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Kelet-európai szexrabszolgák középkori bánásmódjáról ír a The Sunday Telegraph. A lap szerint Macedóniában föld alatti bunkerekben írta a The Sunday Telegraph. A legnagyobb vasárnapi brit konzervatív lap, amely hetek óta közöl cikkeket a brit szexpiacon eladott .... A The Sunday Telegraph által látott rendőrségi videofelvételeken több hasonló bunker, illetve padlás látható, ahol a ... lányok jelentős része Nagy-Britanniában köt ki - írta a tekintélyes brit lap. A The Sunday Telegraph az e témában írt előző, november
is a lehetőséggel, a brit orvosi szakmának azonban ez nem nagyon tetszik - írta a The Sunday akár magasabb is lehet a britekénél, viszont a megélhetési költségek jóval alacsonyabbak. A The Sunday Times szerint a brit hallgatók ... helyet Csehországban. A szervezet igazgatója azt mondta a The Sunday Timesnak, Nagy-Britannia olcsóbban jönne ki, ha a hazai taníttatás ... a jövőbeni brit orvosok, hanem a páciensek is alaposan kihasználják. A The Sunday Times tavaly közölt átfogó riportot arról, hogy egyre
Ferenc Somogyi, the foreign minister, has led a delegation of Hungarian diplomats to the Middle East. asked László HVG : Hungarian diplomacy seems to have taken a renewed interest in the Middle East recently... Várkonyi : The Middle ... important for us. The two focuses of this visit are our meeting with the foreign minister of Bahain and attending ... tenth anniversary of Rabin's death. We've managed to fit some other discussions in as well. The foreign ministers met in Jordan, and on
The Socialists' autumn role has served as a timely warning for Fidesz: the party has recognised that it could lose next ... Orbán, who spoke in parliament on Monday for the first time since the elections three years ago, hopes to win Viktor Orbán must be grateful to the Socialists for their early campaign start, because end-October polls have made clear something that ... Fidesz were reluctant to acknowledge: if the Socialists make an effort, they could defeat their rivals. The gap between ... in recent weeks to within the statistical margin of error - with the Socialists leading in polls by Tárki and Gallup
The National Security Office (NBH) is preparing to file charges of
violating state secrets in the Szatmári spying scandal ... one of their employees filed a lie-detector test, raising
the possibility that he or she played a role in the leaking Tibor Szatmári, the former head of the Budapest office of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania ... Hungary - at least this is what the Hungarian counter-intelligence service suspected in 2004. The NBH believes that ... the Hungarian civil service, were both working for foreign interests. They collected information and worked to sour the
The Movement for a Better Hungary (Jobbik) is taking the gloves off in its fight for the extreme-right and The Jobbik's self-portayal in the midst of an already vicious pre-election campaign is more than thought-provoking ..., that boundary has had a name: István Csurka. The Jobbik have never denied that they want to blaze a more radical trail in Hungarian ... Csurka is an attempt to maintain their radical background. Their most recent statement highlights that aim: "...In response to the
In 1988, Gyurcsány called for Fidesz to be "squeezed out politically." In 1988, using the word "political" signalled that democratic The fall of the dictatorship can be followed via linguistic changes. The Kádár régime attacked dissident ... grants for study abroad and breaking up circles of friends. "Politics" was a suspect term under the dictatorship. Though "reforming ... institutional structure" was a frequent phrase in periodicals with a limited readership in the 1980s, even the party
With six months to go until the elections, it's worth looking back to the run-up to the 1994, 1998 and 2002 ... impending defeat was clearer six months ahead of time than immediately before the election. The parliamentary see-saw has One peculiarity of Hungarian politics is that, after losing an election, the losing party is always perplexed by its defeat. But this ... power at four-year intervals reflects one of the few laws of modern political systems. "The opposition, at least in ... share power with the governing majority, but it can return to power at any moment, at the latest at the next
The number of unemployed career-beginners has almost doubled over the past two years, despite the government's "Check-out manager, butcher manager, bakery manager." With these imposing titles, one of the supermarket chains is trying to recruit ... for a new store in a newspaper advert. A college or university degree would be an advantage for each of these jobs, even though "supervising ...-out lines, ensuring that shoppers do not have to wait and ensuring the warehouse is tidy" are all tasks that could be carried out by
