Opinion: Geza Jeszenszky
Looking for new orientation?
HVG online recently published a study assessing the situation and challenges facing the Hungarian Democratic Forum, intended by its author as a series of talking points for the party's leadership. The document was greeted with some disappointment, since it was little more than a string of commonplaces. If this is the intellectual level of the MDF, then Orban has little to worry about.
Storm in City Hall: interview with Andras Bohm
Andras Bohm, once a close colleague of Gabor Demszky, has been a member of the Free Democrats since 1990. Since 2002, he has been an MP and president of the Free Democrats' national council. Over 12 years until 2006, he was the leader of the Liberal group in the City Assembly. Relations between the two politicians broke down when the mayor reshuffled the Liberal group in the Assembly and chose new advisers. Since the local elections, their relationship has gone from bad to worse.
Crises and emotions
The wounds dividing Hungarian society have grown deeper over the past 16 years, with no sign of their healing. Does this mean that the regime change has not yet come to an end? Do we need a new revolution?
The majority is cutting out the branch from beneath them
Hungarian Roma are unwilling to get into arguments with the local authorities on whom they depend, prefering to put up with legal abuses, according to Erzsebet Mohacsi, a 33-year-old Roma civil rights lawyer.
Tons of blown aliment
There are many lessons of the growing food labelling scandal, but, in a state governed by law, there can only be one consequence: severe punishment. This is not about dodgy wheeling and dealing - this is the work of a well-organized criminal gang. Not with the best of wills can one accept the claim that there was no bribery involved in the deal. And it is strange that the company MEGA, whose owners several times failed animal health inspections, should be allowed to continue operations. If there is no corruption, then there is incompetence.
Hungarian police under siege
The delegation of the European People's Party in the European Parliament has held a hearing on the events in Budapest on 23 October.
A colonel general who was stripped of his rank following a conviction by a people's court in 1950 is to be reinstated posthumously, the Defence Ministry's Rehabilitation Committee has decided. The defence minister announced that Ferenc Kisbarnaki Farkas would regain his rank after a Supreme Court decision annulling his original conviction. The decision has shone a spotlight on Kisbarnaki Farkas's career, with historians disagreeing over the role he played in the Arrow Cross era.
Shenanigans in the waters
The Minister for Health has sacked the chief executive of the hospital in Heviz, silently, with immediate effect, and without any kind of justification. The minister signed the dismissal letter before the local authority had reached its own decision. No justification was given. However, a successor has apparently already been found.
They love me not?
Andras Lovasi, Marton Brady, Balazs Denes, Andras Schiffer and Pal Szombathy left the Szeretem Magyarorszagot Klub (I Love Hungary Club) on 20 December. The five public figures have decided the organisation is not carrying out the task for which it was created. In future, the five will not be attaching their signatures to the "veiled government propaganda" that they say the organisation is producing. Karoly Gerendai has said he regrets their departure.