Tetszett a cikk?

The cost of building the fourth metro could be as much as HUF2bn higher than planned - just for building the station at Fovam ter.

Squabbles between the commissioners and the contractors suggest that costs of building the first 7.3km stretch between Kelenfold and Keleti stations could be far higher than the HUF88bn originally budgeted for.

Modifications to the original plan for the Fovam ter station could cost as much as HUF2bn more than planned, HVG has learned. The tunnel in which the metro will connect with the number two tram will have to be made deeper and wider than expected. Part of the tunnel underneath the listed Market Hall building will have to be demolished.

Since 1998, construction engineers have been arguing over whether the number two tram should remain on Fovam ter after the building of the metro. In the end, Istvan Schneller, Budapest's chief architect, won the argument, and it was decided in 2002 that the trams would stay.

While the arguments were raging, the city engineering office prepared two alternative plans. Both plans involved retaining the tram's tunnel underneath Fovam ter. For a while, there was a possibility of rebuilding the tunnel allowing the 49, 47 and number two trams all to meet on the surface, but this option was eventually rejected.

At the same time, the council of the ninth district demanded that if the tunnel were to stay, it would have to be extended to the main entrance of the Budapest Corvinus University (the former Budapest School of Economics). This would allow for a park to be built in front of the university and would have allowed the ramps in front of the building to be removed. This makes it necessary to deepen the tunnel, however, and would mean that parts of the Market Hall would have to be demolished. Such major works require permission from local authority planning officers, raising costs by HUF2bn.

Laszlo Gulyas, head of the metro project, is fully aware of the situation. He said the city government's vision for public transport had changed radically since the drawing up of the original plans, making them useless as a basis for carrying out the project.

Further changes are on the way. The fourth metro is intended to intersect with a planned fifth metro underneath Kalvin ter. The fifth metro will connect the Csepel and Szentendre suburban railway lines underneath the city centre. But plans for the fifth metro are so embryonic, that contractors working on the fourth metro have no idea how deep the tunnel at Kalvin ter should be dug.

Anett Sipos

English version

After the ultimatum, before Kossuth ter

What is Viktor Orban planning? asked the leader of the opposition about his plans and how he sees the situation in the hours ahead of the mass demonstration to be held on Kossuth ter. An end to cultivating false illusions: he also knows that the country is facing a serious crisis. He no longer talks of tax cuts, at least not in the short term. 2007 should be a year for spending cuts, devising a reform programme, moral renewal and reestablishing confidence. For this to happen, however, Gurcsany will have to leave politics, Orban claims. English version

On the scene

Tamas Molnar, one of the leaders of the Kossuth ter demonstrations, told that Orban would not deliver a speech on the square before parliament. Earlier, there had been rumours that Viktor Orban would head to the square this evening. English version

Political gambling

Viktor Orban's high-stakes gamble could easily turn out badly. Perhaps the best solution would be for Gyurcsany to break off his excursion into the political elite, returning to the world of business in which he has had so much success in the past. Orban might be well advised to head off to the capital of Belgium where he could put his extraordinary talent to use in his role as vice-chairman of the European People's Party. There is little alternative to a compromise between the Socialist Party and Fidesz. English version

Gyurcsany tables a confidence vote

Ferenc Gyurcsany has tabled a vote of confidence against himself while simultaneously congratulating the opposition on its local election victory. Gyurcsany has had Parliament recalled on Friday. The leader of the opposition labelled the move a deceitful trick. People had voted on Sunday, Viktor Orban said, and withdrawn their confidence in Gyurcsany. English version


Sunday's local elections have overturned all previous assumptions, according to Marketingcentrum's head of research. Bela Marian told that the events of recent weeks have driven left-wing voters away from the polls. With his speech on Sunday evening, furthermore, the president of the republic had become a political figure.

English version

Orban: Sack the PM within 72 hours!

Unless the Socialist Party votes out prime minister Ferenc Gyurcsany by one o'clock on Friday, Fidesz will call citizens to a rally on Kossuth ter on Friday afternoon, Viktor Orban has said. English version

Solyoms press conference

It is for Parliament to choose a prime minister, said Laszlo Solyom, the president of the republic on Sunday. He added that the task of regaining society's trust belonged to the parliamentary majority.

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