Tetszett a cikk?

In order to have a genuinely fair tax system we need things to be clear and transparent, and we need precise figures. The current system, tinkered with anew every year, has none of these features. For the moment, we can only guess which members of society will bear what share of the burden, and nor does anyone know how much any individual gets from the common kitty.

In order to create some semblance of fairness, we need exact figures based on known documentation. On such figures, we create a new tax system. But for this we would need consent for a wholly new way of dealing with data. With modern-day information technology and telecommunications it is not impossible to create a system to keep track of precisely how much every tax subject gives and receives. But it would mean that every last toddler and every last granny would need to have an electronic account which would keep track of the money flowing in and out of the state coffers.

The new accounts would be opened with a value of zero at 00:00 on the first day of the year when the new system was introduced. And until they were eventually closed, every item of income and expenditure would be tracked. Assuming that there are 10m tax subjects, then let there be a VAT payment to the treasury of HUF20m. Every account would record a remittance of HUF+2. The same would go for expenditure, and the account balance could turn negative. The accounts could gradually be customised, with state subsidies and hand-outs being reflected in the account. Family allowances and pensions would appear on the account. Payments would be reflected in the same way: tax payments and other contributions would cause the balance to fall.

This would have the effect of merging each tax subject's various tax, social security and other accounts. The real problem would be the sales taxes, which make up 50 per cent of state revenues, as well as state subsidies concealed inside various services. Here, a kind of 'bank card' would be of help. For it to work, the task of each subject would be to attempt to bring the balance of his or her account to as close to zero as possible. This would only be a theoretical aim - in practice, everyone's aim would be to push the balance as high as possible.

Attila Michnai is a tax expert.
HVG English version

Hungarian money makers

Amongst the world's financial centres, Hungarian is most often heard in the City of London, though Vienna (because of its proximity) and New York also have colonies of Hungarian financiers.

HVG English version

Bankers roots

Hungarians pursuing stellar careers in the banking world abroad always talked of wanting to do something for the mother country. Nowadays, Hungarian is heard increasingly often in the world's financial centres.

HVG English version

A lost generation

There are more would-be monks in Hungary than monastic places - and yet monasteries continue to be filled with an aging, dwindling population. Since restarting in 1989-90, the monasteries have still not managed to replace a generation lost when most orders were banned in 1950.

HVG English version

Growing distance from the euro?

Most of the new member states are within grasping distance of the euro. Smaller countries could adopt the common currency within two or three years, though the larger countries, including Hungary, may have trouble meeting even the 2010 deadline.

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