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Azonnali hatállyal elrendelte Judith Millernek, a The New York Times munkatársának az elzárását a washingtoni kerületi bíró szerdán dolgozott a Központi Hírszerző Ügynökségnél(CIA). Férje, Joseph Wilson exnagykövet 2003 júliusában a The New York Times hasábjain ..., hogy a lelkiismeret szavát kövessük - méltatta Arthur Sulzberger, a The New York Times kiadója és elnöke Judith Miller választását. A
career it is essential to recognise and act on these differences. The following tips may 1. Talk. If your boss wants to chat, then take advantage of the opportunity. 2. Learn to pay attention. Look actively interested during
Recent tax cuts in Hungary have been touted as “the largest since the regime change.” It sounds good, but bear in mind that There are ways in which Ferenc Gyurcsány, the prime minister could make his tax cut proposals more than a silly season topic to fill ... announce a radical restructuring of the Prime Minister’s Office (MEH), slashing its 2006 budget by 20 percent compared to 2005. At ... could make a symbolic gesture by reducing the number of state secretaries in the MEH. The PM could also
The forint has been rising in recent weeks, despite domestic macroeconomic uncertainties. Analysts attribute this mainly to foreign ... for higher returns. Some believe that the second half will not bring any significant weakening in the forint. In The forint continued to firm despite the fact that the current account deficit in the first ... to figures released by the Hungarian National Bank on Thursday. The budget deficit is also high, even ahead of tax reforms ... will remove a further HUF200m from the budget in 2006 alone. Analysts believe that the tax package will bring further
The National Security Office (NBH) has released a report on the dangers of online banking. The NBH’s task is The Financial Supervisory Authority’s stastistics show that large-scale internet fraud has been rare in Hungary, but the ... warns us to be prepared for an increase in online swindles. Now that there are 450,000 users of e-banking services in Hungary, experts expect ... to increase. According to data released by GKI Economic Research in January, there were 436,000 domestic and 65,000 business users of
Egyhetes haladékot adott szerdán a washingtoni szövetségi kerületi bíró két amerikai újságírónak, a The New York Times és a Time Judith Miller, a The New York Times, illetve Matthew Cooper, a Time hírmagazin újságírója a bíróság felszólítása ellenére nem ... nagykövet 2003 júliusában a The New York Times hasábjain megcáfolta, hogy Szaddám Huszein volt iraki elnök sárga pogácsának nevezett
paprika, tomatoes, strawberries, melons and peaches available in the shops for half the price long before their seasons The situation is little better for livestock farmers. The Central Statistical Office’s data for April confirm a fifteen ... are now below four million, 40% of the pre-1989 level. Full EU membership has failed to stop the beef cattle stock from ... stocks are now dwindling even faster. Irrationally, the EU supports grain producers to the hilt, whilst leaving
It is not a question of whether there will be a two-party system, but of when it will happen. All the factors driving political life are Viktor Orbán has said that he believes a two-party system to be desirable, though the presidents of the Socialist and Free ... both said that they would not like a two-party system. But if the 2006 elections did indeed return only two parties to parliament ... both the end of the Free Democrats and the fall of the current coalition. A two-party system
The Batthyány Professors’ Circle of right-leaning academics has prepared a “St. István Plan,” which is to serve as the ... backbone of the “second term of civic government” that Fidesz has promised for 2006. Viktor Orbán commissioned the plan The plan’s authors devoted much attention to the press, which “most often abuses the freedom it won at ... recommends that the media be “placed under strict moral supervision,” a move the authors claim is necessary to protect ... plan is preoccupied with the importance of order and the desire for order. “Conservatism protects order and
Tehran may be on the brink of democratising, said the 76 year-old philospher Ágnes Heller after her lecture tour there HVG: It’s strange to think of you stepping up to the podium in an Iranian university wearing a chador. AH: I didn’t have to wear a ..., although by law it is forbidden to appear in a public place without a headscarf. So I covered my head the moment I got off ... receive the invitation to Iran, because I knew it to be a country of culture where more French novels and philosophical works are
