Answer for an early campaign start
Declaration of war?
The Movement for a Better Hungary (Jobbik) is taking the gloves off in its fight for the extreme-right and radical votes. This is not the first occasion since 1989 when a political force has portrayed itself as a resistance movement.
Hungarians working
Eighteen months after accession to the EU, the number of Hungarians working in western Europe is about the same as the population of a major city in Hungary. Whilst the positive and negative impacts of this are still unclear, one thing is certain: the outflow is set to continue.
Opinion: Péter Kóczián
In 1988, Gyurcsány called for Fidesz to be "squeezed out politically." In 1988, using the word "political" signalled that democratic methods were to be used in place of the tools of a police state.
With six months to go until the elections
With six months to go until the elections, it's worth looking back to the run-up to the 1994, 1998 and 2002 elections. In each case, the government's impending defeat was clearer six months ahead of time than immediately before the election. The parliamentary see-saw has functioned impeccably so far.
An old obsession...
The National Security Office (NBH) is preparing to file charges of violating state secrets in the Szatmári spying scandal. The HVG has learned that one of their employees filed a lie-detector test, raising the possibility that he or she played a role in the leaking of classified documents relating to the case.
Crowded out
The number of unemployed career-beginners has almost doubled over the past two years, despite the government's decision to focus on their plight at the beginning of the year.