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The National Security Committee of Parliament discussed the Szatmár case as early as June. The main figure in Hungary's anti-espionage team developed a plan to 'isolate' Tibor Szatmári and his wife Ildikó Szatmári, who are both suspected of spying, but ... plan was ruined last week by Magyar Nemzet's revelations of a 'spy scandal'. The story has been going on for some time. In April this ..., a reference to the Szatmáris appeared in a discussion forum on Transindex, a Cluj (Kolozsvár) based Hungarian-language news portal
It's a common refrain, in Europe both old and new, that since European integration got going, since the European Commission ... and the WTO started running things, "the rich have got richer, the poorer have got poorer." This line is of is tantamount to an expletive in some circles - I feel a certain readiness to express my opinion. First, I should answer the question ... recommend to a left-wing government like the Socialist-Free Democrat coalition that it introduce the kind of property or ... governments have experimented with over the past decades, trying to stem the tide of poverty brought on by gloablisation
Turmoil on the mineral water market - Pepsi and Nestlé's hitherto easy dominance is being undermined by much smaller, Hungarian-owned Over the past decade, mineral water consumption per head has grown fifteen-fold to 60 litres per year in Hungary. Last year was ..., but growth should take off again this year, with some bottlers predicting annual consumption of 70 litres. Figures released by the ... AC Nielsen seem to confirm this: between August 2004 and July 2005, 650m litres were sold, 21% more than in the preceding year, with
Charges have been filed against Attila Kulcsár and 20 other suspects, but prosecutors have only named there of them. can reveal Sándor Ihász, the Metropolitan Chief Prosecutor, announced the charges at a press conference, naming only Kulcsár ..., Tibor E Rejtő, former CEO of K&H Bank and Csaba Kerék, the former MD of Britton Kft. Most of the suspects are charged ... laundering, bribery, receiving stolen goods and being an accessory to a crime, though the charges were not linked with individuals at
Recently, Zsigmond Járai - speaking of course as a private individual - called for state debt to be progressively cut and for the budget The central banker, who was the Fidesz government's finance minister between 1998 and 2001, has until now refrained from ... manifestos, but this work, published as a supplement to the financial daily Világgazdaság, proposes measures so radical that they outdo ... and Lajos Bokros, the wise old men of Hungarian monetarism. At least they never dared to go this far. Bokros has recently being calling
Turmoil on the mineral water market - Pepsi and Nestlé's hitherto easy dominance is being undermined by much smaller, Hungarian-owned Over the past decade, mineral water consumption per head has grown fifteen-fold to 60 litres per year in Hungary. Last year was ..., but growth should take off again this year, with some bottlers predicting annual consumption of 70 litres. Figures released by the ... AC Nielsen seem to confirm this: between August 2004 and July 2005, 650m litres were sold, 21% more than in the preceding year, with
A former employee of the Office for Hungarians Abroad and her husband spied for Romania, it is Tibor Szatmári, once a key figure in the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania (RMDSZ) arrived in Budapest in 2002 to work as a ... between the RMDSZ and the Hungarian government and serve as the party's Budapest office manager. HVG has ... confidential meetings of the Hungarian Standing Committee (which brings together Hungarian leaders from countries of the
Kézzel, nem pedig mobiltelefonnal működésbe hozott robbanószerkezetet használtak a július 7-i londoni öngyilkos merénylők - írta szerdai számában a hogy az öngyilkos merénylők a robbantáshoz mobiltelefont használtak. A The Gurdian most úgy értékelte, hogy a legújabb vizsgálati
It's not clear whether there is a country anywhere in the world that operates four public-service television stations. But from ... our small country will be doing, with the launch of the new Democracy channel.
Natives of distant lands, from the Eskimos of Greenland to the Dayak of Indonesia must all be talking about ... can support four public-service broadcasters at once. But subscribers will be less overjoyed when they realise that the new channel ... necessary to replace old analogue filters in TV equipment. That will be costly, and it will be the viewers who pay. But for fearless
Interviewers often use silence as a way of finding out how a candidate will perform in a stressful situation. And silence is a deadly trick ... candidate, there to prove him or herself, can be forced onto the back foot. And that is precisely what the interviewer Many people take silence as a sign that they've made a mistake, or that the interviewer expects them to add detail. But trying to add ... a finished explanation just makes matters worse for the candidate and can lead to verbal and behavioural confusion. So what should we ... remain silent. If two people stay silent, it often seems like a confrontation. Who will blink first? Who breaks the silence? And
The procedure for selecting a new president for Magyar Rádió seems to be following the rules of absurd drama. Phantom civil ... suddenly take physical form to cast the deciding vote on the question of who will run public radio. Fortunately, press ... radio being run by the Socialists and/or the Free Democrats instead of We've already seen false vice-presidents, interim leaders and anti-leaders, cases before the company courts, threats about withdrawing ... - all of which cast the Media Law in the best possible light. This law created an ownership and management structure which ... paralyse both itself and the institution it is meant to oversee. This is not the first time that the whole
Job-interviewers often use silence as a way of finding out how a candidate will perform in a stressful situation. And silence is a deadly trick ... candidate, there to prove him or herself, can be forced onto the back foot. And that is precisely what the interviewer Many people attending a job-interview take silence as a sign that they've made a mistake, or that the interviewer expects them to add ... trying to add detail to a finished explanation just makes matters worse for the candidate and can lead to verbal and behavioural ... should we do? It's ok to remain silent. If two people stay silent, it often seems like a confrontation. Who will blink first? Who breaks
The Sziget is likely to set a new record this year. According to the organisers, the 13th Sziget festival is ... already starting on dismantling the Main Stage after the Good Charlotte concert on Tuesday, and the clean-up This year's Sziget set new records both for ticket sales and audience numbers. Some 70,000 people were on the island on August 13 ... before. Last year's record of 369,000 visitors certainly fell this year. A medical team with 380 staff was in attendance on the ... six doctors, 25 senior nurses and more than 80 people on patrol. They were helped in their work by a team of first-aiders and two ambulances
A new report from Euromonitor International, “Health of the Nation Hungary” reveals that Hungary is one of Europe’s unhealthiest ... largely to a traditionally unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity by the population in general the population respectively were overweight or obese in 2000 and these figures are only expected to reach 50% and 52% by 2020. Indeed ... figures are only slightly behind the UK, where by 2020, it is predicted that 62.5% of adult women and 71% of adult men will be .... Poor diet and lack of exercise A diet rich in red meat, animal fat, and carbohydrates, continues to be part of the Hungarian
Hungary is football-mad this summer - and not even arguments over the Puskás gala match could put a stop to that. The great ... Hungary one after another, Debrecen crushed the Croatian champions, and Hungarian footballers are being snapped up by major national It was strange to see how seriously Croatians take matches in the national league. And it was stranger still to see how quickly our ... the limelight. While Dalmatia fell into mourning, in Hungary the jubilation began at the news of Debrecen's ... days. And this summer we are in Footballand once again, even if Debrecen lost in Manchester. Real Madrid is visiting, the Argentinians
Trump hivatala felkérte a pénzügyminisztériumot és a külügyi tárcát, hogy állítsák össze azon szankciók listáját, amikből az amerikaiak a diplomáciai és a gazdasági kapcsolatok felélesztése érdekében engedhetnek.