Contemporary writing is lagging behind in Hungary's Big Read competiton, which has failed to give a boost to the publishing The 12 finalists in Hungary's Big Read competition are mostly works on compulsory school reading lists or children's favourites. It ... been surveying reading habits for decades. Most of the books that readers consistently list as favourites have ended up as finalists in ... well. But the name of the competition might have played a role. In Hungarian the competition is called
The Historical Archive of the State Security Services have neither the staff nor the resources to ... available on the internet. Despite its building’s recent renovation, the Archive continues to struggle with a lack of Following President Ferenc Mádl’s referral of the revised Agents’ Law to the Constitutional Court, the ... currently have the resources. The ÁBTL was created in 2003 as a successor to the Historical Office that was ... original address on Eötvös utca in the 6th district. But the archive’s building proved inadequate as the
As the central and city governments promise an ever longer fourth metro line, the completion date recedes further into ... schedule sees the complete line, from Kelenfold to Bosnyák tér being completed by Budapest City Hall has notched up another, possibly virtual victory in the battle for a fourth metro line. By the end of ... to have passed a law on extending the first construction phase to Bosnyák tér. The city government, which seems to have ... fourth metro, has managed to get two laws on the project through parliament in the past two years. But the
a Külügyminisztérium közigazgatási államtitkára - értesült hétfőn a The Australian című napilap, amely egyúttal Zentai azonnali hogy a "legkomolyabb elbírálásban" részesítse Magyarország kiadatási kérelmét. A The Weekend Australian című lapban nemrég közölt ... még inkább terhelő további bizonyítékok megjelenése után a The Australian azonban - mint írta - kész ennél tovább is elmenni és Zentai ... részletességgel írja le Zentainak a zsidó fiú meggyilkolásában játszott állítólagos szerepét. A The Australian szerint nincs ok
the party's constitution. Orbán called on the government to work together with the opposition work." This was the way to create the living conditions Hungarians deserved. The government had failed to ... was needed to run the country: being a good businessman and speculator and understanding privatisation did not necessarily mean that ... govern well. But Fidesz was ready to work together with the government on questions of national importance. "Rather than fighting us
At an extraordinary Socialist congress, PM Ferenc Gyurcsány acknowledged that the presidential elections had been a defeat for ... asked participants in the closed meeting to put aside their differences to work together for victory in next year's "It was not the opposition that defeated us, and nor was it the Free Democrats. We defeated ourselves, and this is ... delegates at the closed meeting on Saturday, June 12. The Socialists and their Free Democrat junior coalition parties did ...: theirs was a marriage of convenience needed to implement the government's programme. He acknowledged differences of opinion within
az invázió utáni időkre, és a megszállás hosszú és drága nemzetépítési vállalkozásnak bizonyulhat - írta vasárnap The Washington a londoni The Sunday Times. Ez utóbbi dokumentum szerint a washingtoni látogatásról visszatérő brit tisztségviselők arról
A dollár erősödése miatt a forint jelentősen alulértékeltté vált a The Economist
legújabb Big Mac-indexe szerint, amely ugyanakkor az meg az áru- és szolgáltatásárak összehasonlító kosarának, mivel a termékben mindenhol ugyanazok az összetevők vannak, és így a The ... alulértékeltségétől a svájci frank 65 százalékos túlértékeltségéig terjed. A The Economist legutóbbi számában közölt új listán ennek ... százalékos euró-túlértékeltséget jelez a dollárhoz képest. A The Economist számítása szerint ahhoz, hogy a vásárlóerő-paritás elvének
Members of the Budapest general assembly and a freshly formed civil movement both aim to reconsider plans for utilizing the City officials have been seeking ideas and possibilities for utilizing the former gas factory premises in District 3 for years. Their ... recently resulted in the Podmaniczky Plan, a city refurbishment plan named after Earl Frigyes Podmaniczky, the builder of ... heart of Budapest. The plan aims to rejuvenate Budapest by turning the crumbling industrial premises such as
Trump hivatala felkérte a pénzügyminisztériumot és a külügyi tárcát, hogy állítsák össze azon szankciók listáját, amikből az amerikaiak a diplomáciai és a gazdasági kapcsolatok felélesztése érdekében engedhetnek.