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The Budapest Military Prosecution started an investigation against Charles Zentai, 86, a Hungarian living in Australia Zentai was found in a search for former Nazi war criminals started by Jerusalem-based Simon Wiesenthal Center last year ... Chance,” the Center collects documents on alleged war criminals and sends them to the foreign ministries of the countries in question
The Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) stated in its recent country report that the Hungarian bank sector is In reaction to the OECD’s opinion, Hungary’s State Supervision of Financial Institutions (PSZÁF) stated that the market watchdog does ... profitability rate of Hungarian banks exceptional. According to PSZÁF, Hungarian banks produced 18% return on assets in 2003, exceeding ...% in new member states and 10% in old member countries, however the Hungarian figure pales to the 15%–20% return banks
OTP Bank Rt. Chairman and CEO Sándor Csányi is believed to have acquired a 75% stake in Multireklám Outdoor Media Agency Rt., a major Multireklám Rt. was founded in November 2004 as a result of the merger of outdoor advertising firm Multireklám Kft., indoor advertising ... believed to have a new 75%-owner, Bonitás 2002 Investment and Consulting Kft., which was founded by Csányi in March 2002. Company Court
amendment to the Central Bank Act in December 2004 that allows the PM to add members to the main decision making body of the managing director of 7Sigma Financial Market Research Kft. and former chief economist of Budapest Bank Rt. Judit Neményi, chief ... the MNB President and the vice-president responsible for monetary policy. Four of the ordinary members will be nominated by the MNB President ... agreement with the Prime Minister, while the remaining members will be appointed by the Prime Minister in agreement with the MNB
szóba: Budapest, Pozsony, Prága és Varsó. A magyar határőrség korábban arra kérte a Szlovákiába utazókat, hogy a határátlépés Egyes jelentések szerint Budapest komoly esélyes lehetett volna, ha nem vonják vissza sietősen Irakból a magyar katonákat mandátumuk
The Budapest Mayor’s Office approved requests from two hospitals to transform into public benefit companies (Kht.), a status giving them Following the example of Budapest-based Schöpf-Merei Hospital, which turned into a Kht. in December 2004, now Budai ... Szolnoki told HVG, adding that the Kht. form is suitable for involving private investors. As a result of the change in status, the ... anticipates that HUF 800 million will be invested into Schöpf-Merei in the near future. Likewise, private investors are expected to
Three bids have been submitted for the privatization of a majority stake in Hungexpo Rt., a state-owned trade fair and event organizing Budapest and Pécs. The group includes V.H.V. Kft., owned by György Vas, the owner of Mágnáskert Étterem, which became famous ... after having tried to do so for about a decade. French fair organizing firm GL Events – the sole bidder in the last, unsuccessful ... Hungexpo in spring 2004 – this time teamed up with TriGránit Rt., owned by influential real estate tycoon Sándor Demján. Demján stayed
Largest opposition party Fidesz has been losing ground since the unsuccessful referendum in December 2004. However, the party’s woes are ... as the governing parties suggest. While Fidesz leader Viktor Orbán is seen weakening, allegedly he is working hard in the background to also strengthened its polling activities as it wants to see clearly how voters react to the party’s activities in upcoming ... By the turn of 2004 and 2005 governing party MSZP has come close to Fidesz in popularity figures, however, the opposition party is seen ... as an international spokesman representing the party’s views abroad. In the meantime, Fidesz is expected to separate the positions of
Economy and Transport Minister János Kóka estimates the amount of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Hungary to reach EUR 3.5 billion ... forecast will be matched by statistic figures, 2004 will be the second most successful year – after 1995 – in Hungary’s history of “We’ve got started,” said Kóka, commenting official FDI figures for the first three quarters of 2004. In Q1–Q3 2004 Hungary lured EUR ..., EUR 500 million more than a year earlier. For 2005, Kóka forecasted 20% increase in the amount of foreign capital invested ... companies that already pledged to invest a total of EUR 1.5 billion in Hungary. The government will grant support to the investment
A magyarországi M3-as autópálya romániai meghosszabbításának tervét elemzi a román kormány, hogy kiépülhessen a Budapest-Odessza között csak a Budapest-Vaja között lévő M3-as autópálya része az európai úthálózatnak. A tanulmány szerint a Vaja és Nagybánya közötti
A legendás Queen együttes tavasszal kezdődő európai turnéján április 23-án a Budapest Sportarénában ad koncertet. Az énekesi poszton az ben, a brit Music Hall of Fame-ben, a Hollywood Walk of Fame-ben és a Rock Walk of Fame-ben. A We Will Rock You címen futó
A romák médiabeli megjelenéséről, lehetőségeiről tartottak konferenciát Romák az elektronikus médiában címmel csütörtökön Budapesten, a Szegedi abban, hogy a romákat pozitív szerepekben mutassa be - mondta a távirati irodának Érdi Sándor, az SZTE Budapest Média Intézetének
Under the name of “Forum for Minority Organizations of Hungarians Abroad”, a new body was formed by Hungarian political parties active The meeting was organized by József Kasza, minority leader of Hungarians in Serbia, and Béla Bugár, leader of Hungarians living ... focused on the issue of dual citizenship that recently failed in a referendum in Hungary. Participants of the meeting ... abroad for the first day of the meeting of Hungarian parties. In his proposals, Gyurcsány suggested introducing a “national visa” and
In a draft proposal to go in front of the European Parliament, the European Committee (EC) plans to uniform the currently their prices from country to country depending on the registration tax, or the lack of it. In the case of imported used cars, some ... tax even if such a tax has been paid in the country of origin already. The new EU regulation will most likely prescribe that the ... to depend on environmental features of the cars and a tax paid in one member state has to be accounted for in another
Eleven Hungarian cities have submitted applications for the title of Europe’s Cultural Capital in 2010. The potential winners hope to for example it will construct a bridge in north Budapest near the Aquincum area, and set up a new technical museum with a ... – Kaposvár, Sopron, Győr, Székesfehérvár, Veszprém, Eger, Pécs, Debrecen, Kecskemét, Miskolc and Budapest – can be the winner ... construct a new scientific center underground. Pécs and Szeged have applied jointly, and their chances have grown because the city of Pécs
Az állam 27 milliárd forinttal támogatja a beruházást, ebből 10 milliárdot szánnak a szennyvízhálózatra, amelynek felújításával Mészáros Lőrinc cégét bízták meg.