Tetszett a cikk?

Who is the government trying to hurt with its Lex Euro white paper, Itself or the opposition? Or maybe it is all part of the same long drama in which our politicians make fools not just of the voters here at home but of the European institutions as well. The government seeks to bring the 2010 convergence programme and this years budget in line with each other by enshrining the most important convergence goals for 2006-2008 into law.

Are we to believe that the numbers embedded into the law will guide the governments economic policy? This has never happened before. It is hard to imagine European officials or market analysts being much impressed by a law with merely suggestive power. They were perfectly happy with the plans that existed before now, it was just the actual measures taken that they were worried about.

We might therefore conclude that the Lex Euro is aimed at a domestic audience. We might assume that the government is trying to force the opposition to declare its hand. It is of course impossible to bring the budget into balance if Fidesz constantly makes spending promises on behalf of a future government, while calling for generous cuts to taxes and contributions. Maybe the Finance Minister thought he would force the opposition to make a stand. It must either support the draft law - by reining in its promises - or dismiss it - thus proving it had no interest in an early euro entry. Viktor Orbán, the leader of Fidesz, says the euro will come after 2013, but blames this delay exclusively on the current government. If it were up to him, he claims, then we would not only have the euro, but we would be able to claim our 28th-month pension payment in manna.

However this soap opera develops, it will become ever harder to persuade the country and the wider world that our politicians are making real efforts to bring the budgetary imbalance under control. More worrying than warnings from Brussels are the continuous downgrading of Hungary's debt, which undermines investor confidence in the country. It is in all our interests that Hungary's debt rating improves.

Éva Várhegyi English version

Burgeoning Bureaucracy

The Orban government was often justly criticised by its opposition for its clientilistic tendencies. But, once ensconced in their ministerial thrones, the Socialist-Free Democrat coalition's members behaved little differently.

English version

Marijuana legalization - Behind the scenes

When the Hemp Seed Association began its civil obedience programme of self-denunciation last spring, participants said though they were protesting against a series of dubious disco raids, they did not hold the police responsible for an unjust and ineffective drugs law.

English version

Phantoms of the past

There is no obstacle, it would seem, to a politician suddenly deciding to support what just a while before he passionately opposed. The daily Magyar Nemzet has found such an instance with the Nomentana affair. English version

Unmoved - Students staying at home

Hungarian secondary school pupils do not like traveling. Most choose colleges that are as close as possible to their home. In 2005, 58 per cent of pupils from the 168 small towns in the country chose a college or faculty that was within their own county.

English version

Ministerial appointees in the universities

Bálint Magyar, the education minister has appointed openly left-liberal figures to the management councils that are to help run the universities. The opposition is crying foul, but Magyar says personalities from the right declined the offer to participate.

reuters English version

Oil pushes over $68

SINGAPORE, Jan 30 (Reuters) - Oil prices climbed more thanhalf a dollar to above $68 a barrel on Monday, shrugging off...

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