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Since Hungary entered the European Union last May, the number of foreign financial companies that registered in member states and in Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein. Budapest Bank Rt. aims to enter Poland and ... the GE Money Bank network. CIB Bank Rt. first plans to enter Slovakia, aiming to participate in financing export of Hungarian goods ... According to the registry of the State Supervision of Financial Institutions (PSZÁF), the last financial
Farmers’ representatives signed an agreement with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in the other important areas of the national economy. Prior to the official signing ceremony Agriculture Minster Imre Németh ... and added that the government did not want to win, but to settle the dispute. According to the ... breeding to a total of HUF 10 billion, of which HUF 6 billion can be spent on hog breeding and HUF 4 billion on poultry breeding
Earlier forecasts by analysts put the rate of inflation between 3.5% and 3.8% in ...Consumer prices rose 3.2% year-on-year in February, well below the rate expected earlier, the Central Statistics Office Bank, said it is surprising that the February inflation figure ended up lower than the most optimistic forecast ... Consumer prices rose 0.4% from January to February according to the statistics office. According to KSH, the last time ... low as 3.2% in Hungary was in June 1981. “In line with the expectations of the National Bank of Hungary, the
Finance Minister Tibor Draskovics said revenue-based local industrial tax will have to be eliminated on the long a conference organized by the National Federation of Employers and Manufacturers (Magyosz). Draskovics said at ... industrial tax will have to be terminated on the long run, and as a first step, it should be reduced and ... corporate tax rate can be reduced to 10% and later to half of the currently 16% in the case of companies
A Föld légkörének felmelegedését bizonyító újabb jelentés látott napvilágot, amelyben az American Association for the Advancement of pusztulás figyelhető meg az élővilágban, s a természeti környezetben. Az American Association for the Advancement of Science a
zenészekből álló The Tarantinos lép föl. Gazdag programajánlat ínyenceknek a 19.30 Pécsi Tavaszi Fesztivál - XIII. Pécsi Frankofon Hét The Tarantinos - Petőfi Csarnok A Sziget Fesztiválon már nagy sikert ... Tarantinos 3 év szünet után újra Magyarországra látogat. A The Tarantinos-t hét londoni zenész alkotja. Ihletőjük Quentin Tarantino és ..., a Ponyvaregény, a Jackie Brown és az Alkonyattól Pirkadatig dalai mind felcsendülnek a koncerten. Hallhatjuk az olyan rock and roll
Most Hungarian banks announced lowering their deposit interest rates in February, and started slashing interest rates on loans as late ”, the interest rate offered to its best corporate clients, by 75 basis points to 13%, and trimmed other corporate loan ... Local banks slashed deposit interest rates by 50-75 basis points within a week after the National Bank of Hungary (MNB) cut its prime ... basis points. However, interest rates on Hungarian forint-denominated home loans fell only 50 basis points at MKB. Raiffeisen Bank Rt. lowered
Bonn-based IVG Immobilien AG plans to invest EUR 66 million in the Infopark office complex in Budapest by the end of 2007 Freyend said IVG has invested more than EUR 100 million in Budapest by building 65,000 square meters of real estate and ... Budapest. The building, called Krausz Palace, involves 5,000 square meters of exclusive office space and its tenants ... 35,000 square meters by the end of 2007, with total investments exceeding EUR 150 million until then. Besides investment in Infopark
State-owned Budapest Airport Rt. has to invalidate its contract with Carion group involving a HUF 4.7 billion land purchase deal, the public utilities and building permits. Budapest Airport originally planned to build its new cargo base on the area. ... Hárskuti signed the contract after repeated approvals from Budapest Airport’s board and the board of State ... Carion bought former agricultural land for HUF 2,500-HUF 5,000 per square meter and sold it to Budapest Airport for HUF 24,000 per
Oil industry sources suspect Sándor Csányi, chairman and CEO of OTP Bank Rt., to be owner of the U.S.-based offshore Rotary Rt. accounts for the vast majority of Hungary’s 1 million ton annual crude oil pumping business, and most of its ... subsidiary of MOL until then, because the oil company did not consider oil drilling among its core activities and ... the 1990s. In June 2004, Tolnay’s other company sold 20% of its ownership to Szeged-based Mobilgas Oil and Gas Industry has published a list of state security officials and agents who were active members and leaders of county offices in ... III/III department – the bureau of the Communist regime’s secret agents – in At that time, the state security bureau was operated by officers of the national police and were paid by ... the network of secret agents, collected and analyzed information, coordinated the work of different groups of ... secret operations, and performed many other duties directly serving the orders of the Communist regime’s
A special committee set up to reform Hungary’s current tax system will propose introducing two-bracket systems in corporate profit tax ... simplified entrepreneurial tax as of 2006. Plans include a total restructuring of municipal financing as of 2007, said László Akar, chairman of abolish local industrial tax, which is levied based on revenues and serve as direct income to local municipalities. The ... municipalities to impose special taxes on personal incomes starting 2007. Chairman Akar stressed that the currently unveiled changes ... While keeping the current 15% simplified entrepreneurial tax (EVA), the committee suggests to introduce a new, lower
TriGránit Real Estate Development Rt. has announced plans to invest EUR 1 billion in building a new city area in the Romanian politicians and journalists, and informed them of the company’s development plans in Bucharest ..., hotels and parking garages. At the spectacular VIP party, TriGránit part-owners Peter Munch and Lord ... to build a Polus Center shopping mall in Cluj Napoca, and it will start real estate development in 10 Romanian cities, including
The Hungarian government has approved a proposal on the strategic aims and government tasks related to The advantages of digital TV broadcasting and the currently ongoing developments in the field of ... approved proposal, the government will primarily focus on completing the legislative work necessary for the ... broadcasting frequencies. If the legal environment and the necessary infrastructure are in place, digital TV
Austria-based Erste Bank is increasing the number of its branches by 20 to 170 by the end of this year, making it to a latest cooperation agreement the two companies made, Erste will be allowed to sell its current account, credit card, investment ... services through Magyar Posta’s post offices across the country. The services are currently available in 20 post offices ... services to 200 post offices by mid-year and to 400 offices by year-end. The services will be available in post offices
Hungary’s economy could grow 4% this year, while inflation is expected to continue falling and real wages will keep rising, according to driven by export and investments in 2004. Due to uncertain growth prospects in Western Europe, the rate of investments .... Real wages grew 1% in the private sector and fell 5% in the public sector last year. The latter ... from 5.5% a month earlier. The National Bank of Hungary (MNB) cut its basic interest rate by 75 basis points. Analysts forecast
Contrary to hopes by the Hungarian government, it seems likely that Hungary can’t get away with more favorable calculations on its costly reform projects such as pension and healthcare reforms will be judged more favorably than other state projects as they help ... spokesman of Joaquin Almunia, the EU commissioner for economic and monetary union. The Hungarian government ... program as leaving only small reserves to meet the euro zone conditions, and has urged the Hungarian
In negotiations ending in the dawn of last Monday, Budapest Transport Rt. (BKV) and five workers’ unions reached an The unions, which represent 90% of BKV’s 12,600 workers, originally threatened the municipal transport company with a ... public transport service Tuesday morning, if their demands are not met. The strike would have been the most severe in ... demanded a HUF 20,000 gross monthly wage increase on the HUF 170,000 average monthly gross wage of BKV employees. The
Egy Telegram-forrás szerint az Igor Kirillov altábornagy ellen elkövetett merénylet helyszínén a hatóságok sokáig nem kerítették el a területet, szabadon bámészkodhattak a járókelők.