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Members of the Budapest general assembly and a freshly formed civil movement both aim to reconsider plans for utilizing the “rust belt” Budapest”, which aims to “rethink the city”. “Bulldozers do not fit into the modern urban trends followed in Western .... In the beginning of June “I love Budapest” kicked off with a design contest seeking ideas to make the city more livable ... City officials have been seeking ideas and possibilities for utilizing the former gas factory premises in District 3 for years. Their
Hungary’s mid-term economic stability outlook was termed “consistently gloomy” and its budget deficit “terrible” by London-based financial powerhouse current account deficit and the country’s mounting external debt. In the meantime, slowing economic growth and falling core inflation ... percentage points until May, the rate is still too high, 4.5 percentage point higher than the rate of core inflation, offering the biggest yield ... a rate hike before the end of the year. Merrill Lynch forecasts that the MNB will continue with rate cuts in the short run, but rate
László Sólyom, a nominee of the opposition parties, received 185 votes against 182 for government candidate Katalin Szili in a repeated possibilities for the government’s work until the next elections in 2006 and prepare for the election campaign. Hiller admitted that
Az Új Budapest Központ kiírta a Budapest új építészeti szimbólumáról szóló pályázatot, amelyet a Nemzeti Konzultáció A pályaművek díjazására és megvételére bruttó 3,5 millió forintot biztosít az Új Budapest Központ, az első díj összege kétmillió, az
A kormány szerdai ülésén egyetértett a Budapest Airport Rt. 75 százalék mínusz egy szavazatot megtestesítő részvénycsomagjának Hozzátette: a pályázat kiírásáról az ÁPV Rt. a következő napokban dönt. A döntés azt tartalmazza, hogy a Budapest Airport Rt. üzleti ... a célokat, amelyek teljesülését várja a privatizációtól. Ezek közé tartozik, hogy megtörténjen a Budapest Ferihegyi repülőtér ... elfogadta, hogy a Budapest Airport és a kormány közötti vagyonkezelői szerződést hosszú távú, határozott idejű szerződéssé alakítsák
A budai városrészt május 29-től Budapest Főváros XI. kerület Újbuda Önkormányzata névvel illetik. Ezzel a névváltoztatással a kerületet sokarcú városrészt egy átfogó, minden kis részére igaz névvel illessék. Olyan névvel, amely illik Budapest legfejlődőbb, és egyik ... pályaudvar is. Ma már Újbuda Budapest legnagyobb egyetemi városrésze, és igen jelentős a kulturális beruházások aránya is. Újbudán a
K&H Equities Rt., the brokerage firm involved in an embezzlement case still under police investigation, made HUF 4 billion losses on HUF K&H Equities said the losses, similarly to previous year’s losses, are connected to the embezzlement case in 2003, in ... of the investigations is still uncertain and the final bill could exceed the HUF 11.4 billion. K&H Equities made HUF 9 billion in ... brokerage in the future. HVG was told by K&H Bank’s press department that the bank is ready to provide help, if the brokerage needs it
The general meeting of the Budapest Stock Exchange (BÉT) approved plans to buy shares of the Budapest Commodity Exchange BÉT will use an option to raise its 46.67% stake to 100% in Central Clearing House and Depository Rt. (Keler) buy buying a stake held ... have six members instead of the current five. In order to give way for the completion of the merger, BÁT’s general meeting next Monday ... newly acquired stake to an offshore company, a Hungarian company and a Hungarian individual in an attempt to avoid a compulsory buy-out
Real estate consultants forecast price of residential properties to rise 2% in the case of newly built homes and 1% in the ... cite a sudden fall in demand and a saturated market as reasons behind the halt in residential property highest at 6%. Real estate developers and consultants in Q1 2005 were generally skeptical of the market, due to a fall of demand and a ... estate market. Thanks to a spectacular growth in the real estate market, which lasted until the beginning of 2004, a number of
Hungary’s listed companies posted modest results in Q1 2005, with the growth of their profits and revenues slowing. While oil and gas .... remained the strongest performer on the market, market leader OTP Bank Rt. lagged behind in Companies listed on the Budapest Stock Exchange (BÉT) made a total of HUF 1,067 billion in revenues, 10% up from a year ... profits in Q1, 16.5% up from Q1 in 2004. A total of 13 companies managed to increase their revenues by a larger extent ... the strongest players on the market. MOL mostly profited from high crude oil prices and growing margins at refineries. Crude oil prices
Hungary’s gross domestic production (GDP) grew 3% in the first quarter of 2005, compared to the same period last year. The office, for the first time. The new methodology allows for publishing figures about 15 days earlier than in the former methodology ... path, following the trend of the EU’s economy. In the first quarter of 2005, countries in the euro zone produced 1.4 ...% growth rate in the same period a year earlier. Average GDP growth rate in the 25 EU member states was 1.7%, down from
The European Court last Thursday decided in favor of Hungary in a long lasting dispute over the use of tokaji, tocai and ..., banning Italian winemakers from using the tocai name. Italian Agriculture Minister Gianni Alemanno announced he plans to come to “Italy has a few more aces,” Alemanno said over the weekend in Rome, implying that Italy does not give up the fight for the right to ... name for some of its wines. Italian winemakers started legal proceedings after Hungary made a “wine treaty” with the EU in 1993 ... Italian tocai name cannot be used after 2007. In its ruling last week the European Court said Tokaj is a geographic area
Budapest közterületein, valamint a Bang On A Can és Iva Bittova közös estje a Trafóban, Pat Metheny koncert, Klazz fesztivál, a jazz és a Budapest Táncszínház és Marie-Laure Tarneaud francia koreográfusnő közös magyarországi, majd franciaországi műhelymunkájából ..., és megmutatni a közönségnek a Budapest Táncszínház táncosainak közös története által. Nemzeti Táncszínház, május 21-22. ... be. Budapest, Színház- és Filmművészeti Egyetem (Ódry Színpad) május 19.(22.30)., 22. (19.00) Vígszínház, május 26-27.(19.00
Hungary should carry out fundamental reforms in order to become eligible for introducing the euro in 2010, Zsigmond Járai added that inflation has been falling in the latest months, which shows a favorable trend. Inflation targets for 2005 and 2006 can be ... goal to adopt the euro in 2010 can be met only if serious reforms are introduced as early as possible,” Járai said. “I hope the Prime
Félmillió forintos díjat ajánlott fel Budapest rendőr-főkapitánya annak, aki információkat tud adni a Budapesten karddal átszúrt fiú "Budapest rendőrfőkapitánya bruttó 500 ezer forintot ajánlott fel a nyomravezetőnek, aki az elkövető személyével kapcsolatban olyan