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MTI Világ

A Pentagon új hírszerző részleget hozott létre

Új hírszerzési részleget hozott létre az amerikai védelmi minisztérium, hogy csökkentse a Központi Hírszerző Ügynökségtől (CIA) való függőségét
honlapján közzétett állásfoglalásában. A The Washington Post úgy tudja, a hírszerző részleget források átcsopor-tosításával, a

hvg.hu English version

Minority Hungarians Form New Body

Under the name of “Forum for Minority Organizations of Hungarians Abroad”, a new body was formed by Hungarian political parties active
The meeting was organized by József Kasza, minority leader of Hungarians in Serbia, and Béla Bugár, leader of Hungarians
... representatives of the Hungarian Democratic Alliance of Romania, requested the Hungarian government to call for
... abroad for the first day of the meeting of Hungarian parties. In his proposals, Gyurcsány suggested introducing a

hvg.hu non-base

PM Increases Consulting Staff

Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány has further increased the number of consultants serving
municipalities. Gyurcsány appointed Ferenc Wekler, a prominent SZDSZ member and a recently resigned deputy chairman of
... Following the establishment of six consulting bodies with a total of 54 members last November, Gyurcsány appointed Zsolt Érsek, Mayor
... his advisor on municipal issues. Érsek was one of the speakers calling supporting Gyurcsány’s nomination for PM at the

hvg.hu English version

EU To Form Uniform Rule On Car Registration Tax

In a draft proposal to go in front of the European Parliament, the European Committee (EC) plans to uniform
Ten out of the 15 incumbent states, and four of the ten newly joined countries levy a registration tax on
.... According to the EC members behind the draft proposal, such registration taxes distort the market
... to depend on environmental features of the cars and a tax paid in one member state has to be accounted for in another

hvg.hu non-base

Towns Vie For Cultural Capital Title

Eleven Hungarian cities have submitted applications for the title of Europe’s Cultural Capital in 2010. The potential
December 31st was the deadline for submitting the tenders for the title of Europe’s Cultural Capital
... – Kaposvár, Sopron, Győr, Székesfehérvár, Veszprém, Eger, Pécs, Debrecen, Kecskemét, Miskolc and Budapest – can be the
... billion on developments if they win the title, and they all plan to complete projects planned earlier.   For example

hvg.hu English version

Housing Construction Peters Out

Sale of new homes fell 50% in 2004, leaving thousands of recently built homes standing empty and waiting for an
Approximately 30%–50% of newly built flats could not be sold last year, and debts on the housing market have been surging
... decline is the largest in the case of state-subsidized loans; their number fell 60% between 2002 and 2004.
... billion for home subsidies in 2005, said József Leitner, deputy chairman at the National Housing and Construction Office

hvg.hu English version

Tourism Numbers Decline

Hungary’s tourism revenues fell 30% last year, while hotel bookings reached record heights. Central funding for tourism has recently been scarce, but
Hungary. At the same time, hotels received 10% more visitors than a year before, and all Budapest hotels were fully booked
...’ revenues surged 13% in 2004. “Following four years of drop, the occupancy of hotels started growing; it reached 47.7
..., chairman of the Hungarian Hotels Association. Domestic tourism has been declining recently. “One of the reasons for

MTI Világ

Bush szerint az amerikaiak jóváhagyták iraki politikáját

felelősségre vonására a háború előkészületei során vagy következményeinek kezelésekor elkövetett hibákért - írja a The Washington
hozzá. A The Washington Post megjegyezte: az évtizedek óta első demokratikus iraki választások előtt két héttel semmi jele annak, hogy

MTI Itthon

Géppisztollyal lőtték meg az érdi biztonsági őrt

Meglőtték egy pénzszállító autó biztonsági őrét a K and H Bank érdi fiókjánál, a Budai úton kedden reggel. Az őrtől elrabolt táskában
ellenőrzésre kell számítani - tájékoztatott a rendőrség. A K and H Bank közleménye hangoztatja: "A mai incidensben sem ügyfelek, sem
... és e-bankon keresztül) hozzáférhetnek". Az eset ellenére az érdi bankfiók működése zavartalan, normál üzletmenet szerint tart nyitva - közölte a K

hvg.hu English version

Gov’t Hikes Drug Prices

Health Minister Jenő Rácz announced that the government will not raise prices of about 6,000 types of prescription
respectively. Pharmaceutical producers have agreed to reduce prices of more than 20 types of drugs. According to an agreement between
... drugmakers, the deficit of the National Health Fund’s HUF 284 billion budget in 2005 will be jointly covered by
... be set freely by their producers as of 2005. According to figures from the Hungarian Pharmacist Chamber, prices of multivitamin

hvg.hu English version

OTP Managers Trade Own Shares

Top executives of Hungary’s largest bank OTP Bank Rt. have been buying and selling large numbers of OTP shares recently
Chairman and CEO Sándor Csányi bought 300,000 OTP shares of HUF 100 nominal value on Dec. 16 under the rules of OTP’s
... between March 31 and May 31, 2004, or between HUF 3,639 and HUF 4,379, respectively. The executives use up
.... According to sources, Csányi paid only about one-fifth of the HUF 5,665 closing price of OTP shares on the same day

hvg.hu English version

State Airline Gets No Bailout

Malév Hungarian Airlines Rt. will receive neither a capital raise nor other forms of subsidies from its 99.95% owner, the State
the ÁPV found undervalued assets, which, if valued correctly, can be used to consolidate Malév. The airline has recently
... Fehérváry and Bálint Csikós resigned, and József Thuma, head of the Treasury Asset Department (KVI
... only partially met, while the airline made record losses at HUF 13.5 billion in 2003. Revenues and profits in

hvg.hu English version

K&H Ordered To Compensate Clients

The arbitration court of the stock exchange ruled that K&H Equities Rt. has to pay Budapest’s District 10 Municipality HUF
According to the decision, the brokerage will have to pay District 10 HUF 2.8 billion for its lost deposit
..., payment deadlines and supplying data to the national bank. In November 2004 PSZÁF already fined K&H HUF 5 million
... payments within 15 days. Owned by Hungary’s second largest retail bank K&H Bank Rt., the brokerage suffered HUF 20 billion losses from

hvg.hu English version

Hungary Supports EU Constitution

Hungary became the second EU member state that supports creating an EU constitution after Parliament approved an international treaty
The treaty, which unifies previous agreements within the EU, clarifies responsibilities between the European
... the rights of EU citizens, were supported by most MPs of both Hungarian coalition parties and major opposition party
... opposition party MDF abstained from the vote. Parliament also passed an explanatory addendum to the treaty’s section on

MTI Gazdaság

Ernst and Young: Kürti Sándor az év üzletembere

A nemzetközileg is terjeszkedő magyar informatikai vállalkozás, a Kürt Rt. elnöke és alapító-társtulajdonosa, Kürti Sándor kapta az Ernst
vezérigazgatóját, "A példakép" különdíjra tartotta érdemesnek a bíráló bizottság - közölte az Ernst and Young Tanácsadó Kft.

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Van egy 2,4 ezer milliárd forintos bökkenő a 2025-ös költségvetésben

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