Tetszett a cikk?

With a potential 6.000 billion forint on the way to Hungary, Fidesz worries about the allocation of EU funds.

Fidesz wants the government to change the distribution of European Union’s funds and restore the regulatory role of the parliament as written in the constitution for improved transparency and clarity, said Nógrádi Zoltán, party spokesperson and Pelczné Gáll Ildikó, associate party leader, in their Friday press conference.

According to the two politicians, the current government as well as the parliament’s National Development Agency has failed to monitor the monetary resources, raising the question of whether or not to trust the government to allocate and spend the EU funds.

The opposition demands the restoration of the parliament’s regulatory role established in the constitution to control the EU funds. It further demands that the MSZP distance its close economic interest groups from the distribution of the funds. Nógrádi was referring to the governing parties’ refusal to endorse the National Development Agency’s ability to regulate.

The Fidesz representatives added that the opposition demands the governing party establish a transparent and clear mechanism for fund distribution, which abides by the terms of the European Union membership. Nógrádi noted that in the upcoming period, the EU could direct 6.000 billion forint to Hungary. However, he hinted at the danger of the ever present political corruption as indicated in a recent evaluation by anti-corruption organization Transparency International.

HVG English version

There is a curious alliance of interests

Courts in Hungary tend to close ranks and resist substantive change, according to Zoltan Fleck, a 41-year-old legal scholar, who was prevented from voicing his criticisms at a national law conference last week.

English version

Gyurcsany and morality

Is the prime minister running out of steam too early? What do Gyurcsany's remarks on morality and politics in Nepszabadsag really mean? Gyorgy Bence, joint editor of the web magazine and Richard Hirschler, editor-in-chief of, discussed these issues.

HVG English version

Not as good as the Orban

Jozsef Debreczeni's biography of Gyurcsany, which was being signed by both biographer and subject at the Book Week, is a bit like the opposite of a magic mirror. The book makes Gyurcsany and his circle look better the closer you get.

HVG English version

Beaten photographer

"We cannot allow people who are not involved to be present in such a dangerous area. Anyone who does go there is taking a risk, and the police cannot guarantee his safety."

English version

Footballing school

Young footballers can train in luxury conditions at the Sandor Karoly Football Academy, concentrating only on football and their secondary school studies, preparing for a professional footballing career. Gabor Varszegi's football school may even turn a profit this year.

MTI English version

Overcrowded Hungarian Prisons

The Strasbourg-based organization based its recommendations on a recent visit by its representatives to the Kalocsa and Szeged correction facilities. The delegation noted “severe overcrowding” and a shortage of staff members, which put pressure on relations between “prisoners and prison guards, as well as among prisoners.”

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