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Utazás a Loch Ness-i szörnyhöz

Nagyon sokan komolyan hisznek abban, hogy a Skócia északi részén lévő Loch Ness tóban egy szörny él, amely néha megmutatja magát, ám

hvg.hu English version

Peter Hack: Make the justice system accountable!

thee century, to be concluded at the end of the 1990s with acquittals or light sentences for the accused. After the Tocsik and
since it has been reported that Pest County Court has devoted much of its initial ruling to criticising the prosecution statement
... how an investigation into a crime carrying a maximum penalty of five years could have taken 11 years to carry out? Will they consider
... right in 2005 to promote the judge in charge of the Energol affairs, given that this made it necessary to restart the

hvg.hu English version

"Whoever loses has to open up to the other side"

Failure in the European Parliament elections would not bring the Romanian government down, according to Attila Korodi, the 30-year-old
... enviornment minister. One of his main tasks, he says, is to interdict the cyanized gold mining that has already poisoned the river
both he and the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania gain representation? A.K. : It would take 8 per cent of the vote for both of us
..., while Hungarians only make up 6.7 per cent of the Romanian population. With Viktor Orban's visits to Transylvania, the number of
..., however, especially if our local organisations work. Regardless of the result, however, we have to rethink the basis of Transylvanian

hvg.hu English version

"All my predecessors have been demonised."

We have no financial demands, but we need to see questions, Erika Steinbach, the 64-year-old head of the Association of German
.... She was speaking in advance of a conference to be held in the Hungarian parliament this
The Berlin memorial to people deported after World War II will shortly be unveiled in Berlin. You have fought strongly for this
... particularly controversial in Poland. Why is it so important? E.S.: After the war, 15m Germans were deported or forced to escape from
... identity. The memorial will be a symbolic expression of this, showing that the fate of those people matters to us. It's a source of

hvg.hu English version

Imre Mecs on the suspect circumstances of the TV siege

of the western social democrats when the opportunity was offered in 1992. Interview with a man who was sentenced to death in
' quota proposal is a superficial solution to an important social problem. We've been subjected to a lot of enforced quotas
... liberals never thought of fighting to balance out the numbers of women and men teaching in schools. Yet there, women are in the
... violate my principles. Few know that after the regime change, the western European social democratic parties wanted the Free Democrats

hvg.hu English version

Shimon Peres and the true Hungarians

of the Israeli embassy, while Lakitelek veterans wrote Peres a letter. Israel's new ambassador appeared on television to offer
Politicians should take care to ensure their words don't boomerang back at them. What the aftermath of his speech proves is that
... to rule the world. A letter by seven founders of the Hungarian Democratic Forum, including Istvan Csurka, Lajos Fur, Sandor Lezsak
... the Israeli economy's strong performance, and he was using those vast investment flows as evidence. He probably got a bit carried away. But

hvg.hu English version

Waiting for Brutus

There are just enough people now to stab Caesar, but they will have to wait for the untainted man who can lend honour
... has repeatedly humiliated his party, but the party has to put up with this until somebody turns up who can convince people he has the
Marcus Junius Brutus. In the mid-1990s, Tony Blair and his team tore the old Labour Party to shreds. If he had not done so
... would never have got back into power. In 2001, Koizumi, the Japanese prime minister, promised to "tear apart the LDP and introduce
... its corruption. Blair and Koizumi gave a new face not just to their countries but to their parties as well. Gyurcsany

hvg.hu English version

Kuruc.info's media putsch and the bridge blockade

Our young extremists know their rights. But it is outrageous that they should compare themselves to people like Peter Mansfeld, who was
... hung on his 18th birthday by Kadar's men. They must be amused by the light punishments meted out by the justice system. It is time to
The far right fringe in Hungary has carried out a dramatic media putsch. Somehow, they seem to have supplanted the Budapest Police press
... assembly and the "precedent" of the illegal taxi blockade would force the police to allow them to paralyse the city's
... instructive lesson for the media. And it's a warning for the authorities, who have once again been caught short facing up to far-right

hvg.hu English version

Tax inspections for Orban and Kubatov

We should follow the advice of Szabolcs Vamosi Nagy, the former deputy president of APEH, the tax authority. His advice is to make tax
... public and compulsory. It would make it impossible for politicians to enshroud their financial affairs in mystery while airing their
... public. The opposition would be unable to pose as martyrs. Is this such a high price to pay for an improvement in tax
affairs to be inspected. The opposition spokesman said this appeared to confirm rumours of a planned no-holds-barred
... politicians. It has been suggested that Ferenc Gyurcsany aims to use the power of state authorities for political ends. There is no
..., since some of the mud stuck to him. Every unbiased citizen must wonder whether we are not the targets of a diversionary tactic. Fidesz

hvg.hu English version

Tamas Kolosi on Lex Mol and the unfinished regime change

The law known as Lex Mol, whose declared aim is to protect Hungary's strategic companies, has stirred up a hornet's nest. Some believe
... presages the advent of the Russian capitalist model. We asked the sociologist Tamas Kolosi, who researches the Hungarian social elite
strata - the owners and the intellectuals. It seems to me that one of the fundamental problems of the Hungarian regime change is that
... the fact that the then prime minister was a historian. This was rule by the intellectuals. I said then that if we want to build a
... society, then we have to change this one-sidedness. This means not just building up capital, making greenfield investments and carrying

