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hvg.hu English version

Farmers To Demonstrate In Budapest

The National Federation of Farmers’ Cooperatives and Farmers’ Groups (Magosz) will demonstrate with hundreds of tractors on
... tér on Monday, followed by a protest against the Agriculture Ministry in front of the Ministry’s building on Kossuth
Movement of Hungarian Farmers and Consumers and the Biokultúra Association, received right to hold a protest
... of payments of EU funds to agricultural producers and the speeding up of state purchases of surplus wheat. However
... the 17th demand answers to their requests by Feb. 22, otherwise they will continue rallying and will gather in front of

hvg.hu English version

Inflation Improvement Makes Room For Rate Cuts

London-based analysts predicted last week that Hungary’s central bank rate could fall to 7% by end of 2005. They based their optimistic forecasts on
regional analyst of UBS, echoed Groenenberg’s optimism and said he expects a 50 basis point rate cut before the end of
... the Hungarian forint remains strong at that level, the National Bank of Hungary (MNB) could lower its central deposit rate
... coming in March. If the rate of inflation falls by one percentage point from the current level by year end, then

hvg.hu English version

Committee Formed To Reform Taxes

A tax reform committee involving government, opposition and non-governmental members held its opening session last week, but it is not
The committee promises to set the framework of overall tax changes that will take effect in 2006 and 2007
... special VAT brackets and one regular bracket, which levies at least 15% tax, and prescribe the types of goods
... current system involving 5%, 15% and 25% VAT brackets could be replaced with a two-bracket system, in which the high

hvg.hu English version

Socialists Water Down Secret Agent Law

Majority coalition party MSZP retracted its originally brave proposal on publicizing the list of former secret agents of
... handed in a draft law that brings hardly any changes in current laws on uncovering sinners of the
secret from publicity. Initially, MSZP proposed to make public the personal identification data of every former secret agent
... files have been transferred to the Historic Registry Office, and it allows that even such files can be classified
... the national security services. He added that the influence of the services should be terminated

MTI Világ

Barroso választ vár Bushtól

vagy fenyegetésként tekint-e az egységes Európára" - mondta Barroso a The Wall Street Journal című amerikai lap európai kiadásának

MTI Világ

Harminc kiló plutónium "hiányzik" egy brit atomlétesítményből

Harminc kilogrammnyi plutónium "hiányzik" a legnagyobb brit nukleárishulladék-feldolgozóból - írta csütörtöki számában a The Times
összesítésekben "nem szokatlan" az ilyen kimutatási hiányok felbukkanása. Ezt megerősíti a The Times is, amely szerint Sellafieldben
... plutónium általában nem egyezik a becsülttel, de az eltérés ritkán olyan nagy, mint az idei kimutatásban - áll a The Times cikkében

hvg.hu English version

Arms Maker Closes Shop

The Budapest Metropolitan Court ordered the final liquidation of Fégarmy Arms Manufacturing Rt., Hungary’s last gun
Following some unsuccessful privatization attempts, formerly state-owned Fégarmy was sold to the owner of the adjacent
... Pharmaceuticals Wholesale Rt. in 2003. Fúzió-Pharma planned to build a 16,000 square meter warehouse on Fégarmy’s land, but the project
... necessary building permits on time. The project was originally intended to help finance the repayment of loans. According

hvg.hu English version

Hungary Helps Serbian Police In Family Massacre Case

The Hungarian police has prepared an extensive report on the Hungarian business relationships of Nándor Szalma, head of a
... brutally murdered in Horgos, Serbia, at the end of January. The man is believed to have connections with the
massacre was committed Ukrainian or Montenegrin criminals on request from Hungarians. The Szalma family owned properties in Szeged
... the murder of Zoltán Németh in 1977. Németh, who operated night clubs around Lake Balaton and was believed to be friends
... National Police Spokesman László Garamvölgyi said the report was finished last Tuesday on request by he Serbian police. He denied news

hvg.hu English version

Gov’t Protects Jewish Buildings

Outgoing Culture Minister István Hiller decided last week on the protection of 51 buildings, all of them situated in Budapest’s former
project will create a walkway area ranging from Madách tér to the Nagykörút, and many buildings will be demolished in
... Jewish Museum, a ritual bath in Kazinczy utca and the headquarters of Hungarian Jewish Association MAZSIHISZ in Síp utca
... the former Hungária Bath, which has been partly demolished leaving only its secessionist facade standing, and a modern

hvg.hu English version

Gov’t Spends Dearly On Communication

Ferenc Gyurcsány’s cabinet is boosting spending on public communication by 50% compared to last year. The government has announced
... tenders for communication drives to the tune of HUF 2 billion to be spent before the next elections in May
While Gyurcsány’s cabinet scaled down activities announced by its predecessor, it plans to spend more to communicating fewer activities in 2005
... million on communication campaigns related to Hungary’s membership in the EU, an amount unchanged from 2004. In January, however
... public procurement tenders for communication, spending HUF 1.725 billion on the campaigns, being led by Viktor Szigetvári

