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MTI Világ

Álbombát csempészett a Sun riportere a windsori kastélyba

Azonnali vizsgálatot rendelt el csütörtök hajnalban a Scotland Yard főparancsnoka, miután a legnagyobb brit bulvárlap, a The Sun egyik
A The Sun csütörtöki száma elsőoldalas, az incidenst igazoló fotókkal gazdagon illusztrált cikkben tálalja a sztorit. A lap
... egyház első számú vallási vezetője áldja meg a windsori kastélyban – ott, ahová a The Sun riportere az álbombát becsempészte –, és
... főparancsnoka – e minőségében a legmagasabb rangú brit rendőrtiszt – a csütörtöki The Sun cikkéről értesülve azonnali vizsgálatot

hvg.hu Média

Sajtóper lett Beckhamék elrablásának sztorijából

Kedden kezdődik Nagy-Britanniában az a rágalmazási, amelyet a Beckham-gyermekek elrablásával megvádolt román állampolgár, Alin Turcu indított a News
A rágalmazási per alapja az az állítás, amelyet a News of the World fogalmazott meg. A 2002. novemberében közölt, a lap oknyomozó
... minősítette. (Gashi a hírek szerint korábban tízezer fontot kapott a News of the Worldöt kiadó News International kiadótól a

hvg.hu English version

Hungary Late In Setting Recyclable Packaging Rules

The Hungarian government has missed the deadline for issuing a decree on reusable packaging
An amendment last November on the law of environmental fees prescribed the government to issue a decree on reusable
... end of March. However, in the last week of March, the draft proposal was still being circulated among the
...% in the early 1990s. The new regulation is expected to affect only those stores that collect refillable bottles. Out of

hvg.hu English version

Village Plans Fairyland From EU Funds

The local municipality of Csurgó, Southwest Hungary, dreams of building a HUF 2 billion Folk Tale Park by 2008, to be financed 70% from
The Somogy County town has designated a 40 hectare area, partly owned by the municipality and party by private owners, for
... lobbying that the project be included in the second national development plan as a large investment project, and we
... Emőke Bihari Asbóth said. She added that Minister of Regional Development István Kolber, who descends from Somogy County, has promised

hvg.hu English version

State Pays Dearly For Millenáris Plots

Kisrókus 2000 Kft., a company owned by the IT and Telecommunication Ministry, spent HUF 100 million to buy stakes of other owners of
... hosting the Millennáris Park, a state-owned entertainment and cultural
Part of the sum spent by Kisrókus most likely ended up with companies owned by Zoltán Bessenyei, a former board member of
... and Holding Rt. (ÁPV) who was convicted for his involvement in a fraudulent consulting deal lawyer Márta Tocsik made with the ÁPV in
.... Bessenyei’s companies and Budapest-based Főmterv Rt. were part owners with Kisrókus of close to one-third of the three-hectare park

hvg.hu English version

Committee Halts Mega Train Purchase Deal

The State Procurement Arbitration Committee forbade Hungarian State Railways Rt. (MÁV) to sign a contract with a consortium of Swiss
The Committee canceled the deal five days after MÁV announced the consortium won the state
... motor trains and an option for another 30 vehicles. Bombardier Transportation GmbH, a German-Canadian runner up to the Swiss-Hungarian
... complaints that MÁV, which started its tender procedure last April, made changes to its evaluation criteria in the course of

hvg.hu English version

Advisor Appointed To State Electricity Works

András Fabriczki, a former treasurer of senior coalition party MSZP and government commissioner of the Healthcare Ministry, was
As of April 1, Fabriczki replaces Imre Karl, a former MSZP MP, who became strategic director of the national electricity wholesale
... appointed to the company’s board. Fabriczki was hired as an advisor to network director Gábor Tari and CEO István Kocsis, who was
... reported directly to the Economy and Transport Ministry, which oversees Hungary’s energy issues. In future, Mavir will operate as a

