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hvg.hu English version

EU To Form Uniform Rule On Car Registration Tax

In a draft proposal to go in front of the European Parliament, the European Committee (EC) plans to uniform the currently
According to the EC members behind the draft proposal, such registration taxes distort the market and harm the consumer’s interests
... their prices from country to country depending on the registration tax, or the lack of it. In the case of imported used cars, some
... to depend on environmental features of the cars and a tax paid in one member state has to be accounted for in another

hvg.hu non-base

Towns Vie For Cultural Capital Title

Eleven Hungarian cities have submitted applications for the title of Europe’s Cultural Capital in 2010. The potential winners hope to
EU will provide €200,000–€1 million for the winner, furthermore, the town that receives the title can hope for huge national funds, too. According
... recent experiences, organizers spent €30 million–€50 million on their respective projects. Hungarian cities plan to invest HUF 10
... billion on developments if they win the title, and they all plan to complete projects planned earlier.   For example, the city of

MTI Gazdaság

Győrben 35 milliárd értékű beruházás indul idén

Győrben – részben önkormányzati, részben állami forrásból, részben vállalkozói tőkéből - 35 milliárd forint értékű beruházás indul az
Vállalkozói tőkéből létesül az Árkád bevásárlóközpont a Rába gyár volt telephelyén. A 26 ezer négyzetméteres kereskedelmi létesítmény

hvg.hu English version

K&H Ordered To Compensate Clients

The arbitration court of the stock exchange ruled that K&H Equities Rt. has to pay Budapest’s District 10 Municipality HUF 3.4 billion
According to the decision, the brokerage will have to pay District 10 HUF 2.8 billion for its lost deposit and HUF 600
... bank’s files prove that Kulcsár made a total of 578 transactions using the money District 10 deposited at the brokerage. K&H now has 60 days
..., payment deadlines and supplying data to the national bank. In November 2004 PSZÁF already fined K&H HUF 5 million. The bank, however

hvg.hu English version

PM Criticized For Pope Visit

Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány was loudly criticized by Hungarian opposition for his statements during his recent visit to Pope St
During his visit to the Pope and Cardinal Angelo Sodano, Gyurcsány called St. John Paul’s attention to several recent
... a statement calling for ‘yes’ votes in the campaign period prior to the recent Hungarian referendum on dual citizenship for Hungarian
... privatization of the healthcare sector. Secondly, he protested that in a recent demonstration for more central funding to

hvg.hu English version

Hungary Wins Tokaji Case

As of 2007, Italian winemakers will not be allowed to use the Tocai names on their wines, and will have to give way
sweet Tokaji wines – said Italy will have to ban the use of the Tocai name by its winemakers after Hungary joins the Union, or by 2007
... are not obliged, but only recommended to follow the chief judge’s proposals. Piero Pittaro, Honorary President of the World

hvg.hu English version

OTP Wins One Deal, Loses Another

Hungary’s largest bank, OTP Bank Rt. gained a foothold in Croatia last week, while its attempt to buy a Serbian bank failed
OTP shares fell slightly last Wednesday to Friday on news that the Serbian government on Tuesday chose Greece’s Alpha Bank over OTP
..., especially due to its 92-branch network concentrating along the Adriatic shore and the Istra peninsula, both prime tourist
... Romanian bank, called Banca Commerciala Ro-Bank S.A. However, OTP’s management is content to buy a bank in Serbia. There are three

hvg.hu English version

Electronics Retailer Closes Shop

Once the monopoly player of electronics retail trade in Hungary, Keravill Rt. has announced to end operations soon
According to the announcement of Keravill owner publicly traded Fotex Rt., the company did not intend to engage in a
... competition from foreign electronics chains, and instead will close down. While competitors applied huge discounts and dumping prices
... cycle in the beginning of 2003, when it made HUF 300 million losses in the first quarter. Losses kept mounting up and the company managed

hvg.hu English version

Three Licenses Sold In 3G Tender

No fourth player is expected to win a license in Hungary’s 3G tender, leaving the local mobile market with three incumbent operators
for a license with a fee based on revenues; and negotiations between the company and NHH were still under way as HVG went to press.
... will generate an income into the state budget in line with expectations. The government originally planned to generate HUF 15.8 billion
... licenses in 2004; and last week Parliament amended the expectation for budget income from 3G licenses in 2005 by HUF 10 billion to HUF

hvg.hu non-base

Tax Amendment To Boost Investment In Arts

Few people invest in objects d’arts in Hungary, but a tax law amendment is likely to motivate private entrepreneurs to do
and the buyer a 10%–15% commission to cover the costs of the auction and the catalogue. Furthermore, taxes also decrease profits
... a 20% (raised to 25% from next year) personal income tax on movables with a value of above HUF 200,000. At the same time, buyers are
...% royalty on each object d’arts. According to a recent tax amendment, lobbied by leading Hungarian art patron Gábor Kovács of Kogart

