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After his first year in office, we know what kind of president Laszlo Solyom does not want to be. Over the summer, his influence and A visit by motorboat to Szigetkoz, a protest walk to Zengo near Pecs, a bicycle demonstration in Budapest as a member of ... opened memorial buildings in different villages, he has not opened trade fairs with dignified speeches and he has not troubled to ... twinning ceremonies with his presence. The third president of the Third Republic has been cautious in exercising his constitutional
It is wrong to see values and the national interest as being in opposition to each other in the field of foreign policy ..., the 52-year-old president of the Parliamentary European Affairs Committee, who has little faith in the EU as far as human rights and the desirability of protecting our national independence - this is now guaranteed by the North Atlantic military alliance and the United States ... particular. That is why I was a strong supporter of our involvement in the Iraq war back then. Others say Hungary just deepened ... regardless of our position. Hungary was in no position to deepen the divisions. Our freedom for manoeuvre was restricted to deciding
Budapest, 2006. augusztus 1. - A NOD32 megkapta 39. VB100%-as díját a Virus Bulletin magazin augusztusi tesztjén. Az ESET rekord-tartó Cím: 1139 Budapest, Petneházy u. 52. Webcím: ************************* Az Eset
taxes and prices instead of cutting expenditures. Zsigmond Járai, President of the Hungarian National Bank provided this picture in an economy to the wrong direction, set back business activity, hurt competition, push companies in the black economy, speed up inflation ... only temporary solution. No doubt, in the short run the plan could work: by next year the budget deficit could shrink to 6 percent .... Then what should be the solution? Zs. J: Large cuts in the government expenditures should have been the top priority
What do the multinationals think of Hungary? What benefits do multinationals see in setting up shop in Hungary? HVG polled A location in the middle of a Central European market of 70m people, polticial stability, a cheap, but well trained and committed ... - these are the advantages named by 13 company directors in a HVG survey. Philips mentioned the strong infrastructure surrounding Gyor ... opportunities, different taxation methods, bureaucratic public administration, and the tendency towards corruption in the business
A Magyar Turizmus Zrt. (MT Zrt.) és a Budapest Airport képviselői ünnepélyes keretek között fogadták pénteken az első, Japánból érkező A Japan Airlines (JAL) öt charter járatot indít Tokio, Nagoya, Oszaka és Budapest között július 28-tól. A JAL soha nem repült korábban ..., ez az első alkalom, hogy egy légitársaság sorozatban több utasszállító Jumbo-val érkezik Ferihegyre. Landoláskor a repülőgépet a
People are having to get used to the idea that their main asset, their house, flat or land, is declining in value in real are not doing much better. "In the former industrial areas of Budapest, the 11th and 9th districts, as well as Kobanya and ... business plans. Banks estimate that there are some 5,000 empty new flats in Budapest, while some 500 apartment blocks are ... Commentators do not expect the property market to collapse, however. Balazs Kristof is selling a third-floor flat in Miskolc for
A strain of bird flu found in chickens in Thailand may prove to be the deadly H5N1 virus, senior Agriculture Ministry According to authorities, there is a high possibility that it is the N1 strain because of previous outbreaks in the area. ... H5 virus was detected on a farm in the northern province of Pichit, one of seven "red zone" provinces where surveillance was stepped up ... test results were expected in a few days. Compared to its slow response to initial cases in 2003, Thailand now has one of
A vihar miatt nem, a hőség miatt viszont még késnek vonatok. szombat délután és este vihar szakított le felső vezetékeket a ... és a Budapest-Debrecen vasútvonalakon. Vasárnap reggelre a vezetékeket délután és este vihar szakított le felső vezetékeket a Budapest-Hatvan-Miskolc és a Budapest-Debrecen vasútvonalakon. A ..., Kunfehértó és Kiskunhalas között 40 kilométeres sebességgel haladhatnak. Emiatt a Budapest-Székesfehérvár, a
is enough to remember how, in the Tocsi and Postabank cases, or in the broker scandal, how many politicians' names cropped ... was indicted. Politicians have told that money is critical in their measure is the so-called "campaign account." If the law is passed in a week's time, then payments could only be made from this account ... recently that the existing budget ceiling of HUF1m per candidate should be increased in line with inflation since 1994. According to ... Statistical Office, prices have risen 344.7 per cent since 1994. In that light, Fodor's desire to see the ceiling raised to HUF2-2.5m
cruel, bloody tyranny, the worst kind of eastern dictatorship, that exists in the two countries financing its a Hungarian border guard station with firearms. They killed eight soldiers and kidnapped two. SMP is part of the Romanian government coalition. The ...' hide-outs, from which, in this nightmare scenario, they were bombarding Nyiregyhaza, Debrecen and Bekescsaba. We are hardly taking a ... holding Hezbollah responsible for starting the crisis, but saying that Israel has reacted disproportionately. Living in peace for 50
Entrepreneurs are queueing to set out their stalls at the popular summer festivals. But is it worth renting a space at the Sziget Festival or Sziget and sell it at a fixed price. Pal Losonczy, a joint owner of the Bahnhof Music Club, who helped develop the controlled ..., keeping the Bahnhof name in people's minds. Orsolya Muranyi, an independent businesswoman, has also been on the island for several ... artist earns in that one week as much as she would ordinarily earn in a month. She pays HUF50,000 to rent a
Az amerikaiak 65%-a rendszertelenül frissíti vírusirtóját Budapest, 2006. július Az amerikaiak 65%-a rendszertelenül frissíti vírusirtóját Budapest, 2006. július 17. – A Harris Interactive kutatása szerint a
Opposition parties and interest groups in Hungary are questioning the direction of the government's reform policy and resisting the ... cuts. Political analysts cannot rule out social unrest and economic turmoil in the coming months the suburbian districts of Budapest. If they do not do well, there could be an internal revolution and changes in the ... There are few social organizations and lobbyists in Hungary who praise the proposed budget cuts of the government. The Hungarian ... Chamber claims that next year’s budget adjustment would be financed by a 92 percent increase in taxes. László Parragh, the Chamber’s
A Budapest Airport Zrt. (BA) zárt pályázatot hirdetett az Airport Minibus üzletág értékesítésére. Eredmény augusztusban a társaság érdekképviseleti szervei és az üzemi tanács is, a tendert a törvényben előírt munkavállalói konzultációkat követően írta ki a
Budapest csak a 93. legdrágább város a 130 metropoliszt vizsgáló legfrissebb felmérés szerint. A világ nagyvárosai közül Osloban a Oroszország) 22. New York (USA) 67. Prága (Csehország) 67. Varsó (Lengyelország) 93. Budapest (Magyarország) 95. Pozsony