hvg.hu English version

Gov’t Saves On Home Loan Financing

In February, the Hungarian state stopped pre-financing subsidized home loans to banks, saving more than HUF 10
In a bid to reduce burdens of the central budget, the government changed the timing of paying state subsidies
... financed the state subsidies on home loans in Hungary. Previously, the state budget transferred the interest
... every month. In February, the government said from then on it will transfer the interest payment subsidy to banks only at

hvg.hu English version

SZDSZ Reelects Chairman

Representatives of junior coalition party SZDSZ – Hungarian Liberal Party voted to reelect Chairman Gábor Kuncze (55) at the party’s
Kuncze’s main rival Gábor Fodor (43), who promotes a change of generations among SZDSZ leaders, managed to collect close to 30% of
... representatives’ votes. The third candidate, MP Zoltán Kis received 47 votes, while Kuncze got 447. Fodor sharply criticized Kuncze’s
... hard enough for the positions of health, justice and finance ministers when SZDSZ formed a coalition government with Hungarian

hvg.hu English version

Brussels Gives Green Light To Bourse Deal

The European Committee (EC) last Tuesday approved Austrian financial institutions’ acquisition of a majority stake in Hungary’s Budapest
The deal came under a competition review by authorities in Brussels due to the market size of the Austrian
... Commodities Exchange (BÁT), but immediately sold 68.8% in order to avoid a compulsory takeover bid required by law. The EC’s decision
... a planned merger between BÉT and BÁT. “BÉT’s management will seek the owners approval for this move at the April 26

hvg.hu English version

No Progress On Secret Agent Law

Parliament last Tuesday finished its general debate on the draft law governing treatment of data on secret agents of the
.... However, governing parties MSZP and SZDSZ could not reach agreement over the draft
SZDSZ MPs Imre Mécs and Gábor Fodor both have submitted amendments and started negotiations with the Socialists in order to convince
...-vote scheduled in two weeks. Early last week it was revealed that several former secret agents of the Interior Ministry’s former
..., which was dismissed in February 1990, remained in service and made it to influential state positions. József Horváth, who acted under

English version

EU Loosens Scrutiny

The council of EU Finance Ministers made a decision late Sunday night, which could be extremely important for Hungary. The
... certain requirements of the stability and growth pact of EU member states. The council accepted a Hungarian proposal to
In recent months analysts have been involved in a Europe-wide debate whether strict rules guarding financial stability and the value of
... be loosened without creating any damaging economic processes. The modifications were urged by necessity, as some new and old member
... member states executing pension reforms from meeting budget deficit requirements for five years. Joaquín Almunia, the European Council

English version

Matáv Takes Loan From Parent Co.

Hungary’s dominant telecom player Matáv will take a HUF 28 billion loan from parent company Deutsche Telekom. The loan will help finance
... acquisition of a 51.12% stake in Telekom Montenegro, the leading telco player of Montenegro
The forint-denominated loan with floating interest rate will mature in 2009. The interest rate is 34 basis points above
... rate at which Hungarian banks exchange debt. Other conditions of the loan are similar to those of other loans Matáv took from Deutsche
.... Matáv announced in mid-March that it pays EUR 130.7 million for a 67% stake in Telekom Montenegro. The Hungarian telco made an

English version

FinMin Tipped Capping Ministry Expenditures

increase in the central budget deficit, according to a Central East European regional survey published by London-based investment bank
Citing information obtained from local reports, DrKW said the Finance Ministry is mulling a proposal that aims to limit development
... government ministries to 35% of their planned budget in the first half of 2005. The report adds that at a recent
... Draskovics hinted that certain expenditures could be capped. Draskovics, however, said the government cannot make an informed decision

