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The Hungarian police has prepared an extensive report on the Hungarian business relationships of Nándor Szalma, head of a Hungarian family that was brutally murdered in Horgos, Serbia, at the end of January. The man is believed to have connections with the organized crime in Hungary.

National Police Spokesman László Garamvölgyi said the report was finished last Tuesday on request by he Serbian police. He denied news reported in the Serbian press claiming that authorities have identified the murderer. Still, Serbian press reports said, citing Serbian police sources, that the massacre was committed Ukrainian or Montenegrin criminals on request from Hungarians.

The Szalma family owned properties in Szeged and Domaszék, South Hungary, and Nándor Szalma was a well known figure among criminals in Szeged, sources say, adding that he was allegedly involved in smuggling liquor. The family recently requested Hungarian citizenship, but their request was rejected.

Police sources in Szeged say that Szalma might be connected to the murder of Zoltán Németh in 1977. Németh, who operated night clubs around Lake Balaton and was believed to be friends with Szalma, died when his Mercedes was blown up. The murders have not been found to date. The killing of the Szalma family is being investigated in Belgrade by the chief prosecutor of organized crime cases, Jovan Prijic.


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