Tetszett a cikk?

The politician was talking at a meeting held in memory of St Thomas Becket, at which Rene Roudaut, the French ambassador, the historian Miklos Kun and Zsolt Becsey, a Fidesz MEP contributed to a discussion of "Christian values and Europe". The conference was followed by an ecumenical mass in the St Thomas Hill chapel.

"The most important purpose of the liberal understanding of humans is to promote the self-realisation of indviduals, based on the assumption that people exude good and improve the world. Christian anthropology says both good and bad can be found within humans, who need a means of distinguishing good and bad," said the Fidesz chairman in his speech discussing the ethical foundations of market capitalism.

Viktor Orban added that the spiritual leaders of Christian communities have a role to play in responding to the crisis, since, beside capitalism's materialistic approach it was correct to say that "the world is founded in human qualities and human relations." "In Europe, even atheists are Christian," said Viktor Orban, quoting Jozsef Antall, the first post-1989 prime minister, adding that this point needed to be understood in Brussels, since there was no point in proclaiming a constitution which ignored our common moral and cultural inheritance.

Esztergom and Canterbury have historical and cultural links going back to the 12th century. Both cities are archbishoprics, when their bishops, Thomas Becket and Lukacs Banfy, became close personal friends after meeting while studying in Paris.

Thomas Becket, who was martyred in 1170, was as staunch a defender of church autonomy as the then head of the Hungarian church. After Becket's death, Archbishop Job founded a chapel in Esztergom dedicated to the martyr. In 1548, Bishop Laszlo Lekai gave to the Canterbury archbishopric a portion of the relics of Becket which Esztergom held - in England, all of the saint's relics had been destroyed on Henry VIII's orders. Since Lekai's time, a candle has been lit in front of of Becket's reliquary in Esztergom every year.

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