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A Kosztolányi Dezső téren lévő Feneketlen-tó és környéke a főváros egyik jellegzetes szubkulturális helye. Szívesen járnak ide a ... a tóból kifogni egy búvárt, mint egy halat. A tehetősebb közönség ”hal ügyben” (is) inkább a Hemingway éttermet de nem procc étterem, hangulatos kávéház, barátságos klub. Három az egyben. Nyáron megtoldva a tó fölé húzódó grillterasszal, télen ...: minden Elérhetőség: Cím: XI. ker. Budapest, Kosztolányi Dezső tér 2., Feneketlen tó Tel.: 06-381-05-22 Nyitva: 10-24 óráig., vas
Civil liberties enshrined in the constitution leave the government little room for manoeuvre when it comes to taking legal steps against labelled fascist. The prime minister promised to amend legislation on free assembly and free speech to place extremist ... surveillance. But Ferenc Kondorosi, a state secretary, told HVG that a Justice Ministry proposal relating to the far-right website ... very far. "I see very few possibilities for change within the existing criminal law framework." According to the ministry, slander
Plans to cut staffing at the National Security Office (NBH) are about improving productivity and cutting out dead wood to ... flows, according to Gyorgy Szilvasy, minister without portfolio in charge of the civilian secret services. The changes will reduce the ... operational directorates from four to three and cut the number of departments in half said to have resigned. Szilvasy, however, insisted nobody had been sacked from the NBH, and that more than three quarters of the ... continue to serve in some managerial role. That the NBH is being reformed is not a surprise. Many criticisms have been levelled at ... operations over the past year. Szilvasy himself acknowledged this, saying: "We have had to overcome the deficiencies that have been
Scientologist businesspeople only conceal their allegiance to protect themselves from attacks, according to Imre Toth, the government. Wouldn't it be better to publish a list of your association's members? I.T.: The moment members of other churches ... economic and other interests,we will do the same. Until then, we have a right to enjoy the same constitutional right to ... be stronger, and the popular mood would be better. HVG: Is it true that Scientologist businesspeople help each other to get on and
What makes right-wing journalists attempt to rehabilitate elements of the traditional Arrow Cross and Nazi symbols and, by their but wrong when he compared the activities of the portal's editors to those of the Socialist MP Janos Zuschlag, who joked about Jews .... I have nothing to say in his favour, not least because further information has emerged in recent weeks about a range of phantom ... councillor in Budapest), they were nonetheless media professionals. The radio itself belongs to Simicska's Fidesz-linked media empire
The anti-fascists' overreaction to Arrow Cross-inspired initiatives risk provoking a boomerang effect. An insignificant, peripheral ...-grouping has just been given billions of forints' worth of free advertising. To the hyperventilators we say keep calm! You'll achieve The founding members of the Magyar Garda have sought protection from the President in response to Ferenc Gyurcsany's request that public ... a free-thinking liberal, I believe they have the right to express their views, however revolting they may be. Attempts at banning them .... Rampaging storm troopers on the streets are apparently posing a real threat to the lives of peaceful Jews, Roma, gays and left-liberal
The Hungarian government has failed to come up with an up-to-date vision of the nation. It should have thought more ... according to Istvan Szent-Ivanyi, an MEP, foreign policy committee member and foreign affairs spokesperson for the Free Democrats European democracies' common position condemning America's visa policy and for adopting its own line on visa-free access to the United ..., Lithuania, Romania and Slovakia - sent a joint declaration to Washington. Until that point, we had been members of this coalition ... the visa restrictions affecting our citizens to be lifted. I believe it would have been appropriate for us to continue our
"My father was an army officer for a short while before working for local government. He had high expectations. Children were not to ... eating and should not involve themselves in adults' conversations. I soon wanted to leave home," remembers the 54-year-old general and education." Because of this, he ended up studying to be an aeroplane mechanic in Szolnok. He was not an aviation enthusiast, however ... months later I passed." He nonetheless asked to teach social sciences in place of technical subjects. He was permitted to ... Zrinyi Miklos Military Academy. After the regime change, he was sent to Brown University in America, after which he was named an
Fierce competition between driving schools have depressed prices - and this, not alleged corruption, has led to the poor driving skills "It's very rare for a test to be clean. Most driving examiners expect some kind of a tip," claimed a provincial driving instructor who ... the past few years. A few years ago, it took an average of 1.6 driving tests to get a licence, while it now takes 1.85. Szorcsok claims ... fails has risen over the past three years because authorities are trying to keep up the difficulty level, while instructors are
Wolfgang Ruttenstorfer, the 57-year-old chief executive of OMV, the Austrian oil company, is working to bring about a forced marriage ... Hungary's Mol and his company. He believes the capital markets want a cash payment, which amounts to a buy-out. He dismisses HVG: I brought you an "I love Mol" sticker from a Hungarian filling station. Even the Vienna papers are reporting Hungarian calls to ... Austrian companies. Were you expecting your purchase of 8.6 per cent of Mol's shares to kick up such a storm in Hungary? W.R.: I ... storm has a role to play in European economic development. OMV itself is no longer an Austrian company. Most of our activities are
We should brace ourselves to expect more fraught salary negotiations from the autumn, especially in industries we all depend These 'sensitive industries' are likely to suffer from lengthy strikes because workers in other sectors can't force their employers into ... of practical and theoretical training. It's no coincidence that engine drivers threatened to strike at the end of July if Hungarian ... rising inflation. But nor is it surprising that the government seems unwilling to see strikes that affect hundreds of thousands of
Prostitutes are to receive subsidised business classes. Like other self-employed people, they will pay tax and social security training for budding businesswomen. The 110 places available were several times oversubscribed. One part of the story goes back to ... event in Pecs. Police asked several prostitutes for identity papers and, finding they had no official documents on them at all, reported them ... law makes it impossible to have sex for money legally, since either the employer or the business would be criminally liable. A
Vészesen apad a Garda-tó, Olaszország legnagyobb tava, olyannyira, hogy le
kellett állítani a szárnyashajók közlekedését, és A tartós hőség és szárazság miatt június közepe óta 40 centiméternyit apadt a tó vízszintje, és minden nap további 1 centiméterrel ... hosszú, legnagyobb szélességénél 17 kilométer széles Garda-tó Olaszország legnagyobb tava, amely a gazdag mediterrán flórának és az