hvg.hu English version

Bela Kiraly: the 10 Truths of the 1956 Revolution

With poetic refinement, Gyorgy Faludy said: "1956, you star." We should seek its truths in this spirit. We should teach these truths to
First truth. No sober patriot wanted revolution then, but thinkers demanded fundamental reforms. They looked to the 1848
... for reforms and for the country's leadership to be put up for election. They did not want the abolition of Socialism either, only a
... the country wished to lift a hand against the new-born democracy. Fourth truth. The victory was won by young people from Budapest

hvg.hu English version

HVG-Median: the Socialist-Fidesz gap widens

The gap between Fidesz and a stumbling Socialist Party has opened even wider, as the economic outlook and the political mood continue to
September's narrowing of the gap between the two big parties can be explained partly by the heightened media attention devoted to the
... the Magyar Garda, which likely encouraged some Socialist voters to reveal their colours while scaring the odd moderate right-wing voter
... largest opposition party is still unable to match the record highs it achieved in March. Back then, Fidesz enjoyed a 43:21 lead over

hvg.hu English version

Szofia Havas, President Solyom, and the 1956 inheritance

Another 1956 anniversary is approaching. The extreme right wants to provoke a new round of street fighting, if not on 23 October, then a
It's easy to forget: in 1989, 1956's ideals became reality, and neither side can appropriate that achievement for itself. French
... descendants were certainly not voting for the Social Democrat Leon Blum. The 1956 revolution left a similar mark in Hungarians, although it's hard
... former prime minister. Earlier in October, she said in an interview with HVG, "I don't refer to 1956 as a revolution, because I can't

English version

There will be no reconciliation without empathy for the Slovaks

Slovakia's reinforcement of the Benes Decrees cannot be allowed to bass without comment, but Hungary must not forget it is arguing with
... that is still creating its national identity, says Tamas Stark, 48, a historian, who believes diplomatic relations between the two countries are
Intellectuals in the Hungarian-speaking part of Slovakia have been heard to say that it was a mistake for Slovakia's Hungarian
...) and its leader Pal Csaky to issue a declaration calling on the two countries to apologise to each other. Do
... strengthening of the Benes Decrees in Slovakia? T.S.: MKP signed up to the Slovak coalition saying it would not call for the Benes

Associated Press English version

Hungary issues entrepreneurial permits to prostitutes

In an effort to bring prostitutes into the legal economy, officials said Monday that Hungary will allow sex workers to
New permits allow prostitutes to give receipts to customers and become part of the legal economy in Hungary. © AP
... since 1999. Opponents say legalization does not help prostitutes. The permits allow prostitutes to give receipts to
... project, APEH is trying to help a group of professionals, in what is called the world's oldest profession, who have never paid taxes in

hvg.hu English version

A Socialist white-collar fraud ring

Ministry in the Janos Era, were unaware that the government had for years been handing large subsidies to Socialist-linked front
and several alleged accomplices are currently being held under suspicion of fraud relating to funds obtained from Sport Ministry and
... Kiskunhalas, wrote his wife a letter saying that Laszlo Sepsi, a trader who had often come to the attention of police and who supported
.... Things have changed since then. Gergenyi, the Iron Prefect who was the target of Socialist attacks, became the government's favourite, someone

hvg.hu English version

Hernadi: "Mol does not wish to renationalise itself"

If Mol's management were interested only in its own short-term interests, it would support OMV's buy-out offer, according to Zsolt
to buy Mol, some people boycotted OMV filling stations. Did Mol support this boycott? L.H.: We sold a bit more petrol and diesel in
... Raba is the only river in Hungary suitable for wild-water rowing. But OMV's attempt to buy Mol and pollution are two different issues
... support calls for a boycott of a commercial rival. hvg.hu: It is assumed that OMV took a look at Mol either in order better to stand

hvg.hu English version

Solyom and MPs' safety fears

A week ago, the president made it clear he would not support any attempts to limit the legal rights of people demonstrating in front of
Laszlo Solyom The president chooses his moments to speak. Analysts love his carefully thought out speeches, which are designed
... be described using phrases like "measured," "uncomfortable for both sides," "passionate defender of basic rights." It's hard to
... children on the ear and sets things to rights - like a father who's not interested in who started it. Few speeches or interviews are

MTI Itthon

Az uniós támogatások húsz százaléka környezetvédelemre fordítható

fordítható - mondta Fodor Gábor miniszter Tatán, az Öreg- és az Által-ér rehabilitációjáról rendezett fórumon
arra, hogy a következő hét évben megduplázzák a kerékpárutak hosszát az országban és pályázatok útján 60 milliárd forintot szánnak erre. Az
... és a tatabányai iparterületeken átfolyó Által-ér táplálja, vízgyűjtő területének nagysága megegyezik a Velencei-tóéval. A
... hektáron biológiai szűrőmezőként mesterséges mocsarakat hoznak létre, valamint az öntisztulás érdekében visszafövenyesítik az Öreg-

93 94 95 96 97
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„Nem az az érdekes, hogyan ülsz, hanem hogy tíz-húsz percenként mozdulj meg” – minden, amit megtehetünk a gerincünk egészségéért

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