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Austria-based Erste Bank is increasing the number of its branches by 20 to 170 by the end of this year, making it the bank with the second largest network after market leader OTP Bank Rt.

According to information from Austrian business newspaper Wirtschaftsblatt, Erste will focus its expansion on West Hungary, where it currently operates 42 branches, a number the bank considers low.

Besides opening new branches, Erste will expand also through Magyar Posta Rt.’s network. According to a latest cooperation agreement the two companies made, Erste will be allowed to sell its current account, credit card, investment and credit services through Magyar Posta’s post offices across the country. The services are currently available in 20 post offices, and Erste plans to expand its services to 200 post offices by mid-year and to 400 offices by year-end. The services will be available in post offices with online capabilities.

Erste concluded its merger with Postabank, a former state-owned bank it bought through privatization, last year. The bank now has one million private clients in Hungary.

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