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Justice and police minister Jozsef Petretei is on the way out. Apart from him, Laszlo Bene, Peter Gergenyi and Jozsef Dobozi all fell victim to Ferenc Gyurcsany's drastic reshuffle. The prime minister said the police was in need of fundamental reform. Allegations of police brutality had been the last straw, the prime minister said.

Laszlo Bene, the national police chief, and Peter Gergenyi, head of Budapest police, have been dismissed with effect from 31 May, Ferenc Gyurcsany announced today in a press conference. The prime minister said Jozsef Dobozi, head of the Police Security Service would also depart. Gyurcsany accepted justice minister Jozsef Petretei's resignation, also with effect from 31 May. The prime minister said there was no excuse for recent police failings.

"If this goes on, people will be sacred of every constable, every time they are asked to show their ID. We need a police force that protects, not one that we fear," said the prime minister.

The government hopes to have successors in place by 31 May. There may also be changes to the law on policing and on the management of the police forces, but the role of the ministry will remain unchanged, according to Gyurcsany.

He added that there was a need for regulatory changes. The government, he said, would come up with new measures to ensure that the police would be known for their professionalism and reliability. The prime minister said these decisions were not the result of a single concrete event. "Events as a whole, over a period of time, were sufficient to turn a political debate into a broad debate within society, leading to a loss of public confidence in the police."

A információi szerint Ármos Sándor, Nógrád megye rendõr-fõkapitányát szemelte ki Gyurcsány Ferenc a kirúgott Bene László országos rendõrfõkapitány helyére. understands that Sandor Armos, Nograd country police chief is a likely candidate to succeed Laszlo Bene, the national police chief.

Tapsviharral fogadták a Fidesz kongresszusi küldöttei, amikor Szijjártó Péter, a párt szóvivõje bejelentette a hírt, hogy lemondott Petrétei József igazságügyi és rendészeti miniszter.
At Fidesz's congress, delegates cheered when Peter Szijjarto, the party's spokesman, announced that Jozsef Petretei had resigned.

Szijjarto reminded delegates that Fidesz had demanded the resignation of the minister and the two police chiefs on Friday. He added that when news of the police chief's dismissals emerged on Saturday, the party had called even more forcefully for Petretei's resignation.

The Hungarian Democratic Forum (MDF) welcomed the news. Ibolya David, the party's leader, called on Gyurcsany to re-establish the Ministry of the Interior, staffing it with competent leaders. She wrote in a statement that her party was expressing the views of "normal people" when it called for police chiefs to "suffer the consequences" of their "shameful actions."
Rendjén való, hogy személyi következményei is vannak az utóbbi idõben a rendõrségnél történt eseményeknek - közölte Horn Gábor szabad demokrata ügyvivõ.
Gabor Horn, a Free Democrat spokesman, also welcomed the news.

Horn continued, saying that a reshuflle would not be enough. The Free Democrats expected the new measure to take urgent steps to remedy the situation. He called for a new minister to be named as soon as possible. He added that Parliament was currently debating amendments to the police law, and that any amendments should make provision for civilian control of the police. He also mentioned that during last year's coalition negotiations, the Free Democrats had warned that merging the justice and police portfolios was not necessarily a positive step, because each area needed a different kind of leader.

He also noted that, since the ministry was in Socialist hands, the Free Democrats had little say in the matter. Turning to crimes committed by police officers in the recent past, he said individuals needed to be brought to account, but added that institutional guarantees were needed to re-establish confidence in the police force.


HVG English version

Janos Lazar

"My ancestors were Greek orthodox sheepfarmers who arrived in the region of Hodmezovasarhely and Mindszent in the 18th century," says Janos Lazar, the mayor of Hodmezovasarhely and one of the most outspoken critics of the coalition's healthcare reforms.

HVG English version

Pal Csaky

My father was a tough, wilful man, strongly anticommunist. In 1975, when I took my school leaving exams, I was told I wouldn't find a place in a Slovak university, so I studied chemistry at Pardubice in the Czech part of the country, says the 51-year-old newly elected leader of the largest ethnic-Hungarian political party in Slovakia.

English version

Fidesz, Belvaros, Sarkozy

"Jesuit, pitbull, arrogant," - just a few of the terms of abuse that have been heaped on Antal Rogan in the past. But no longer. Following last year's parliamentary elections, he claims to have left the big political stage. Since becoming mayor of Budapest's fifth district he has been talking about the pensioners of his borough. He wants Fidesz to renew itself, he's doing deals with city mayor Gabor Demsky, and he continues to polish his image. His role model - unsurprisingly - is Sarkozy.

HVG English version

Györgyi Kocsis

I was profoundly indifferent to the 2012 European Football Championships until Tamas Gyarfas, head of the committee in charge of Hungary's hosting bid, asked how far it was acceptable to go with bribery, said, "until it gets noticed." And then he handed Michel Platini, president of UEFA, a 24 carat golden football.

HVG English version

Civil oversight

According to Tibor Jarmy, spokesman for Budapest Police, Laszlo Zoltan Szabo was arrested for resisting "authorised police operations." Csaba Farkas, who teaches at the Police Officers' College, police were behaving appropriately. But the constitutional lawyer Istvan Szikinger believes the justifications offered are flawed. English version

No end to dirty tricks

In a civilised country, national security organisations are not at the centre of the media spotlight. Especially not where normal criminal acts are concerned. But in Hungary, the National Security Office is at the centre of attention because of its investigation into potentially criminal VAT and customs fraud at the Egymasert Egy-masert Alapitvany (For one another, One differently Foundation). English version


What a terrible injustice that only 8m of 10m Hungarians have voting rights. The under 18s are barred from political self-expression! How much more effectively the rights of children and large families could be protected if children could send their representatives to parliament, not just the adults! That many have not yet come of age, that some have not yet learned to speak need not be an obstacle. Parents could exercise their children's voting rights – ideally, the father could vote on behalf of his sons, the mother on behalf of her daughters. English version

The Fidesz congress

The EU needs to take a common position on strategic questions - and the Hungarian government has its part to play in this, according to Wilfried Martens, the president of the European People's Party, giving the opening speech to Fidesz's 22nd party congress. The party's nominees for vice-president gave their hustings speeches, and delegates unanimously welcomed Jozsef Petretei's departure.

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