Tetszett a cikk?

The pollsters Medián scored a coup in our civil war-struck political environment. They managed to unite government and opposition parties in Hódmezovásárhely against them.

That's no mean achievement. This temporary ceasefire was inspired by some questions that Medián asked in a survey. They asked the opinion of residents of the Fidesz bastion on the southern Plain whether they could imagine János Lázár, the city's mayor, or his Socialist opponent, Pál Bacsa "behaving aggressively with their colleagues, physically abusing members of their families, obtaining property illegally or behaving hysterically in the city assembly." And suddenly a kind of national unity was achieved. The city assembly rose as one to support a condemnatory resolution moved by an outraged mayor. Not since the commercial TV stations were excluded from parliament has their been such agreement between the parties. If Medián asked the same question in the remaining cities then we could achieve the consensus for which so many yearn.

But let's try to stay serious, however difficult it may be. The contested questions take us onto very slippery ground. Let's ignore for a moment the city fathers' proclamations: that's just political hissy fits.The questioners didn't ask whether the two politicans were violent or corrupt. All they wanted to know was whether residents could believe such allegations. And that's the rub. Allegations about celebrities aren't decided on the basis of evidence, but according to people's beliefs. Nobody was interested in the points of law in the cases against OJ Simpson and Michael Jackson. For fans, both stars remain as white as the riven snow even if they're caught with a bloody knife, their pants down, or even red handed enjoying a young boy's company. And those who hate them for their skin colour or anything else will think them guilty regardless of their acquittal. It's safe to assume that the same would apply in the case of Socialist or Fidesz politicians. The faithful will make excuses, the opponents will condemn, and the truth will be of interest to nobody. Those who despair at politics will say: "What does it matter what I think? It makes no difference anyway!" Or they'd say all public figures were malign, regardless of party affiliation. Medián rendered a good service by highlighting this particular neurosis.

The local potentates are angry, but they'll calm down sooner or later. The mayor speaks of a whispering campaign and imagines conspiracies organised from outside the town. The Socialists insist that they aren't to blame, becaue they are just as angry. János Lázár suspects that only the Socialists can be behind this act. If we carry on with the conspiracy theories, we'll probably conclude that János Lázár himself was behind the affair, in a complex act of self-assassination. English version


The daily Reggel (or Morning) was launched last autumn. After swallowing several billion forints, it finally folded. Its stellar journey has some lessons to teach. Zsolt H Toót, the paper's editor, examines the reasons for its fall. English version

On mission

Ferenc Somogyi, the foreign minister, has led a delegation of Hungarian diplomats to the Middle East. asked László Várkonyi, a deputy state secretary, about the aim of the discussions. English version

Field report from Lenovo

It was a year ago that IBM shocked the world by announcing that it was selling its PC business to Lenovo, a Chinese company unknown in America and Europe. English version

Closing the loopholes

"We've discussed this too often," said Károly Herényi, a Hungarian Democratic Forum (MDF) MP in early November. The matter at issue was the government's draft 'financial salad law'. English version

The millionaire philanthropist

I regret nothing, George Soros might sing. The 75-year-old is continuing his philanthropic activities and spreading democracy - even if some take a dim view of this. English version

Family affairs

They had no example to follow, but when they became fathers, they started caring for their children full time. We talked with fathers who had abandoned their careers for an unblazed trail, asking about their private lives and the effect their choice has had on their work. English version

Bearers of truth

After 66 years, the BBC will shut down its Hungarian broadcast in mid-December. The British broadcaster espoused the principle of "the truth is the best propaganda," but it would be too much to say that propaganda and objectivity never came into conflict in its programmes.

Videó: zengett a Heil Orbán! és a Heil Putyin! Párizsban

Videó: zengett a Heil Orbán! és a Heil Putyin! Párizsban

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