MTI Itthon

Rakétákat vesz a HM

A magyar kormány múlt heti felhatalmazása után a Honvédelmi Minisztérium képviselője aláírta az amerikai kormánnyal a szerződést AMRAAM (Advanced

hvg.hu English version

Parties Agree To Continue Search For Communist Agents

Parliament will pass a resolution to extend the mandate of Hungary’s vetting judges by six months until June 30, 2005, according
The vetting judges, who are responsible for uncovering the past of people now in influential positions, have to review the lives and
... an ideal date. The current extension is the third in line since the vetting judges started work. Their mandate is to find if people now
... positions collaborated with the former Communist regime. In the meantime, a proposal to expand the scope of vetting has been submitted

hvg.hu English version

Gov’t Changes Deficit Calculation Method

The Finance Ministry chose a different methodology to calculate public sector deficit in the latest update of its convergence report
..., which is to show the path Hungary takes to adopt the euro, now shows deficit figures that are both lower and higher than
The government has eased tension related to the central budget deficit by introducing a new calculation method, which includes the
... calculation method says that since 1998 a part of pension payments goes into private pension funds, and the state has to fill up the
... pension funds are currently at the stage of collecting contributions – no payments have been made to date – and most of the money that

hvg.hu English version

Producers Attack Lidl Store

Farmers held a demonstration and gave away their crops outside a Lidl store in Dunaharaszti last Friday. With the demonstration, they aimed
... attention to dumping prices introduced by Lidl, the latest retail chain that started operations in Hungary
Farmers held a demonstration and gave away their crops outside a Lidl store in Dunaharaszti last Friday. With the demonstration, they aimed
... attention to dumping prices introduced by Lidl, the latest retail chain that started operations in Hungary recently. György Vámos
... the National Retail Association, said the dispute could be best solved by reviewing current regulations, which do not make it easy to

hvg.hu English version

Rules Eased On Ovum Donation

Hungary’s ombudsmen of human rights and data protection, as well as the Health Ministry, support a motion to amend rules of donating
... infertile women. The modifications will put an end to compulsory anonymity of the donor, which in practice has limited the number of
According to current rules, the donor of an ovum must keep her identity in secret. However, the ordeal of examinations donors have
... be able to help an infertile woman discourages most willing people from their generous act. Due to the strict medical
... those women are willing to donate their ovum who would like to help one of their friends of family members to

hvg.hu English version

Budapest-Miskolc Motorway Completed

The official opening of the remaining 16-kilometer stretch of the M30 highway last Thursday connected Miskolc, Hungary’s second biggest town
Main contractors Vegyépszer Rt. and Betonút Rt. built the 24-kilometer section for a total of HUF 52 billion. Motorway tolls are scheduled
... motorway sticker will cost HUF 1,460 in 2005 – as against HUF 1,270 in 2004. Price of the ten-day sticker will rise HUF 300 to HUF
... of total weight can use daily passes, which will cost HUF 2,000, and the transport ministry expects that the move will encourage heavy vehicles

hvg.hu English version

President Vetoes Central Bank Law

Parliament is likely to debate amendments to the central bank law in two weeks again, in time for the new law
.... President Ferenc Mádl last Monday refused to sign the amendments and sent them back to Parliament for
One of Mádl’s objections to the modifications is that the motion is contrary to its stated aim, namely to
... effectiveness of the National Bank of Hungary (MNB). According to the proposal, not only the president of the MNB, but also the Prime
... members to the central bank’s Monetary Council, the chief monetary policy decision making body. Mádl also found it questionable that

hvg.hu English version

Voters Shy Away From Referendum

With 98% of votes counted, Hungary’s referendum on double citizenship and stopping privatization of the healthcare sector did not produce enough
million voters, at least 2 million have to say either ‘yes’ or ‘no’ so that the question is decided. At the referendum on Dec. 5
... two questions, the first being “Do you agree that Hungarian citizenship should be given to any Hungarian living outside Hungary’s
... second was “Do you agree that privatization in the healthcare sector should be stopped?” In response to the double citizenship

hvg.hu English version

Christmas Toy Sales No Fun Any More

Hypermarkets multiply their areas offering a multitude of toys, pushing traditional toy retailers to the peripheries of the Christmas
they become the most popular venues for shoppers. Toy manufacturers and traders now have no other choice but pay various special fees
... their goods make it to the shelves of hypermarkets. According to market rumors, Lego products were not available in Cora
... billion–HUF 20 billion a year, out of which illegal imports account for 25%–30%. The proportion of locally manufactured toys has fallen

Putyin szóvivője az annektált ukrán megyékkel példálózott, amikor Trump területi vágyairól kérdezték

Putyin szóvivője az annektált ukrán megyékkel példálózott, amikor Trump területi vágyairól kérdezték

Az ENSZ elárulta hány civil áldozata volt eddig az ukrajnai háborúnak

Az ENSZ elárulta hány civil áldozata volt eddig az ukrajnai háborúnak

Gyereket vár Böde-Bíró Blanka

Gyereket vár Böde-Bíró Blanka

Para-Kovács Imre: Apátlan ország, össznépi cigányozás

Para-Kovács Imre: Apátlan ország, össznépi cigányozás

„Megunták az emberek a nagyon éles, konstruktív vonalakat” – beszélgetés Bullás József festőművésszel

„Megunták az emberek a nagyon éles, konstruktív vonalakat” – beszélgetés Bullás József festőművésszel

Farkas Zoltán: Orbán Viktor újévi repülőrajtjával is csak Magyar Péter hátát nézi

Farkas Zoltán: Orbán Viktor újévi repülőrajtjával is csak Magyar Péter hátát nézi

Reagált a rendőrség a zagyvarékasi férfi halálával kapcsolatos vádakra

Reagált a rendőrség a zagyvarékasi férfi halálával kapcsolatos vádakra

Amerikában felsült, most Londonban lépne tőzsdére a Shein

Amerikában felsült, most Londonban lépne tőzsdére a Shein

2024 lett az első év, amikor meghaladta az 1,5 Celsius-fokot a globális felmelegedés

2024 lett az első év, amikor meghaladta az 1,5 Celsius-fokot a globális felmelegedés

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