hvg.hu English version

Budapest Spring Festival Expects Record Crowd

With a HUF 1 billion – larger than ever before – budget, the 25th Budapest Spring Festival aspires to attract a record crowd
... three large-scale art exhibitions with the Festival to make sure the attendance record is
Budapest Festival Center Kht., the public benefit company in charge of organizing programs of the Budapest Spring
... grand-scale performances for the 25th Festival. The organizing company counted the biggest coup by including
... led by Hungarian conductor György Solti, in the program. Another, partly local, grandiose performance is expected from the

hvg.hu English version

Hvg.hu Tracks Down Capitalist Secret Agents

At the height of the ongoing frenzy surrounding the past of Hungary’s Communist secret agents, hvg.hu has
expect to be rehabilitated under the current democratic system in Hungary. The list published by hvg.hu includes people
... spied on the former Communist regime in Hungary. Some consider them traitors, while others call these people heroes. As far as
... is concerned, the Hungarian Republic today applies the same status to people convicted for spying after 1963 as

hvg.hu English version

Phone Book Of Communist Agents Found

The sophistication and diversity of Hungary’s state security system has started to become apparent to ordinary people only recently
... involved secret networks, relationships with people outside the official networks, and the secret operative staff of
While ordinary people in Hungary waited decades before they received a telephone line, the Interior Ministry’s III/III department
... telephone network connecting the central offices with local bureaus, border crossing stations and local party offices. Besides
... network, the III/III department also staffed the system with people who answered the phones day and night

MTI Világ

Sokkot és egyetértést váltott ki Wolfowitz világbanki jelölése

élére. A The New York Times például a miniszterhelyettes iraki háborúval kapcsolatos baklövéseire emlékeztet, míg a The
A The New York Times szerkesztőségi kommentátora úgy vélekedett, hogy Paul Wolfowitz jelölése a Világbank élére a nemzetközi közösség
... a fegyverzetellenőrzésben kell keresni, hanem a szegénység mérséklésében és a gazdasági fejlődésben is. A The Washington Post
... felkészülést adott védelmi miniszterhelyettesi tisztsége - írja a lap. A konzervatív The Wall Street Journal szerkesztőségi

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Amikor egy családban mindenki amiatt szorong, hogy baj lesz - Bibók Bea pszichológus visszatartó szülőkről, infantilizált felnőttekről

Amikor egy családban mindenki amiatt szorong, hogy baj lesz - Bibók Bea pszichológus visszatartó szülőkről, infantilizált felnőttekről

Elektromos kombi? Igen, az Opel Astrából létezik ilyen, le is teszteltük

Elektromos kombi? Igen, az Opel Astrából létezik ilyen, le is teszteltük

Ivan Krasztev: Európának el kell térítenie Trump forradalmi terveit a világ érdekében

Ivan Krasztev: Európának el kell térítenie Trump forradalmi terveit a világ érdekében

Nemzetközi lapszemle: Mennyire bölcs dolog elhappolni mások ásványkészletét?

Nemzetközi lapszemle: Mennyire bölcs dolog elhappolni mások ásványkészletét?

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Két nézőpont egy kávé mellett: Így simíthatók el a konfliktusok

Sosem volt még ilyen laptop: hosszabb üzemidő, nagyobb teljesítmény – először bizonyít egy notebookban a szilárdtest hűtés

Sosem volt még ilyen laptop: hosszabb üzemidő, nagyobb teljesítmény – először bizonyít egy notebookban a szilárdtest hűtés

Elvesztette emlékhely jellegét a brüsszeli eresz, amelyen Szájer József lecsúszott

Elvesztette emlékhely jellegét a brüsszeli eresz, amelyen Szájer József lecsúszott

Orbán szerint Londonban az európai vezetők a háború folytatásáról döntöttek

Orbán szerint Londonban az európai vezetők a háború folytatásáról döntöttek

Kedvenc zenésze üzent Orbánnak és nem dicsérte meg, amiért Trump mellé állt Zelenszkijjel szemben

Kedvenc zenésze üzent Orbánnak és nem dicsérte meg, amiért Trump mellé állt Zelenszkijjel szemben

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