidence in either the Finance Ministry's or the Hungarian National Bank's analyses. English version

Csaba László

The Visegrád four have no budget strategy, which is why they rejected Tony Blair's proposals, rather than giving them their serious consideration. Hungary does not know what it wants to achieve with its National Development Plan, according to the CEU professor.

Putyin akár Ukrajnáról is beszélhet csütörtökön a Kreml szóvivője szerint

Putyin akár Ukrajnáról is beszélhet csütörtökön a Kreml szóvivője szerint

Párizs elleni atomtámadás kockázatával is járhat, ha az amerikai atompajzs helyett a francia venné át Európa védelmét

Párizs elleni atomtámadás kockázatával is járhat, ha az amerikai atompajzs helyett a francia venné át Európa védelmét

Kitalált valamit a Lego, és ez komoly hatással lehet a környezetre

Kitalált valamit a Lego, és ez komoly hatással lehet a környezetre

Akcióban a SPHEREx: elindult a NASA űrtávcsöve, ami az univerzum keletkezését kutatja

Akcióban a SPHEREx: elindult a NASA űrtávcsöve, ami az univerzum keletkezését kutatja