Tetszett a cikk?

Next week, HVG will devote a special supplement to a ranking of Hungary's colleges and universities. The challenge of the project is that there is no tradition of ranking colleges in Hungary, but its importance derives from the fact that Hungarian higher education is in the process of implementing the Bologna reforms.

Preparing a league table is thankless task, since, with the exception of the leaders, everyone on the list is likely to be unhappy with the results. It gets even harder if you try to rank institutions according to a combination of factors. You get several winners, of course, but it also become clear, how hard it is to find the common denominator linking statistics from diverse sources.

For those who will be making university applications in coming months, it is essential to know whether their time and money will be well spent at a given institution. The decision is made even harder by the current Bologna reforms – the next academic year will be different in every way from this year. HVG's league table is meant to help candidates choose between institutions, providing more than 60 different tables, to avoid accusations of oversimplification.

There will also be information about entrance exams and about the courses on offer. But entrance criteria will not be a factor in the rankings. One reason for this is that institutions have little say over their entrance requirements – they develop as a result of political compromises. The other reason is that everything will change with the new "two cycle" system of university education, and so working out which college will have the toughest entrance criteria next year will be a matter of guesswork.

The guiding principle was that the ranking should reflect teaching quality, assessed using precise data. We will not be considering employers' views of a given university department's course offerings.

But we are interested in the ratio of professors, assistant professors, lecturers and teaching assistants in each department. We want to know how many of the teachers speak foreign languages, the average number of academic articles per teacher, and in student-teacher ratios. English version

Budapest Airport sold out!

That there was heavy competition to buy Budapest airport is no surprise. European air traffic liberalisation has led to increased rivalry, and airport operators have benefited from the appearance of budget airlines on the scene. English version

Referendum anniversary

There was something in the air as the first anniversary of the referendum on dual citizenship approached. We were informed that conviction Hungarians from beyond the borders would arise to tear at their still-bleeding wounds (which did indeed happen), and here at home, the far right would demonstrate (which also happened). English version

Longer novels, less time spent on reading?

"People who write great novels are the ones who can afford to," remarked the literary historian Mátyás Domokos sarcastically. Péter Nádas can afford to write a long novel, because his three volume work Parallel Stories was published in November.

HVG English version

Is there a crisis?

Hungary is not yet in economic crisis, but it is in trouble, according to László Antal, one of Hungary's leading macroeconomists. The 63-year-old economist has no confidence in either the Finance Ministry's or the Hungarian National Bank's analyses.

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Gyurcsány évértékelője: Orbán a pokol tornácára érkezett, Csányi és Mészáros rohadékok