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A steering committee session at MSZP last Saturday accepted the party’s principles for choosing candidates to be Hungary’s next President of the Republic.

According to information obtained by HVG, the session decided the ideal presidential candidate is a true democrat, possesses political experience, and both coalition parties – MSZP and SZDSZ – support him or her. However, the third condition means that Chair of House Katalin Szili, currently rumored to be the MSZP’s choice for Hungary’s next President, might not make it to candidacy. SZDSZ repeatedly said it does not support candidates, such as Szili, who have been active politicians of any party earlier.

Contrary to previous promises, candidates were not named by the steering committee at the session on Saturday. The candidate will be selected by a wider decision making body of the party. MSZP will make a final decision on its candidate at the party’s upcoming congress on April 15.

Meanwhile, according to news leaked out during the past week, SZDSZ will not insist on its formerly announced candidate Csaba Gombár, a sociologist and a former president of Hungarian Radio Rt. The junior coalition party might support other non-party political candidates, such as Péter Bárándy, Justice Minister in the previous government.

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