Tetszett a cikk?

The Socialist-Free Democrat government has never been keen on the "national identity document" first issued by the Orban government to ethnic Hungarians in neighbouring countries. There was talk of abolishing it, but the prime minister's office has now announced plans to limit the ID document's duration. Kinga Goncz explained the change of heart, saying: "There was never a problem with the Hungarian identity document. It had only positive effects."

The ID currently lasts five years, and the planned changes to the law are necessary because the first documents were issued almost five years ago, in 2002. Ethnic-Hungarian citizens of neighbouring countries apart from Austria, as well as their relatives regardless of ethnicity, could claim the document. More than half of those who applied for the document did so in the first year. Since then, numbers have declined continuously. Today, there are only a few applications a year from each country.

Applying was often a primarily symbolic gesture of belonging to the Hungarian nation. Many do not even visit Hungary, the only place where it confers any benefits. They still felt it important to have some kind of document that resembled a Hungarian passport. There are some cultural, education and travel benefits - though at the beginning, it was necessary to have it in order to receive the educational and language-learning support the government provides to parents of ethnic-Hungarian children. This was important in Romania, since it proved possible to reach agreement with local authorities on the distribution of the money. Slovakia refused to accept this kind of family support, partly because proportionally far fewer applied. In Romania some Szekely communities were completely indifferent to the ID document. They were mostly middle-aged or elderly people who had no need for language-learning support. Nor did they visit Hungary or need to confirm themselves in their Hungarian identity, since they had lived their entire lives in a Hungarian-speaking environment.

The change to the law will bring an end to the practice of issuing special ID cards for teachers and students. These documents, renewed each year, allow ethnic-Hungarians from neighbouring countries to enjoy the same benefits as their Hungarian colleagues. The numbers show that students have little interest in them, since only those studying in Hungary can make use of them. The benefits remain, however: in future, the Hungarian ID document will guarantee the same rights.

The Hungarian ID document became popular in the Serbian Vojvodina and in the Lower Carpathian region of Ukraine because it was meant to help them to maintain links with the mother country now that it is a member of the EU, and especially once it joins the Schengen zone. But the document does not help with this, leaving the Foreign Ministry with the task of working out how to give ethnic-Hungarians from the two countries easier entry rights. There is no magic solution: it is almost certain that it will be less straightforward for them to enter the country in future, when the visa-free regime comes to an end.

HVG English version

The law professor Arpad Erdei

It makes little difference to the work of a Constitutional Court judge which political party nominates him or her, according to Arpad Erdei, the 68-year-old former deputy president of the CC. Though he was nominated by the Right, he believes that it has been two centuries since there was a serious criminal lawyer who was not a liberal on matters legal.

HVG English version

Is there a way back?

EU membership and the Schengen Agreement are all very well - but often it would take just a few hundred metres of tarmac or a couple of kilometres of railway track to bring together towns that fell on different sides of Hungary's post-Trianon borders.

English version

How not to be a government spokesperson

There are several ways not to be a government spokesperson, but perhaps the most effective is simply to turn down the job. The woman who just did so said she believe the post of government spokesperson was the top of her profession. If this is true, then it is obvious why she declined. But at least she can now dine out on how she didn't become government spokesperson. Like many of her colleagues, I have just such a story.

English version

New environmental minister

There's no way of knowing what political advantage Gabor Fodor expects to gain from serving as environment minister. But we can guess what it means for Janos Koka: by bringing his rival into the tent, he is trying to neutralise his critics within the party. The Free Democrat leader does not want Fodor to steal an in any case rebellious party from beneath him.

hvg.hu English version

Hungarian space tourist

Charles Simonyi set off for the International Space Station at precisely 8.31pm yesterday. The Hungarian-born American businessman will spend 12 days in space, doing 200 circles of the globe as he travels 8m km.

hvg.hu English version

The 2012 European Championships

The winning bid to host the 2012 UEFA cup will be announced in Cardiff on Wednesday. In the running are joint bids from Hungary and Croatia, another from Poland and Ukraine, and one from Italy. The decision will determine not just the location, but our future as well. An event on this scale has implications that go far beyond sport.

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Mégis maradhatnak a Fülöp-szigeteki vendégmunkások Magyarországon

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