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A special committee set up to reform Hungary’s current tax system will propose introducing two-bracket systems in corporate profit tax companies with operating costs lower than 40% of their revenues within the EVA scheme. Likewise the currently flat corporate profit tax will be ... currently applied tax rate on all company profits. Likewise, personal income tax will be levied in two groups. People making HUF 1.8 ... 18%, while those making more will be levied 38%. The committee proposes significant changes in the financing of municipalities, as it
TriGránit Real Estate Development Rt. has announced plans to invest EUR 1 billion in building a new city area in the politicians and journalists, and informed them of the company’s development plans in Bucharest and other cities. In ... the EUR 1 billion figure. The company will not restrict itself to Bucharest only, but also plans developments in other Romanian cities ... to build a Polus Center shopping mall in Cluj Napoca, and it will start real estate development in 10 Romanian cities
A Budapest Airport Rt. "részben megerősített, részben pedig nem cáfolt" hírek szerint 20 hektárnyi, a Ferihegyi repülőtér Az Állami Privatizációs és Vagyonkezelő (ÁPV) Rt. nem indít vizsgálatot a Budapest Airport Rt.-nél, viszont újra tájékozódik az ... - mondta Oravecz Péter, az ÁPV Rt. kommunikációs igazgatója, aki hangsúlyozta, hogy nem vizsgálatról van szó, csak tájékoztatást várnak a ..., biztosítson egy független vizsgálatot a Budapest Airport Rt. szerződése ügyében. "A miniszterelnök függetlensége ebben az ügyben
In negotiations ending in the dawn of last Monday, Budapest Transport Rt. (BKV) and five workers’ unions public transport service Tuesday morning, if their demands are not met. The strike would have been the most severe in the history of ... offered a raise of HUF 11,000, but after a lengthy series of negotiations it finally gave in to a HUF 16,000 increase, which the unions ... company will consequently spend HUF 28 billion on wages in 2005, HUF 2 billion up from the previous year. Since 2000, workers have been
tér on Monday, followed by a protest against the Agriculture Ministry in front of the Ministry’s building on Kossuth the 17th demand answers to their requests by Feb. 22, otherwise they will continue rallying and will gather in front of Parliament
handed in a draft law that brings hardly any changes in current laws on uncovering sinners of the pre-1990 national security files. In 1995 Varga was involved in screening documents of the Interior Ministry’s archives
Az ORTT négymilliós kötbér megfizetésére kötelezte a Budapest Rádiót. A médiahatóság szerint a rádió műsorvezetője nem megfelelően azt állapította meg a testület, hogy attól a Budapest Rádió műsorvezetője nem megfelelően határolódott el. Ezért az ORTT "közel 2 ... ki. Az ORTT ugyancsak mintegy kétmillió forint kötbért szabott ki a Budapest Rádióra, mert az Ennyi és a Kelj fel Jancsi! című ... szerint csak 22.00 és 05.00 óra között lehetett volna közzé tenni. Szegő Tibor, a Budapest Rádió akkori programigazgatója az
a baba-, pörgettyű- és papírsárkány hajtogatásából láthatunk kiállítást. A tízszeres Grammy-díjas művész, Bobby McFerrin a Budapest Színház, Budapest, február 17-18. BATARITA Társulat: Szélcsend A darab témája az “ELVESZTÉS ÉLMÉNYE”, amely magába foglalja a ... Szereplők: Pintér Gábor, Kósa Béla, Kövesdi László, Orosz Helga, Vajna Balázs Trafó Nagyterem, Budapest, február 18-19. Miss Saigon ... elbeszélve. Sofitel Atrium Hotel - Visual Art Galéria, Budapest, Roosevelt tér 2. február 4. - március 3. Koncert Bobby McFerrin
The Budapest Metropolitan Court ordered the final liquidation of Fégarmy Arms Manufacturing Rt., Hungary’s last gun manufacturing Pharmaceuticals Wholesale Rt. in 2003. Fúzió-Pharma planned to build a 16,000 square meter warehouse on Fégarmy’s land, but the project ... made HUF 22 million profit on HUF 555 million revenues in 2003, however, it had HUF 1.55 billion short-term debt. After EU accession ... permits. Due to the subsequent loss of revenues, Fégarmy failed to repay its short-term debt, leading to the end of the firearms manufacturer, which
brutally murdered in Horgos, Serbia, at the end of January. The man is believed to have connections with the organized crime National Police Spokesman László Garamvölgyi said the report was finished last Tuesday on request by he Serbian police. He denied news reported ... massacre was committed Ukrainian or Montenegrin criminals on request from Hungarians. The Szalma family owned properties in Szeged and ... Hungary, and Nándor Szalma was a well known figure among criminals in Szeged, sources say, adding that he was allegedly involved
Outgoing Culture Minister István Hiller decided last week on the protection of 51 buildings, all of them situated in Budapest’s former Party (MSZP), acted fast on the protection, because the area will soon be rehabilitated in a giant real estate project called “Madách ... project will create a walkway area ranging from Madách tér to the Nagykörút, and many buildings will be demolished in the process. The ... Hiller will give the buildings in question the strongest possible protection by declaring them historic monuments. Most of the 51
tenders for communication drives to the tune of HUF 2 billion to be spent before the next elections in May While Gyurcsány’s cabinet scaled down activities announced by its predecessor, it plans to spend more to communicating fewer activities ... government plans to spend HUF 1.35 billion on residential campaigns in 2005, 61% up from HUF 836.2 million spent in 2004 ... million on communication campaigns related to Hungary’s membership in the EU, an amount unchanged from 2004. In January
The Hungarian government has decided to outsource motorway building to State Motorway Management Rt. (ÁAK) in revenues from outside the state budget, namely from road tolls. In future, the Hungarian government will pay service fees for newly ...) soon will hand over its contractual obligations to ÁAK, which in turn will pay HUF 137 billion into the state budget this year. ÁAK ... issue bonds to finance its payment obligations, and is expected to manage a total of HUF 400 billion in debt. According to the 2003
The European Committee (EC) started proceedings against the Hungarian government for a delay in adopting a number of EU legislation. The ... Hungarian citizens and businesses in exercising their newly acquired rights in the While the Hungarian government takes a firm stance in the EU’s debate over protection of minority rights, Hungarian employees still ... take effect directly in all of the 25 member states, while the majority of them – involving issues that member states can regulate on ... to be adopted by the members’ local legislation. In the latter cases, member states have to pass the local regulations by certain