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The Lipotvaros Wall, already the subject of furious criticism from opposition parties, human rights organisations, Free Fidesz MPs launched a civil disobedience campaign involving dismantling that wall - only for the police to re-erect it a short while ... Gyurcsany, the prime minister, condemned this attack on a 'protected zone', disregarding the fact that the ... zones. The government blamed Budapest's chief of police for the square's 100-day closure. Yet everyone knows that Peter
Mordechai Zisser, chairman of the Israeli-owned company Plaza Centers, has big plans for the Hungarian market. He was ... Kerepesi ut and the "Hungarian Las Vegas" being built on Hajogyari Island. His company was behind Duna Plaza, built 12 years ago, and Plaza Centers created the first shopping centre in Hungary, and even though you have sold all of them - 12 to the French ... predict. It was just a question of time and a new political system - the shopping centre approach is popular all around ... first shopping centre in eastern Europe 12 years ago, and then the others followed, in Budapest and in the provinces
Ministers' private offices and the cabinet heads who run them are now more influential than ever. The cabinet head at ... Szeredi, has a job description running into 53 entries on the ministry's internal rule book. He is responsible for the ... also for employment levels at the ministry. The importance of his position is shown by the fact that They act as close confidantes to ministers, and have a fundamentally political role. In the early 1990s, they could only issue orders ... secretaries. But this apolitical state administration came to an end last year. According to the public administration law of 2006 ... staff have a direct say in the running of ministerial department. For example, Gyula Balogh, the 34-year-old chief of
The idea arose a few weeks ago, and now it's an acknowledged fact: major changes are brewing on the Right; even new parties ... living in this nightmare country for long enough to know that the most startling bits of news tend to be baseless. But things are As a witness to the events of 18 and 19 September and 23 October, I am certain that the largest opposition party is ... been paralysed by an unknown disease, which has prevented it from winning the last two election and made it unable to exploit ... government's political and economic crisis. As if this were not enough, Fidesz has promoted the spread of a strange world-view in
és zenekara, a The Flecktones végre adott egy bélást vagyis egy duplakoncertet lelkes magyar rajongóinak Béla Fleck & the Flecktones január 22., A38 hajó Béla Fleck és a Flecktones. Egy Béla (balra) egy négy elnök is a képen
Irán lépéseket tesz az Irakkal való katonai és gazdasági együttműködés kiszélesítésére - jelentette ki Irán bagdadi nagykövete a The New Sean McCormack amerikai külügyi szóvivő a The New York Times-nak nyilatkozva megerősítette: az Egyesült Államoknak alapos
To whom does Arthur Koestler belong? A foreigner would doubtless say he belonged to all, or that a great writer and thinker, one of the ... authentic witnesses to the twentieth century is the common property of all humanity, wherever he lived. But we are in unaware of having done so. They deny even the slightest hint of bias. So, even as they campaign for one or the other ... their power to attack the other side, they declare with a clear conscience that nothing interests them other than the ... Koestler, the great writer who confronted those who distorted Utopian ideals beyond all recognition, are no exception. So we can state
How is student life in western Europe different from at home? HVG spoke to a few university students studying in the 'exotic work, but the best thing is that an hourly wage of EUR12 is more than enough to cover both rent and food," says Bolgarka Palosi, who is ... a masters in cultural management and cultural policy at the University of Paris 8 (UFR). The Hungarian girl, who left for ..., so last year I arranged a week-long Hungarian film festival and a concert and I promoted some DJs," she says, adding that her money runs to
Azonosította a Scotland Yard a sugárzó izotóppal megölt dezertőr orosz belbiztonsági tiszt felételezett gyilkosát, aki hamis útlevéllel utazott be állambiztonsági szolgálat (KGB) egykori ügynöke, aki szintén Londonban él, és a The Times szerint szorosan együttműködik a rendőrséggel ... szerint a bár hét alkalmazottjának szervezetében is kimutattak polóniumot. Találtak sugárzó anyagot a szállodai szobában is; a The ... Putyin államfő Londonban élő ellenfeleinek felkutatására használnák ki - áll a The Times szombati cikkében.
A recenzens szerencsésnek mondhatja magát, mert többször beszámolhatott már világhírű zenekarok budapesti koncertjeiről. A St. Martin in Az Academy of St. Martin in the Fields kamarazenekar hangversenye Km.: Baiba Skride – hegedű, karmester: Sir Neville Marriner január
Ismét nagy üzlet a gitár Nagy-Britanniában. Meglehet, hogy itt a hip-hop és a dj-korszak vége? - tette fel a kérdést a londoni The Paul Simonon összetör egy gitárt (1977, The Clash). Fender Precision: 400 ezer? A rock legfőbb hangszerei valóban igen nagy ..., ugyanúgy, mint a sokszor áldott 50-es és 60-as években. Nyilván ennek nem is kis része van napjaink legnépszerűbb gitárzenekarainak, a
The spokesman for the Hungarian civilian secret services has denied to that he worked for the ... Vajda was reacting to allegations made by the noted Austrian-Hungarian columnist Paul Lendvai, who told from Vienna that Peter in the newsroom, telling him I'd written the article, and that I hoped they would continue allowing me into ... is concerned, all I have to say is that I did not write the article, and I never talked to that agency correspondent in ... In his interview, Lendvai quoted his semi-autobiographical work Crossing the Border, in which he wrote serving alongside Vajda during
koreográfusok a Trafóban. Az utca hírmondói: francia plakátkiállítás. Supernow fesztivál, azaz jó fejek-e a britek? A jó, a rossz és a királynő Tourists are money... A királynő The Queen. Kellő alázattal Igaz, a Sex Pistols nem szerette a királynőt - a fent idézett ... Save The Queen című, khöm, nem éppen dicsőítő zengeményből való - rajtuk kívül azonban sokan rajonganak a királyi családért. Hát, most ... formátumú ember, Erzsébet királynő és miniszterelnökének a szemén keresztül. The Queen- angol-francia-olasz életrajzi dráma, 97 perc