Eighteen months after accession to the EU, the number of Hungarians working in western Europe is about the ... Hungary. Whilst the positive and negative impacts of this are still unclear, one thing is certain: the outflow is set to Around 45,000 Hungarians are working legally in the EU's old member states, though even this figure is uncertain. Hungary does not keep ... country. The number of illegal workers is a matter for guesswork. An Employment Ministry civil servant, who did not wish to be ... there were "at least three illegal workers for every one who features in the official statistics." This was the case even
Parliament is likely to have the final say on whether Jews should be recognised as a nationality in Hungary. But the "We have set ourselves the aim of having the Jews of Hungary recognised alongside the country's other ... signed by four individuals that has been submitted to the Electoral Commission (OVB). They chose the OVB because ... minorities says that if another group wishes to join the ranks of the 13 other recognised national minorities
A new law being drafted by the Education Ministry would mean that only people with university degrees could teach. The ... bring Hungarian law in to line with the Bologna agreement, but it contains an extra rule that would radically change the regulations for technical education. The draft would mean that all teachers would need a five-year masters degree. It is possible that ... without a valid teacher's diploma. The result would be huge numbers of unemployed graduates. The new system would make ... fairly, then many of the colleges would fail in this goal. They do not have enough graded lecturers, and nor can they carry out
The Hungarian Democratic Forum's (MDF) biggest problem is that the elections are approaching, and the party's ... independence seems ever less plausible. But the Christian Democrats are not in the least bit disturbed by the They were happy to accept a common party list and common candidates. But who does Orbán need more at the elections? Zsolt Semjén's ... Orbán's every order? The answer is not straightforward. Especially now that István Csurka's far-right MIÉP party and the ... Hungary (Jobbik) have joined to form the Third Way party, which hopes to ride into parliament on the back of a strongly
forradalom krónikása volt. Haláláról a The Washington Post és a The New Times is között is. A The Washington Post méltató cikke szerint Marton Endre egy ideig maga írta saját magáról a jelentéseket a család szakácsa ... Washingtonban az AP diplomáciai tudósítójaként dolgozott és 1975-ben vonult nyugdíjba. 1971-ben jelent meg visszaemlékezése The
The capital got through five mayors in the decade after 1945, but only J ózsef Kővágó he first of them, assumed ... others all won office on the back of political compromises that remain murky to this "The city commander doesn't want a social democrat mayor. He says they're far harder to work with and they can't be ordered around as ... civic ( polgármester ) mayors," reported Ernő Gerő his boss on March 22, 1945. His boss was Mátyás Rákosi, first secretary of the ... (MKP), and he was still in Debrecen at the time. Ger ő w ho was deputy first secretary, was referring to the wishes of
There are two motifs at the Hungarian stand. On one shelf, foreign-language translations of Hungarian authors. In another corner, recent Let's be clear: the Book Fair is not one, jumbled up book warehouse. This is surely obvious, so why do I point it out? Well, from my ... Hungarian stand at the fair it would seem that some of my compatriots are unaware of this. Our stand does not represent our literary ... books at the German publisher Suhrkamp's stand. It was better seeing Márai at Piper. I could see Zsuzsa Bánk, Eszterházy and Kertész in
A physics teacher and a retired army general are some of the highlights of the Socialists' newly recruited list of MP It would seem that the Socialists are seriously concerned that their junior coalition partner will fall at the 5% hurdle ... parliament - and thereby undermining the Socialist Party's own chances of forming the next government. In more than one ... its nominees to help the Free Democrats. In some places, they are swapping out better known politicians to give the Free
Vipers, Amazonian parrots, Roman antiquities - these are all part of the standard haul for customs officials patrolling Hungary's More often, though, they sift through cigarettes, drugs, firearms, jewelry and Chinese knock-offs of big clothing labels. The customs ... separate hauls this year, to a value of HUF37bn. Victor Christ, a Romanian with plenty to declare, became increasingly nervous as the ... in Nagylak started examining his car. In the end he confessed to having six poisonous vipers stashed away inside. It was a wise choice