Tetszett a cikk?

Women are successful problem-solvers while men are always looking for opportunities to compete. This can cause problems at work. But for a successful career it is essential to recognise and act on these differences. The following tips may help.

1. Talk. If your boss wants to chat, then take advantage of the opportunity.
2. Learn to pay attention. Look actively interested during conversation. This shows your conversation partner that you are interested in what she says.
3. Listen to what she says. Choose your words carefully. Don’t allow anything out of your mouth that might be offensive to your colleague.
4. Criticise carefully. Think before exploding angrily about something.
5. Pay attention to details. If a colleague frequently mentions her children, learn their names and ask how they are from time to time.
6. Take time over your decisions. Women try to reach answers through dialogue.
7. Take time making contacts. Be a team player and try to work together with people.
8. Admire her for her talent, not her figure. Avoid flirting with your colleague.
9. Be open. Share information whenever you can.
10. Leave time for gossip. So long as it is not malicious or ill-intentioned there is no reason to put a stop to gossip during coffee breaks.
11. Find out what they are thinking. Women assess information differently from men.
12. Remain colleagues. Find a girlfriend elsewhere.

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