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is supposedly trying to come up with a coherent, modern foreign policy strategy. This strategy supposedly calls for an effective and ... corps whose opinions are listened to by the decision-makers. Kinga Goncz has a huge task ahead of her: she must come up with this How should Hungary react to the "catastrophe coalition" that has just taken the reins of government in Slovakia? A few years ago, it ... xenophobia. There has been no talk of an "educational" suspension of relations in Brussels this time, but Hungary should perhaps not have been so ... State, employing all the finely honed tools at a diplomat's disposal, lost no time in making clear to Istvan Hiller when he turned up
The war in Lebanon has drowned out the sound of another battle that has since come to an end. Krisztina Morvai, the Hungarian delegate ... organisation that fights discrimination against women, has managed to prevent her designated successor Andrea Peto, a historian and Morvai has also failed to have her mandate extended for another four years. Thus, from January, Hungary will not be represented on the ... committee. On 9 June, national missions to the UN received an unusual letter: Krisztina Morvai, who teaches at the ELTE law faculty ... Andrea Peto, a Zionist women's group activist. She wrote: "I was surprised to receive a letter from my government informing me that
After his first year in office, we know what kind of president Laszlo Solyom does not want to be. Over the summer, his influence and ... sunk to new lows. Up until now he has barely been able to show the positive sides of his presidential style A visit by motorboat to Szigetkoz, a protest walk to Zengo near Pecs, a bicycle demonstration in Budapest as a member of ... opened memorial buildings in different villages, he has not opened trade fairs with dignified speeches and he has not troubled to ... not flooded his former workplace, the Constitutional Court, with referrals, and he has resisted the temptation to submit draft laws
It is wrong to see values and the national interest as being in opposition to each other in the field of foreign policy is developing a new strategy. Where do you expect this to lead? The loss of confidence resulted from the fact that we achieved most ... policy goals that we set ourselves at the beginning of the 1990s. We have to ask ourselves if there are new goals. Saying, "We must ... taking this decision, instead of helping to build a consensus. It looks like we're going to face a similar decision soon
taxes and prices instead of cutting expenditures. Zsigmond Járai, President of the Hungarian National Bank provided this picture in an ex exclusive economy to the wrong direction, set back business activity, hurt competition, push companies in the black economy, speed up inflation ... only temporary solution. No doubt, in the short run the plan could work: by next year the budget deficit could shrink to 6 percent ...? Zs. J.: This is for the government to decide. I can’t give any advice on this. Nonetheless, a more equitable pension system
People are having to get used to the idea that their main asset, their house, flat or land, is declining in value in real Commentators do not expect the property market to collapse, however. Balazs Kristof is selling a third-floor flat in Miskolc for .... Unemployment is driving people away from the villages of Somogy county, but even houses there in a good condition take two or three years ... are nowhere to be found. Sellers at the premium end of the market are doing little better. Viranyos in Budapest's 12th district is one
A strain of bird flu found in chickens in Thailand may prove to be the deadly H5N1 virus, senior Agriculture Ministry official Yukol According to authorities, there is a high possibility that it is the N1 strain because of previous outbreaks in the area. ... test results were expected in a few days. Compared to its slow response to initial cases in 2003, Thailand now has one of ... culled all chickens in the affected area and restricted poultry movements within a 10 km radius for at least 30 days. An 11-year-old girl went
Sectarian violence continues to kill about 100 civilians each day, but recently elected Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki says Iraq later talks with American President George W. Bush. Attributing the violence to sectarian conflicts, Maliki said he expected local ... strengthen by the end of the year to allow for foreign forces to eventually pull out of the region. The prime minister
