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Hungary became the second EU member state that supports creating an EU constitution after Parliament approved an international treaty with 323 yes and 12 nay votes and 8 abstentions.

The treaty, which unifies previous agreements within the EU, clarifies responsibilities between the European Union and its members and strengthens the rights of EU citizens, were supported by most MPs of both Hungarian coalition parties and major opposition party Fidesz, while deputies of minor opposition party MDF abstained from the vote.

Parliament also passed an explanatory addendum to the treaty’s section on the protection of minority rights. The section on minority rights was originally proposed by Hungary to be included in the treaty in the first place. The treaty was originally ratified by the heads of member states on Oct. 29, 2004.

The EU constitution is scheduled to take effect on Nov. 1, 2006, provided that every member state approves it. In nine countries people will vote in referendum on the Union’s constitution, while in other countries parliament will decide about the issue. The EU constitution does not include a paragraph on what happens if any nation does not approve the constitution.

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