hvg.hu English version

Semi-Private Co. To Build Motorways

The Hungarian government has decided to outsource motorway building to State Motorway Management Rt. (ÁAK) in
The move allows the government to place the costs of motorway building outside the public
... issue bonds to finance its payment obligations, and is expected to manage a total of HUF 400 billion in debt. According to
... building, the company will have to build 431kilometers of new roads and prepare grounds for building 400 kilometers of

hvg.hu English version

EU Warns Hungary To Catch Up

Hungarian citizens and businesses in exercising their newly acquired rights in the
...The European Committee (EC) started proceedings against the Hungarian government for a delay in adopting a number of EU
version of an EU rule, and does not catch up or correct its mistake upon request, the EC can sue the
... financial institutions, on working hours, on railways, on banning asbestos, on the protection of wild birds, and
... While the Hungarian government takes a firm stance in the EU’s debate over protection of minority rights, Hungarian

MTI Világ

A Hezbollah likvidálná Mahmúd Abbász palesztin elnököt?

palesztin megbékélést célzó politikáját - írta a The Sunday Telegraph palesztin biztonsági forrásokra hivatkozva
e csoportok befolyása ellen, vagyis az államfő "veszélyes ösvényre lépett" - mondta a palesztin tisztviselő a brit lapnak. A The

hvg.hu English version

Foreign Funds Bullish On Hungary

Foreign institutional investors bought HUF 1.5 billion-worth U.S. dollar-denominated 10-year Hungarian government bonds last week, three times as
originally offered in the transaction. Seeing the demand, the ÁKK allowed that the bonds, which
... currency bonds issued by ÁKK. However, the two dominant rating agencies, Moody’s and Standard and Poor’s, are
... the current A rating. “Buyers of foreign currency bonds can see that the Hungarian economy develops and

hvg.hu English version

Car Dealers Attack Registration Regulation

The National Association of Hungarian Car Dealers (MGOE) is suing the Hungarian state for applying different taxes on new
The association says the law on car registration taxes are discriminative and violate EU rules on internal
... been investigating whether the registration tax law violates EU rules, and a decision is expected soon. The
..., including Hungary, levy a registration tax on every car that receives a license, and this practice distorts the market

hvg.hu English version

Hungarian Accused Of War Crimes

The Budapest Military Prosecution started an investigation against Charles Zentai, 86, a Hungarian living in Australia, with charges of
Chance,” the Center collects documents on alleged war criminals and sends them to the foreign ministries of
... Nov. 8, 1944 Zentai, with other soldiers, tortured, killed and then threw into the Danube an 18-year-old man, of probably
... fleeing from Arrow-Cross soldiers. Zentai denies the charges. After World War II., two of Zentai’s comrades were punished for

hvg.hu English version

OECD Criticizes Bank Sector

The Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) stated in its recent country report that the
... profitable compared to other EU members and the discrepancy calls for scrutiny both from legislation and
% in new member states and 10% in old member countries, however the Hungarian figure pales to the 15%–20
..., Slovakia and the Baltic states. PSZÁF says Hungarian banks’ achieved 4% real margins on average in 2003, about 2.5 times
... In reaction to the OECD’s opinion, Hungary’s State Supervision of Financial Institutions (PSZÁF) stated that the market

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A tatabányai Spart szétverő férfi azt állítja, hogy be volt gombázva, de a gyorsteszt nem ezt mutatta

A tatabányai Spart szétverő férfi azt állítja, hogy be volt gombázva, de a gyorsteszt nem ezt mutatta

Viszlát, QR-kód: nagy újítást kapott a BudapestGO, sokkal egyszerűbb lesz a felszállás

Viszlát, QR-kód: nagy újítást kapott a BudapestGO, sokkal egyszerűbb lesz a felszállás

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Vétónap Brüsszelben: Szijjártó ma is leszedte Kirill pátriárkát a szankciós listáról

Alvászavart, tanulási nehézségeket, figyelemzavart is okozhat, hogy már a legkisebbek is a mobilon lógnak

Alvászavart, tanulási nehézségeket, figyelemzavart is okozhat, hogy már a legkisebbek is a mobilon lógnak

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12 fok is lehet kedden

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Azt hitte, hogy csak Magyarországon lehet megőrjíteni az embereket dubaji csokival?

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Piktogramokat fest az utakra a MÁV, annyira sokan nem veszik észre a telefon babrálása közben, hogy jön a vonat

Piktogramokat fest az utakra a MÁV, annyira sokan nem veszik észre a telefon babrálása közben, hogy jön a vonat

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Egyedi villanyautójába könnyebben be tud szállni a 2,16 méteres kosárlabdázó

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