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Charles Simonyi set off for the International Space Station at precisely 8.31pm yesterday. The Hungarian-born American businessman will spend 12 days in space, doing 200 circles of the globe as he travels 8m km.

Staff at the mission control centre in Korolyov near Moscow applauded when the ship reached orbit. The plan is for the rocket to dock with the ISS on Monday evening. Until that time, the cosmonauts will check the on-board systems and carry out course corrections.

Simonyi will spend the 12-day mission measuring the levels of radiation reaching the cosmonauts, but his main task will be to carry out his own plan. He will take photographs and video material, which will be continuously uploaded to his website It is believed that the fifth space tourist paid $21m for his trip. "Simonyi will not play a major role in piloting the ship. His task is to enjoy the space trip - and he has paid a fair amount for the privilege," Vladimir Solovyov, the leader of the Russian part of the ISS project, told journalists in the mission control centre.

Simonyi has spent six months preparing for this trip. In the final days, he and his companions were kept in strict quarantine. The space tourist explained that this was partly to make sure he did not catch any kind of infectious disease, and partly to allow them to concentrate fully on the tasks ahead of them. Apart from swimming, physical exercise was out in the weeks before lift-off, in order to minimise the risk of injury. But there was plenty of activity. In order to prepare for periods of high gravity and then of weightlessness, the cosmonauts had to sit in the centrifuge every day, and every night they had to sleep with their legs lifted to ever higher angles, to help their brains prepare for reduced blood flow.

Andras Nemeth, Korolyov Mission Control Centre
HVG English version

Hungary Tomorrow project

Admit it: the idea of a round table is a good one. We all like the Arthur legends, and the lustre of the round table has not faded. Questions that affect everyone and that are more important than the grind of daily problems should be dealt with by some kind of joint method - just as in the legends of the Grail. This month, a round table of experts will gather under the name Hungary Tomorrow. Its task will be to help find a consensus in the questions that will affect society in the medium- and long-term, addressing pensions reform, education and competitiveness.

English version

How not to be a government spokesperson

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In central and eastern Europe, the symbols of totalitarian ideals were banned as part of the transition to democracy. Laws were passed, but it has become clear that there is no perfect solution. The symbols of left- and right-wing totalitarianism affect the public differently, as do the pictures of different movements' leaders. For some, these symbols cause derision, but for others even highly stylised forms of those symbols are a cause of fear, and so are useful to a radical minority bent on provoking the majority. English version

Basescu blackmailing the RMDSZ

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English version

The Szigeti Affair and Impartiality

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Interview with the candidate

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