The government is citing financial necessity as a reason to cut subsidies to rail and coach transport subsidies. But people Janos Kaszai, mayor of Veszto, a small town in Bekes county is used to arguing the case for branch lines. This is the third time he has ... voice in protest against a plan to shut a 32km stretch of track linking Veszto and Korosnagyharsany. Successive studies have shown that ... approaching accession to the EU, it is time not to shut down the branch line, but to extend it
is enough to remember how, in the Tocsi and Postabank cases, or in the broker scandal, how many politicians' names cropped up - yet not A law currently before Parliament would require that parties be subject to the same bookkeeping requirements as companies. The most ... agencies would have to be identified by number, making it possible to establish how many posters and leaflets a given .... Transparent payments will make it possible to see how much parties spent on campaign events. The existing upper limit of HUF386m for
Entrepreneurs are queueing to set out their stalls at the popular summer festivals. But is it worth renting a space at the Sziget The festivals have their regular visitors, but also their regular traders. Partly because the organisers prefer to work with the ..., making it hard to get into the 'elite', and partly because the Sziget is a lifestyle, and it's not for everyone. Thus the number of ... remained unchanged for years - the Sziget is full, according to Gabor Takacs, managing director of Sziget Cultural Events. The company
education is born. There are piles of papers, all of which aim to prove that a given institution of higher education is capable of ... degrees. In the name of speed and efficiency, institutions are trying to squeeze what once took five years into just three. At the same ... and sciences students are beginning to envy lawyers and doctors, who are not obliged to follow the 3+2 system. Let there What should we do? Set up courses that can take in many more students. And then new faculties, colleges, universities. Then universities started ... merge. Wholly unrelated institutions were joined together, once again to promote efficiency. Colleges joined universities, huge ..., often to the detriment of quality. And now, suddenly, there are too many students, and they are not fit for the labour market
Ha unjuk a Balaton magas árait, érdemes új helyen keresgélni a hétvégi telket. A Tisza-tó folyamatosan fejlődik, az árai ráadásul még A lehetőségek tava Az infrastruktúra és a szolgáltatási hálózat kiépült a Tisza-tó mentén, már csak az országos ismertség ..., jellemzi az ország legkeletibb üdülőtavának ingatlanpiacát Bornemisza Andrea, a Tisza-tó Ingatlan közvetítő cég vezetője. Vagyis ... jelentős kínálat a gyors értéknövekedés lehetőségével. Lapos vizek Mivel a tó valóban kevésbé ismert, nézzük is meg, földrajzi
that Fidesz is behind a series of demonstrations against the government that began on 5 June. It seems certain that the organisers belong The poor turnout suggests that Orban's circle were right to keep a formal distance from the militant figures on the street, many of ... ago. Most of us will remember that "direct action" that brought gridlock to the city for a few hours as protestors demanded a recount ... governments down. So it is not in the interests of any politician to openly support a performance of this nature. Further, Fidesz
With a potential 6.000 billion forint on the way to Hungary, Fidesz worries about the allocation of EU Fidesz wants the government to change the distribution of European Union’s funds and restore the regulatory role of the parliament as ... Friday press conference. According to the two politicians, the current government as well as the parliament’s National Development ... failed to monitor the monetary resources, raising the question of whether or not to trust the government to
The Strasbourg-based organization based its recommendations on a recent visit by its representatives to the Kalocsa and Szeged Additionally, the committee urged the Hungarian authorities to increase effective protections against maltreatment for people detained .... This practice was called to the attention of officials when the council received numerous signs of maltreatment. The committee however
"We cannot allow people who are not involved to be present in such a dangerous area. Anyone who does go there is taking a risk, and the These are the words of Lajos Lapid, public security chief of the Budapest Police, who was talking about a recent case where police moved ... a crowd following a match between Ujpest and Fehervar. They also forced press representatives to leave the scene. The policeman chose ... to have been closed. This is not Belarus, the democratic regime change is behind us: in countries such as ours, the interior ministry
Sarló-kalapácsos zászlók az út mellett, kirobbanthatatlan kommunista vezetés, Marx, Engels, Krisna és Visnu közös felvonulása és transzneműek ingyenes átműtése az állami klinikákon.