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The Hungarian press spent days discussing Shimon Peres's clumsy remark about "buying up Hungary". Anti-semitic fundamentalists ... of the Israeli embassy, while Lakitelek veterans wrote Peres a letter. Israel's new ambassador appeared on television to offer Shimon Peres, the Israeli president, recently told a chamber of commerce that: "Nowadays you can build empires without ... colonies and sending in the army. Israeli businessmen are investing all around the world, enjoying unparalleled success ... buying up Manhattan, Poland, Hungary and Romania." It caused a stir in certain circles. More than it would have if the Austrian
No official protests have been made in Brussels at the nomination of Sandor Laborc as head of the National Security Office ... happy at the prospect of a man who graduated from the KGB academy becoming head of the Neither the US nor the NATO ambassador of any other ally protested at Laborc's nomination, Hungary's NATO ambassador Zoltan ... - member states had no such obligation, he said. The dailies Magyar Nemzet and Magyar Hirlap reported earlier that the ... NATO ambassador that they considered a graduate of the KGB academy an unacceptable head for the security services of an
There are just enough people now to stab Caesar, but they will have to wait for the untainted man who can lend honour to their act ... people circling around Ferenc Gyurcsany, but not one of them who could act without the public assuming he was doing so out of ... has repeatedly humiliated his party, but the party has to put up with this until somebody turns up who can convince people he has Marcus Junius Brutus. In the mid-1990s, Tony Blair and his team tore the old Labour Party to shreds. If he had ... would never have got back into power. In 2001, Koizumi, the Japanese prime minister, promised to "tear apart the LDP and ...." Let's be clear: the LDP was his own party, the one which had led Japan continuously since World War II, but it had
The Quadrum néven 22 ezer négyzetméteres irodapark épül a Ferihegyi repülőtér mellett. Magyarországon ez lesz az első irodaház, amely a pedig további három épület lesz kész. Az irodapark kizárólagos bérbeadó ügynöksége a Cushman & Wakefield. The Quadrum irodaházak ... először a The Quadrum irodaházak épülnek az angol Building Research Establishment (BRE) független minősítő és kutató szervezet által
hung on his 18th birthday by Kadar's men. They must be amused by the light punishments meted out by the justice system. It The far right fringe in Hungary has carried out a dramatic media putsch. Somehow, they seem to have supplanted the Budapest ..., leading a fair number of press organs by the nose for several hours. Persuading those organs that an unrelated ruling in Strasbourg ... assembly and the "precedent" of the illegal taxi blockade would force the police to allow them to paralyse
We should follow the advice of Szabolcs Vamosi Nagy, the former deputy president of APEH, the tax authority ... public. The opposition would be unable to pose as martyrs. Is this such a high price to pay for an improvement in tax Lajos Simicska Peter Szijjarto was clearly furious that APEH, which is supervised by the Finance Ministry, had asked for ... affairs to be inspected. The opposition spokesman said this appeared to confirm rumours of a planned no-holds-barred attack on Fidesz ... politicians. It has been suggested that Ferenc Gyurcsany aims to use the power of state authorities for political ends. There is no
árfolyamon 108 millió forint) adta el a The Sun című brit bulvárlapnak a drámáról készült két felvételét - többek között ezt Az igazságügyi vizsgálatot folytató bíró megismerkedhetett annak a beszélgetésnek a szövegével, amelyet Kenneth Lennox, a The Sun
az alacsonyabb árért világszínvonalú kiszolgálásban részesülnek - ez derül ki a The Sunday Telegraph terjedelmes fogászati turizmus egyik elsődleges célpontja Magyarország. A The Sunday Telegraph összeállítása szerint azonban Magyarországon sem ... hónapra vállaltak volna, a budapesti klinikán egy hét alatt elvégezték. A klinika magyar társtulajdonosa a The Sunday Telegraphnak
The gap between Fidesz and a stumbling Socialist Party has opened even wider, as the economic outlook and the September's narrowing of the gap between the two big parties can be explained partly by the heightened media ... the Magyar Garda, which likely encouraged some Socialist voters to reveal their colours while scaring the odd moderate ..., which only hesitantly distanced itself from the organisation. By the beginning of October, however, Fidesz had
Anne Enright ír szerző nyerte idén a legrangosabb brit irodalmi díjat The Gathering (Összejövetel) című családregényével. Az 50 ezer kényelmetlen és helyenként dühös könyvet írt. A The Gathering kompromisszummentes betekintést nyújt egy szomorú család életébe kemény ... választja ki a legérdemesebbet. Két évvel ezelőtt szintén ír szerző, John Banville kapta az elismerést The Sea (A tenger) című
Another 1956 anniversary is approaching. The extreme right wants to provoke a new round of street fighting, if not on 23 October, then a ... days later, on the anniversary of the taxi blockade. There will be a rally at Astoria in memory of 23 October 2006 In her interview with HVG, Szofia Havas has repeated her opinion that 1956 was no revolution. Rather, she says, armed people hunted Jews in ... historians have shown that voters in elections between the two world wars were influenced by the position their ancestors ... uprising in the Vendee region. In the late 1930s, when the political struggle over the Popular
Slovakia's reinforcement of the Benes Decrees cannot be allowed to bass without comment, but Hungary must not forget it is arguing with ... that is still creating its national identity, says Tamas Stark, 48, a historian, who believes diplomatic relations between the two Intellectuals in the Hungarian-speaking part of Slovakia have been heard to say that it was a mistake for Slovakia's Hungarian ...) and its leader Pal Csaky to issue a declaration calling on the two countries to apologise to each other. Do you think it contributed ... strengthening of the Benes Decrees in Slovakia? T.S.: MKP signed up to the Slovak coalition saying it would not call