Hungarian money makers
Reconstructed baths of Budapest
Now that the Rudas baths have reopened, the people of Budapest can once again enjoy the pleasures of a proper Turkish bath. Although Ottoman attitudes towards cleansing the body and the soul were fundamentally different from Hungarian customs, the Turkish bath's appearance in Budapest was a major event in the history of Hungarian hygiene.
Budapest Airport sold out!
That there was heavy competition to buy Budapest airport is no surprise. European air traffic liberalisation has led to increased rivalry, and airport operators have benefited from the appearance of budget airlines on the scene.
Bankers roots
Hungarians pursuing stellar careers in the banking world abroad always talked of wanting to do something for the mother country. Nowadays, Hungarian is heard increasingly often in the world's financial centres.
Top list of Universities
Next week, HVG will devote a special supplement to a ranking of Hungary's colleges and universities. The challenge of the project is that there is no tradition of ranking colleges in Hungary, but its importance derives from the fact that Hungarian higher education is in the process of implementing the Bologna reforms.
Political vision
I found an anonymous study of the EU's long-term plans on the internet. The details are found below.